Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
Hell I had to always show my ID to police long before the Patriot Act
Does that means it's just? The laws are vague but the ID law is only valid when you are showing "strongly" suspicious behavior or already committing a crime. If you Joe smo' walking down a public street minding his own business cops have no right to harass you. Period.

Yeah, knowledge is power my friend.


Well-Known Member
Does that means it's just? The laws are vague but the ID law is only valid when you are showing "strongly" suspicious behavior or already committing a crime. If you Joe smo' walking down a public street minding his own business cops have no right to harass you. Period.

Yeah, knowledge is power my friend.

And you think you have some because you watch YouTube videos?



Well-Known Member
always had to pay to drive as well. driving IS a privilege.
So we don't pay enough gas taxes to the state and federal government as it is?

"driving IS a privilege" .. hmmm sounds like something the government would tell you.
I'm not for anarchy on the roads but the fact that we have to PAY the government more than twice to use our roads that OUR tax dollars paved is redundant and to the point that I know a man local to be took it's constitutionality al the way to the State Supreme Court and WON. He now drives around without having to pay for registration.

Cops pulls behind you and runs your tags and BAM he has everything he would want to know about you.. name, address, history etc etc.

Now do you feel comfortable with that? I sure as hell don't


Well-Known Member
Does that means it's just? The laws are vague but the ID law is only valid when you are showing "strongly" suspicious behavior or already committing a crime. If you Joe smo' walking down a public street minding his own business cops have no right to harass you. Period.

Yeah, knowledge is power my friend.
hmmmm...let me see.. police ask for my ID should I say hey I know my rights and refuse to show my ID or just show my ID and be on my way...


Well-Known Member
And you think you have some because you watch YouTube videos?

YouTube, History Channel, Discovery channel, Newspapers, yeah I think I'm more informed than your average voter.
and btw that youtube video is a clip from a REAL news station. dickhead.

hmmmm...let me see.. police ask for my ID should I say hey I know my rights and refuse to show my ID or just show my ID and be on my way...

Your argument only solidifies my point. So you'll gladly hand a random person (COP) just so you don't have to be bothered even IF it infringes on your rights?
This seems to be the attitude of too many Americans in my point of view. We as a whole have come to accept these measures and as the federal government slowly puts more and more out there people just accept them and move on whilst in the background they are loosing rights left and right.

No thank you. Not in my book. Check please.


Well-Known Member
I don't care. Learn to express your own original thoughts in your own words. Unless there is a naked midget or a rocking guitar solo, I don't watch video clips that others nod there head to.

Why are you so paranoid? That has to suck.


Well-Known Member
I don't care. Learn to express your own original thoughts in your own words. Unless there is a naked midget or a rocking guitar solo, I don't watch video clips that others nod there head to.

Why are you so paranoid? That has to suck.
Why is it wrong to find multiple sources of information and then form you own thoughts? How can one form thoughts on an issue if they didn't know the issue existed? Many issues in America would never effect me so I never would've known about them unless I did just what you said you wouldn't do and look up videos, read articles, dig for the facts.

I rarely form an opinion with once source, usually if I find something appalling I'll spends hours searching on the issue before I get a strong idea of what I believe.

You say I'm paranoid, I say I'm aware, to each his own. And on that point I could call you ignorant and you could just say your a "realist".

So I believe I'll have to agree to disagree.


Well-Known Member
So I believe I'll have to agree to disagree.
Fair enough but I'm still mot going to walk around in a state of fear. I am a free man.

Recent polling by the way. RP continues to slide.

Public Policy Polling (8/18-21, Republican primary voters):
Rick Perry
: 33
Mitt Romney: 20
Michele Bachmann: 16
Newt Gingrich: 8
Herman Cain: 6
Ron Paul: 6
Rick Santorum: 4
Someone else/not sure: 5
Jon Huntsman: 3


Well-Known Member
Your argument only solidifies my point. So you'll gladly hand a random person (COP) just so you don't have to be bothered even IF it infringes on your rights?
This seems to be the attitude of too many Americans in my point of view. We as a whole have come to accept these measures and as the federal government slowly puts more and more out there people just accept them and move on whilst in the background they are loosing rights left and right.

