rory420420 and Impman's Psychedelic Internet Birthday Party!

See you know why youtube is equated to a crackhead for me? keeps loading and loading and
^That actually made me lol.
It's also funny reading about what people think others will sound like when you've heard their voices.
I just assign australian accents to everyone... except for people I don't like... they sound like Canadians... i dunno why but that deep dontchaknow just irritates me.... hope thats not too close to home for you north easterners... ... nothing against canada, its just my version of irritating accent lol
i kinda like the idea of everyone being australian. don't worry, that's more of a central canadian/northern midwest accent.
lol, a bad australian accent as it the internet is a harsh place when it comes to iaccent and inflection...tis why I always insert LOL. after half the shit I say....... like you ignorant twit lol..... that makes it ok
Hahahahaha! Skuxx I was just gonna say I could go for a baloon..but I can't crack a canister now..ill def be up all night and def won't get any work I have some restraint..I really do have a 60 in the wife would be pissed to find me in the morn still huffin...maybe tomorro eve..

Now that is willpower!
Not really..gas is not an issue to get,the stations 5 mins away! Its almost halfway to my room..I can get gas,grab some bud and be back home in,that coupled with running around tours with n.m..I really can take or leave gas..I keep it around for novelty and friends..I never bring it out unless the convo steers towards it..altho once in a while a buddy will come by and give me some company and ill let him hit it till he's tired..I like watching people phish out!! I have so many nitrous stories...I may write a book like hunter s....'i sold,inhaled,bought and was allmost crushed by:A TANK OF NITROUS!!' (In case your wondering that's on the cover of the hells angels book)