Ruse to Have Crackhead Renter/Roommate Move Out


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it can be hard to get someone out your house.

My honest advice, I can't believe I'm suggesting this but you have to be a scheming bastard like him now. No point showing decency and 45 days notice. He's not going to appreciate it and you have 6 weeks of shit.

You either get someone round to do it, put him out OR you do it and change the locks at the same time. Refund any rent owed and tell him to stay in a hostel. Not your problem. He's a big boy. Why take prisoners? He violated the house rules and he deserves it.
sounds reasonable. :hump:

sometimes you gotta get harsh brah. :?


Well-Known Member
you're a piece of crap..can't handle your own problems..fuckin narc..
Lol!! that will make you think twice before you go smoking your crack where your not wanted. crack kills bro. give up the dream. I honestly don't care if your looking to fuck your life up, but do it alone, somewhere else. Not somewhere your risk other peoples security. I may be a piece of crap, but your still a crack head!!! hahah lol


Well-Known Member
Lol!! that will make you think twice before you go smoking your crack where your not wanted. crack kills bro. give up the dream. I honestly don't care if your looking to fuck your life up, but do it alone, somewhere else. Not somewhere your risk other peoples security. I may be a piece of crap, but your still a crack head!!! hahah lol
I'm no crackhead. I'd never call the cops on anyone..that shit will ruin their life faster than the crack will. A beating and getting thrown out on the sidewalk will do more to straighten him out than the cops could ever do. You're still a piece of shit pussy if you use the cops to solve your problems.


Well-Known Member
Roommate is back from hospital and bought and cooked omaha steaks last night. Maybe I'll keep him on for a bit longer. He does pay rent and provides cable/internet/security. I like his cat too.
Well thats a nice moral to the story...

I was going to ask if you had a laser pointer? Apparently you can make 'em do whatever you want if you have one of those...

Now you can just use it on the CAT!


Well-Known Member
Well thats a nice moral to the story...

I was going to ask if you had a laser pointer? Apparently you can make 'em do whatever you want if you have one of those...

Now you can just use it on the CAT!
Bwaahahahahahaa!!!!! I kinda wish there were some crackheads around my neighborhood now..not many..just a