Rudy is Gonna Go to Jail

He's already done that on every talk show there is.

Giuliani, like most idiot republicans, actually believes that if they are simply spreading something that somebody else said that they have no liability or responsibility in the entire affair. He actually believes that.

It's like stupid criminals: a lot of them actually believe that if they ask, "Are you a cop?" and the cop says "No." then the cop is powerless to charge them with any crime.

It's laughable how stupid they are. But again, that's the entire point: you have to be at least a certain level of intelligence to realize how wrong you are. Giuliani and many others in the GOP right now simply aren't that intelligent. At all.
Check out the podcast "The Daily" from a couple days ago where they followed a moderate Democratic Congresswoman around to her town hall meetings. "What about Hunter Biden, why aren't you investigating his $50,000 per month?" (Because it wasn't illegal). Or when another person says that Trump had to go to Ukraine because he can't trust the FBI and CIA. She says you can trust the FBI and CIA and the crowd boos.

This is already a Civil War but this time it is reasonable people versus gullible rubes. The outcome hangs in the balance.
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I'm not a trump supporter because I don't agree with far left propagandists. There is such a thing as a moderate Democrat.
But I'm glad rollie gives you couple idiots a place to vent so you all dont go crazy and start shooting up innocent people over your frustrations of Hillary's lose lol. Wait till Tulsi owns the stage and creepy joe starts fumbling words again. Or will she bring down Liz this time haha.
Tulsi 2020 :hump:
I'm not a trump supporter because I don't agree with far left propagandists. There is such a thing as a moderate Democrat.
But I'm glad rollie gives you couple idiots a place to vent so you all dont go crazy and start shooting up innocent people over your frustrations of Hillary's lose lol. Wait till Tulsi owns the stage and creepy joe starts fumbling words again. Or will she bring down Liz this time haha.
Tulsi 2020 :hump:

She finally hit 1%. Good for her.
Yuppers Rudy is going to jail, We should all be able to see that after what Trump yesterday Said, " I don't know you'll have to ask Rudy." That is the same thing he said just before Michael Cohen Went to Prison.
This President would toss his own Mother under the bus to save his own ass.
I can't figure Rudy out. Did he honestly not know better or did he just give in to Trump and decide to be his fall guy?


You have to go back to September 11th, 2001.

Rudy was the center of the universe after the attacks, much more so than President Bush at the time. It went right to his head. Flash forward 15 years to 2016 and that's where it all starts.

While Obama was still president, a Turk named Reza Zarrab was arrested by the feds on behalf of SDNY for running a multi-billion dollar money laundering scheme. What this guy did was masquerade as a gold dealer. What he was in fact doing is laundering money in a manner so that people could deal with Iran without anybody finding out about it. He was funded almost exclusively by Turkey.

Turkey immediately started attacking the state department, the SDNY lawyer and the judge overseeing the case.

Now, we didn't know it at the time, but then Trump Security Advisor Michael Flynn was on the Turkish payroll to the tune of 500,000 dollars per year. The Turks offered him untold millions if he could do something to get Zarrab off the hook.

Meanwhile, who does Zarrab hire as an attorney? Good old Rudy!

So Flynn starts talking to Rudy behind more than a few closed doors. This is Rudy's chance to get back into the spotlight he so desperately wanted. It was like September 11th, 2001 all over again. He's on the news, he's in the headlines, things are looking up!

But then shit hit the fan rather badly. Turns out the FBI was looking into Flynn. By this time, Trump was in the White House. The last thing Trump wanted was for the FBI to find out that Flynn was on Turkey's payroll and was trying to help Rudy get his client a deal for some major bucks.

So then Trump puts the heat on Comey to "let it all go". When Comey doens't, Trump fires him.

So then Trump goes to then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and tells him to tell the Justice Department to drop this whole Flynn/Zarrab thing. Rex Tillerson tells Trump flat out, "I understand what you want to do and how you want to do it, but that is illegal."

Rex Tillerson is fired.

Pompeo is hired and Barr is hired. Suddenly, things start going Trump's way. Zarrab finally gets a deal to "cooperate" and not face major time in prison. Turkey is happy as much as it could be given the circumstances. And to top it all off, Rudy gets thrown a bone by the President for his help in setting it all up to begin with - he's hired on as a personal attorney.

But that wasn't enough for good old, ground zero, center of the Universe Rudy Giuliani. He started running all manner of conspiracy theory in Trump's ear. Rudy's hope was to be the indispensible, counted on, most trusted confidant of President Trump.

Trump's stupidity let it all happen. The rest we all know. It's an episode of "Rudy gone wild" that closely resembles a Mel Brooks movie.

In his desperation to be the center of the universe once more, Rudy has indeed made himself the center of the universe.

We also now see Trump distancing himself from Rudy over just the last two days. I'll bet a million dollars I don't have that Rudy is fired by the end of the month.
I'm not a trump supporter because I don't agree with far left propagandists. There is such a thing as a moderate Democrat.
But I'm glad rollie gives you couple idiots a place to vent so you all dont go crazy and start shooting up innocent people over your frustrations of Hillary's lose lol. Wait till Tulsi owns the stage and creepy joe starts fumbling words again. Or will she bring down Liz this time haha.
Tulsi 2020 :hump:
Low information radicalized people like you, left or right are the ones doing the shooting. Mostly right wingers though. There aren't very many on the left yet.
Rudy is a criminal.

Well, he did replace Michael Cohen.

Cohen at least admitted it and came clean, doing his time and will be out eventually to write a book and screen play for the made for TV movie.

Rudy will just watch 2001 videos of himself for eternity. It's all he'll have left of a rep in a couple months. Trump is currently sizing up the bus to throw him under.

Trump: "I don't know, you'll have to ask Michael."

a year later

Trump: "I don't know, you'll have to ask Rudy."

but he always knows, stable genius and all.
i be sufferin' from whooo dat u think u be foolin' wit yer knew "act" here.
Yer right to an extent. Nobody knows who I am or who you are though. Not too much "ego food" from my perspective, not too attached to the avatar, some defend the fucking icon like it was their life, me not so much! I'm starting to teach and renew my practice locally and this has been useful for me and others too. A better thread is gonna be created in the self improvement section and useful stuff is gonna go to the new thread and I won't be posting to the ethics thread any more. I plan on using this thread as one of several online teaching resources, people begin with a certified MBSR course, not me.

There is a tradition in Buddhism called Dharma debate, I like to do public debate and fight "rhetorical battles", not real ones. Trump's supporters are absent, only trolls and antisocial personalities carrying Trump's water here. No need for any troll wars either, only a few of those, but if they or Russians were an issue, organized community action would make quick work of them. The mentally ill, revenge socks and psychos will always be here.

Donald is done folks can relax a bit I figure, me too.
The preacher has retired, but I will be around to help out folks in need and to shit on the trolls every now and again fur sport mind ya, nothing personal! even if I try to piss them off like Buck and get them talking and reacting and of course making mistakes. People still need ideas on how to convince family members to do the right thing to regain respect and trust