Rudy is Gonna Go to Jail

Rudy Giuliani's relationship with arrested men is subject of criminal investigation: Sources

We can be certain this is serious. Giuliani has declined to comment on the case. When else has the MF ever shut up? But not now, not a peep. No tirade of misinformation. nuh uh Fuck you sheep
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The challenge still stands! But I will be merciful too:D:D:D:D:D
Stand by yer words? But I do agree with some of them though! So it's kinda a tough call fur me sometimes!
Rudy Giuliani's relationship with arrested men is subject of criminal investigation: Sources

We can be certain this is serious. Giuliani has declined to comment on the case. When else has the MF ever shut up? But not now, not a peep. No tirade of misinformation. nuh uh Fuck you sheep

<iframe src="" width="480" height="361" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
The GOP wants Rudy in the senate,they wanna do Donald really quickly, if they gotta do him, they want it over quickly. Donald will be forgotten soon enough after Pence is sworn in, his AG will be a republican, approved by Pelosi, there are still lot's to choose from too. The weight of the world will fall on Donald's head instantly when he is out of office. I do't think he can go to Russia, he's too nervous to have an escape plan and soon he won't have the option of running to Moscow, he will be watched.
The GOP wants Rudy in the senate,they wanna do Donald really quickly, if they gotta do him, they want it over quickly. Donald will be forgotten soon enough after Pence is sworn in, his AG will be a republican, approved by Pelosi, there are still lot's to choose from too. The weight of the world will fall on Donald's head instantly when he is out of office. I do't think he can go to Russia, he's too nervous to have an escape plan and soon he won't have the option of running to Moscow, he will be watched.
I wish I had the same faith in humanity you do but I don't. Republicans aren't going to budge until polls show 65% of US want Trump impeached. Strictly my opinion. I have to ask you, what benefit would Republicans gain from impeaching Trump?

I think the only way Trump is removed from office is first by the election and then by the armed services.
I wish I had the same faith in humanity you do but I don't. Republicans aren't going to budge until polls show 65% of US want Trump impeached. Strictly my opinion. I have to ask you, what benefit would Republicans gain from impeaching Trump?

I think the only way Trump is removed from office is first by the election and then by the armed services.
They are looking for an excuse now and they want it over quickly and soon, it will end all the concerns about investigations and move it out of the news. They don't care about the country, they just don't wanna twist in the wind for Donald, for months like Pelosi wants them to do!:D:D:D
They are looking for an excuse now and they want it over quickly and soon, it will end all the concerns about investigations and move it out of the news. They don't care about the country, they just don't wanna twist in the wind for Donald, for months like Pelosi wants them to do!:D:D:D
Which Senators have gone on record as saying they would vote for removing Trump? Maybe one or two? It would take 15 and near as I can tell they all have shown no shame in making the claim that Trump did nothing wrong in spite of phone and text message records that say otherwise.

Maybe my own bias is showing because I'd rather Democrats not impeach Trump in the House unless they are certain that the Senate will convict. Still, I'm wondering which GOP Senators you think will flip.
I wish I had the same faith in humanity you do but I don't. Republicans aren't going to budge until polls show 65% of US want Trump impeached. Strictly my opinion. I have to ask you, what benefit would Republicans gain from impeaching Trump?

I think the only way Trump is removed from office is first by the election and then by the armed services.
I think Republicans will grow a pair before election..its getting too deep and trump is conspiring with evidence.

Itll be interesting if they put the country before party. Tons and tons of trumpgret going on right now. A couple days ago I said trump would get reelected because I thought this story would just get buried.. but it's getting intense. No way in hell anyone currently in White House walks out unscathed.
They'll never do that. They never have.

What they will do ultimately is abandon ship to save themselves when it becomes clear that Trump's situation is untenable.

We're almost there.
Lindsay Graham is already there.. and I'm pretty sure he knows what trump's dick tastes like. The rest will follow soon here.

It's like over filling a balloon with water. Except Senate is the balloon and the water is bullshit. Pretty soon it'll hit its limit and pop.
Basically if you got champagne... start getting the ice ready
Which Senators have gone on record as saying they would vote for removing Trump? Maybe one or two? It would take 15 and near as I can tell they all have shown no shame in making the claim that Trump did nothing wrong in spite of phone and text message records that say otherwise.

Maybe my own bias is showing because I'd rather Democrats not impeach Trump in the House unless they are certain that the Senate will convict. Still, I'm wondering which GOP Senators you think will flip.
Foggy they will act in their own interests and not the country's, it's just gonna be impossible for many to win in 2020, if Donald is at the top of ticket, and Pelosi would own Pence anyway until 2020, then a Nixon style pardon if he tows the line. They would hang him and the rest of the GOP over this shit during the election, Donald would be a bad memory by then, going through the legal system, until he died.
Fmr WH Lawyer On Impeachment Nightmare For GOP: This Could Hit Pence, Pompeo And Perry | MSNBC
New pressure on Donald Trump's subordinates signaling the impeachment investigation of Ukraine is clearly escalating. Top committee chairs subpoenaing Rick Perry as two key impeachment witnesses were arrested with a new report revealing white house aides are "disappearing" to avoid questions and dodging reporters. Adam Goldberg, a former special associate White House counsel to President Clinton says two cabinet officials and Pence are "at risk of being impeached" and "removed from office." Aired on 10/11/19.
I think Republicans will grow a pair before election..its getting too deep and trump is conspiring with evidence.

Itll be interesting if they put the country before party. Tons and tons of trumpgret going on right now. A couple days ago I said trump would get reelected because I thought this story would just get buried.. but it's getting intense. No way in hell anyone currently in White House walks out unscathed.
Foggy they will act in their own interests and not the country's, it's just gonna be impossible for many to win in 2020, if Donald is at the top of ticket, and Pelosi would own Pence anyway until 2020, then a Nixon style pardon if he tows the line. They would hang him and the rest of the GOP over this shit during the election, Donald would be a bad memory by then, going through the legal system, until he died.
Trumpgret, LOL first I've heard that. too funny

I get that the Republican Party is on the hot seat if conventional standards of supporting the Constitution, rule of law, do what's best for 'merica and cherry pie were universally held values in the US. Republicans have become the party of old white fascists. I don't think they subscribe to the standards of decency that I just listed. Also, most Republican congressmen up for election in 2020 are in safe red districts. Until sentiment in enough red districts change, they will feel more heat from flipping to oppose Trump than staying with him.

I'm not passionately arguing against you guys, I'm just taking the position that it's not a lock that today's Republican congressmen will feel enough heat to flip on Trump given the information we have already seen. I think the threshold for when the Republican Senate turns on Trump is when 65% of the population are demanding Trump's impeachment and removal from office. Right now we are at 51%.