Ron Paul

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Another fucking Ron Paul thread. You couldn't share this in one of the other 5,000 threads about Ron Paul? For fucks sake. :(


Well-Known Member
All these threads in all these forums and still Ron Paul remains an also ran.


For the third fucking time.

How many times does RP need to be demolished in a Presidential race before the RP people get the fact that he's a little off his rocker and completely unelectable?


If the mods want to delete it do so, I can enter it into the ron paul thread if you'd like

entered it in the already 100+ page thread for you crybabies


Well-Known Member
If you hate ron paul threads so much, why is it you insist on reading and commenting in them all the time?


Active Member
All these threads in all these forums and still Ron Paul remains an also ran.
For the third fucking time.
How many times does RP need to be demolished in a Presidential race before the RP people get the fact that he's a little off his rocker and completely unelectable?
Most people are too stupid and caught up in pretty lights and marketing gimmicks that emotionally pull you. Obama being my primary example with CHANGE BS and Bush before that with the Terrorists are gonna getcha! bs they all seemed to press so easily on naive stupid voters.
On top of that when RP ran in 2008 he was CORRECT in every warning he had regarding our debt and the corruption in gov't and wallstreet. Learn the facts and truth about what our gov't is really doing (the bail out of foreign banks! 28 trillion!, the Imperialism that gets twisted into freedom? Yet more civilians die each day under our gov't than terrorists. In fact you are more likely to be killed by a Police Officer in USA than a terrorist! 8 to 1 chance google it if you don't want to believe me!, The debt ceiling that just got extended only adds taxes to middle class and increases spending of gov't! etc) RP warned about the economic collapse before it happened but everybody seemed to just buy corporate Americas bullshit and actually believe that Obama would change everything. Well he did, he made it even easier for people like ben bernanke and tim geitner to not do their jobs and help the rich steal from US (not to be confused with U.S.) I even thought Obama was a better choice than McCains retarded ass. So if you want more of the same - Vote for anybody but RP. BUT IF YOU WANT FREEDOM VOTE RON PAUL!! (to grow Budz w/out persecution from the gov't or maybe get this country out of debt, or my personal favorite of abolishing the irs and federal reserve which would mean LESS taxes and a greater economy.)


Well-Known Member
I have freedom. Not sure about you. Guess you missed the question.

How many times does RP need to be demolished in a Presidential race before the RP people get the fact that he's a little off his rocker and completely unelectable?



Active Member
I have freedom. Not sure about you. Guess you missed the question.

How many times does RP need to be demolished in a Presidential race before the RP people get the fact that he's a little off his rocker and completely unelectable?

Last time I checked
You still get your nuts groped at the airport, police intimidate and make people believe it's illegal to video tape or photograph a cop, ummm every dollar that gets paid in taxes, goes to the interest created by the federal reserve printing money for america. That's 100% profit for the private federal reserve not america. The patriot act is unconstitional, it's a Nazi tactic to monitor citizens. Lets see the media spoon feeds americans and controls what we know/hear. We live in a bubble here but hey i guess you're too blind too see america for what it is. Its okay if you don't know or understand. Most americans have been brainwashed by the media and propaganda techniques


Well-Known Member
I have freedom. Not sure about you. Guess you missed the question.
Your sure about that? stop paying your taxes and see what happens? Refuse to show your ID to a police officer because you were doing nothing wrong and see what happens. try driving your car without paying the state for registration. Go overseas and see how much a dinner will cost you in US dollars.

try telling that to this lady:


Is this ocuntry is your acceptance of freedom you definition of freedom is flawed or you simply choose to ignore these things because it doesn't effect you which is what I call ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Your sure about that? stop paying your taxes and see what happens? Refuse to show your ID to a police officer because you were doing nothing wrong and see what happens. try driving your car without paying the state for registration. Go overseas and see how much a dinner will cost you in US dollars.

try telling that to this lady:


Is this ocuntry is your acceptance of freedom you definition of freedom is flawed or you simply choose to ignore these things because it doesn't effect you which is what I call ignorance.