root rot after res change


all of my ladies got root rot over night after a res change.... how can that happen in clean, fresh, cold water?

i see alot of info on using peroxide but everyone has a different dose to do, some do baths, etc... whats best for dwc?

Here's the pic of the ladies last night while we were cleaning their tubs, and some of the nasty roots today.

400 wt hps, fox farms nutes. Any tips, help, comments, critisism appreciated! Thanks



Active Member
Is that foam from the rotting roots. Over nite? Did someone mis mix the solution, ph way off? Something hapened at the res. change. IF you want to save them try changing them again.

I have heard that 30ml/gallon of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide should work.


i'm pretty sure i did the nutes right, however, i wasn't shaking the bottle the first half of use. my thoughts maybe the nutes were too concentrated the last half of the bottle? either way, that bottle is gone.

cleaning everything again tonight, letting them have just ph'd water and peroxide. keeping my fingers crossed!!


Active Member
Looks like your bucket lids are not completely light proof, that may have contributed. Over night is pretty fast, might be something in your water? I'd say you are right with the plain water and peroxide for now.

Sr. Smokesalot

Active Member
Same thing happend to me. I thought it was a heat problem. I dont think it was light because it happend overnight when the lights are off.


I am a total noob grower and I had the same thing happen to me three weeks ago. I've managed to save 18 out of 24 of my ladies and they are finally looking good again with beautiful, long, white roots. After reading up on the message boards, I realized that I had 3 big problems. Some, I had to chuck immediately. I DIY'd my DWC setup using a 20 gallon tote by the way. I have F'd up in every way imaginable, but it's been incredibly rewarding despite the fact that I have yet to see my first harvest. Hope my info helps!

1. Reservoir was not light proof enough.

2. Res temp was about 6-10 degrees too high during hottest parts of the day.

3. Root rot was already present prior to my res change. I just didn't know it. As a result, the new nutes I put in just seemed to feed the snot monsters that ate my roots. One night after res change, my roots looked like Shrek sneezed all over them!

What I did to fix the problem.

1. I know it sounds crazy, but I cut off all roots that were sticking out of the Rockwool. They were brown and smelled like bad potatoes.

2. I dunked the bottom of the grow cube straight into 3% H2o2 and swished it around to remove the slime. I had read on the boards that folks sometimes use a spray bottle to do this to roots that are infected. I guess I got a little emotional at the sight of my poor ladies so I might have overdone it.

3. Clean and sanitized res. Spray painted res lid black and then a second coat of white. Wrapped the res (which was black) in white plastic from a thick garbage bag. Stupid me forgot that black is a heat absorbent color. The temp difference is hard to believe.

4. For the next week and a half, I used nothing but PH'd RO water and 3% H2o2 (30ml per gallon) in the res.

The ladies are now doing fine it seems and the best thing is that my PH does not fluctuate nearly as much as it used to. That in itself has been a HUGE improvement. I would suggest against using a Citric Acid based PH down. It seems to turn the water rather milky. I now use a sulfuric acid based solution and a few drops goes a LONG way.

This was supposed to be a quick post that has turned into an essay. Sorry for the length. This always happens when I'm heavily medicated!


Well-Known Member
Man Doob, don't apologize for that post!!...Very good information there. Thank you for sharing that. I guarantee people will find this information helpful!!! Right on, and keep us posted on the ladies!!! + rep to you brother!!


Active Member
i had some root rot going on a few of my girls in 5g buckets. i do a nightly ritual of changing frozen water bottles, checking ph and checking my girls so i noticed pretty quickly. looked like lightly colored brown slime spreading out from the dense masses of roots.

i'm planning on flipping to 12/12 on 7/2 so i didn't want to have to flush for a week. i got some tarantula powder and voodoo juice from advanced nutrients and some liquid carbo load to feed the microbes. the package said to add some insane amount but i just put 1/2tsp tarantula and 2 tsp vj in about 3.5gal solution that was 2 days old. i also lowered water temps from 65-70F to 60-65F.

the roots looked covered in black shit the next day but there were still lots of clean white roots so i let it be. 3 days later the black shit is rinsing off in big clumps and there's noticeably more fresh white roots. the voodoo juice has jumpstarted root growth, damn stuff better work for how bad it stinks - smells like freshly laid shit from an old dog's ass.

i'll flush with ph'ed water for a bit this next solution change then its on to bloom nutrients...


Man Doob, don't apologize for that post!!...Very good information there. Thank you for sharing that. I guarantee people will find this information helpful!!! Right on, and keep us posted on the ladies!!! + rep to you brother!!
Thanks for all the reps guys! MaryJane has changed my life in so many positive ways that I will forever be thankful to all the awesome folks who share their stories and experience on RIU. For anyone who is new to growing hydroponically or in soil, insight from these forums has saved me tons of money, time, and heartache. The little ladies and I thank you all!