rory420420 and Impman's Psychedelic Internet Birthday Party!

and skuxx has a deep southern accent i bet

i've talked to a member on here that's from southern florida, and i was really blown away by his southern accent to say the least..

i mean, i always knew florida was in the south, but not like that, my god, lol..
Lol but I'm originally from Ohio. I wish I had a southern accent. Chicks dig that shit. I think I've adapted a semi-southern accent though

omg, please don't skuxx.. nothing personal to anyone from the south, but my god, that accent gets on my last good nerve, and then some..
omg, please don't skuxx.. nothing personal to anyone from the south, but my god, that accent gets on my last good nerve, and then some..

Oh man, me too. Luckily around here there isn't a whole lot of it until you drive out into the backwoods. It's kind of funny when you have a good buzz going, and you hear a redneck talking... like every sentence is some humorous catch phrase. Just the other night, I was at a beach bar, and this incredible looking girl walks in, and some guy with the most redneck accent ever goes, "Wooo Weee, Damn, she's finer than a frogs hair".... lmao.
Oh man, me too. Luckily around here there isn't a whole lot of it until you drive out into the backwoods. It's kind of funny when you have a good buzz going, and you hear a redneck talking... like every sentence is some humorous catch phrase. Just the other night, I was at a beach bar, and this incredible looking girl walks in, and some guy with the most redneck accent ever goes, "Wooo Weee, Damn, she's finer than a frogs hair".... lmao.

lol, i hate to sound, well, shit, i won't even say what i'm thinking as i don't like to portray that image of myself, lol..
I got a northern accent but say southern sayings..its funny..and when I talk to peoples and say 'yous guys'..they laugh..gotta go dose then I'm hanging for a lil while..can't get twisted,but I'm gonna dose...
Well I'm starting to come up,not quite tripping,but will get there..didn't take but 500ug..was gonna go for a lot more but I gotta finish some 'yard work' tomorrow...oh well...gonna try watching WWZ again..can't get into it..last night I turned it off it was so boring..
well no crazy partys..maybe crazy tracers!
That movie is terrible. I shouldn't be allowed to say my opinion though, because zombie movies almost always suck ass, but everyone eats them up
Yea,I wanted to see what all the hype was..bad idea..stupid movie..I never listen to the voices in my head..gonna finish it since my dumbass bought it last about 10 more mins it could be mickey mouse for all I care!!!WHOOP!
Lol... this shit cracks me up no matter now many times I see it. Anybody else like edbassmaster?

Fucking youtube on that shit again..can't get it to play...hey youtube! Wanna rock!!??
Kick rocks youtube.
Fucking youtube on that shit again..can't get it to play...hey youtube! Wanna rock!!??
Kick rocks youtube.

Yeah stuff is confusing on phones...... I have to be on a computer lol. It took me a minute to figure out windows 8 too..... but phones are just out of my league. Not even gonna try to learn that shit.
Here ya go Rory.... this should help

Hahahahaha! Skuxx I was just gonna say I could go for a baloon..but I can't crack a canister now..ill def be up all night and def won't get any work I have some restraint..I really do have a 60 in the wife would be pissed to find me in the morn still huffin...maybe tomorro eve..