Ruse to Have Crackhead Renter/Roommate Move Out

Oblivious to a grow in the hse which u reside, that's some stealth. i guess a tent or two can be tucked away. but the venting heh

It is a strange way to live. I grow in my 'office', and my kid, or several girlfriends I've had, have no idea. I get the occasionally joke that I kill women and keep their bodies in there, but I'd do more time for the grow...
Thats what I thought. I googled it and read the side effects. He already has a heart condition and like 18 stints so that would pretty much off him. I think I'm more apt to tell him my nephew will be moving in.
If he's in that bad of shape just get him some a big pile of it..if there was some dope and needles would he hit it?..sounds like he's ready to kick it pretty soon anyway, just speed up the process
If he's anything like bling bling or even Rufus I think you should find a new spot. It's not that the deserve the space they are just better than you.. Do better
I have seen ads on craigslist for cam girls lookin' for places too. Of course they would have to wholesome non crack-addict cam girls.
does crack head have a car?
if so, place crack in said car and make a phone call when crack head is on his way to work.
problem solved.