rory420420 and Impman's Psychedelic Internet Birthday Party!


Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday rory and Imp!
I have midterms on Tuesday so I will have to make my birthday cactus sludge for Wednesday....I don't want to end up pulling a Doc Ellis on my polysci midterm... professor will be like well you threw a no hitter but you got a F . LOL!

anyways, I hope we have awesome birthdays, smoke some bud, and dose em if you got em!

Happy Birthday rory and Imp!
I have midterms on Tuesday so I will have to make my birthday cactus sludge for Wednesday....I don't want to end up pulling a Doc Ellis on my polysci midterm... professor will be like well you threw a no hitter but you got a F . LOL!

anyways, I hope we have awesome birthdays, smoke some bud, and dose em if you got em!

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polisci why try?? :D

happy bday fellows.. :D
Happy birthday gentlemen. I'll be beaming you good wishes from hyperspace at some point this weekend.
Happy birthday gentlemen. I'll be beaming you good wishes from hyperspace at some point this weekend.

I'm still on the long landing back from hyperspace...... been awake for 2 days. Or was it 3?

Happy early B-day. I had no idea you two had the same birthday. Now all that "we have so much in common" talk makes sense. I thought you guys were just flirting :mrgreen:
Happy birthday gentlemen. I'll be beaming you good wishes from hyperspace at some point this weekend.
Hyperspeed?! We only have ludacris speed!

many thanks imp! That was a great birthday suprise!!:hump:
I'm planning on a hefty dose of L if I can get time..gonna be hard to fit it in..dirt mixing is what I get for a
Thanks skuxx!! I send that cake every year to all my birthday I wish we were all together trippin our asses of(i d even get some blow for you) tomorro night!! Gonna be epic(unless u ask my
I'm very heart felt by the comraderie(sic) on the h.s. forum..u guys are very sound fellows..I appreciate a (well on all accounts) virtual friends being cordial enought to stop and jot down a note to me..I don't even get that from my mother.(for real) guys,thank you so really means a lot that you took time out to wish me happy birthday..imp,I can't thank you enough,and can't wish you a better birthday perhaps next week you'll receive a birthday card also!!! MUCH MUCH LOVE GUYS!!!
Walmart allready gave me a present..I bought 20$ worth of gillete razors and got home and couldn't find em..went back and they gave me a 6 pack..I bought a 4 pack..and found it when I got back home....I'm gonna return em tho..I'm not a theif.
happy birthday to you both! i've never been apart of such a close-knit community..pretty cool if you ask me.
I'm actually gettin to mix dirt...later on I'm gettin if I talk later..don't mind what I say!!lol...mind you it'll be a big IF!!
I love marijuana and NFL! America is awesome! I would help you with the dirt but....I have to get high and study and watch football, and you live 3000 miles away. LOL i bet you and Duck have funny accents
I love marijuana and NFL! America is awesome! I would help you with the dirt but....I have to get high and study and watch football, and you live 3000 miles away. LOL i bet you and Duck have funny accents

funny accents?? no way in hell mre has no stinking funny accent.. :D as a fellow east coaster, i would think other wise, lol..