No thank you. Not in my book. Check please.
ummmm a cop is not a random person..he is a uniformed officer and if he ask to see my ID to assure who I am..I have no problem in doing so..only takes about 30 seconds...and for the record Ron Paul can do nothing to stop this...


Well-Known Member
Fair enough but I'm still mot going to walk around in a state of fear. I am a free man.

Recent polling by the way. RP continues to slide.

Public Policy Polling (8/18-21, Republican primary voters):
Rick Perry
: 33
Mitt Romney: 20
Michele Bachmann: 16
Newt Gingrich: 8
Herman Cain: 6
Ron Paul: 6
Rick Santorum: 4
Someone else/not sure: 5
Jon Huntsman: 3
Polls are a matter of picking which ones YOU like the best, so I 'm not even going to bother pulling up ones in favor or Ron Paul.

as for the video, does that mean you didn't even view the video I linked? You proclaim "I'm free" I proclaim "Your ignorant"

ig·no·rant - uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field; unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge;

Following polls and "who's" the front runner is one issue, researching and LEARNING about the the views, integrity, and policies of any given person is another which is why I will have to say that results like that are shockingly sad on the part of voters.

Or do you honestly believe that 33% of all the registered Republicans in the US would support Perry if they knew every little detail about him NOT given to them but the media.

I would give you those facts but you wouldn't read them so I won't waste my time.

ummmm a cop is not a random person..he is a uniformed officer and if he ask to see my ID to assure who I am..I have no problem in doing so..only takes about 30 seconds...and for the record Ron Paul can do nothing to stop this...
To you a cop is a stranger, unless you live in a small neighborhood, I'm not against having police, I'm against over empowering police. I never stated Ron Paul would stop this, in all reality it's not a big issue (showing a cop your ID if your doing nothing wrong or sketchy) , I'm proud of who I am and my point is simply that we are loosing rights.


Well-Known Member
Last time I checked
You still get your nuts groped at the airport, police intimidate and make people believe it's illegal to video tape or photograph a cop, ummm every dollar that gets paid in taxes, goes to the interest created by the federal reserve printing money for america. That's 100% profit for the private federal reserve not america. The patriot act is unconstitional, it's a Nazi tactic to monitor citizens. Lets see the media spoon feeds americans and controls what we know/hear. We live in a bubble here but hey i guess you're too blind too see america for what it is. Its okay if you don't know or understand. Most americans have been brainwashed by the media and propaganda techniques
if ron paul is elected, he will make it illegal for tsa to enforce safety laws, the cops will behave, the fed reserve will be abolished, as will the patriot act, and ugly people will get laid by supermodels.

i'll ask you the same question that i asked the JBS wingnut who stopped by my house the other day: name me a strong nation without a central bank.


Well-Known Member
So we don't pay enough gas taxes to the state and federal government as it is?

"driving IS a privilege" .. hmmm sounds like something the government would tell you.
I'm not for anarchy on the roads but the fact that we have to PAY the government more than twice to use our roads that OUR tax dollars paved is redundant and to the point that I know a man local to be took it's constitutionality al the way to the State Supreme Court and WON. He now drives around without having to pay for registration.

Cops pulls behind you and runs your tags and BAM he has everything he would want to know about you.. name, address, history etc etc.

Now do you feel comfortable with that? I sure as hell don't
i have no problem with that.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't watch your stupid little videos. Get over it. If you think you are more knowledgeable that me because you nod your head to talking heads on television then feel free to think so. Video is the most widely used medium for spreading propaganda. You can keep it to yourself. I'm not interested.

And it's spelled "You're" Ignorant. Now you know and You're welcome.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't watch your stupid little videos. Get over it. If you think you are more knowledgeable that me because you nod your head to talking heads on television then feel free to think so. Video is the most widely used medium for spreading propaganda. You can keep it to yourself. I'm not interested.

And it's spelled "You're" Ignorant. Now you know and You're welcome.

The video isn't a political undertone, it's an interview and story about a kid who was taken from his home and family under the pretense of being a "suspected" terrorist after his ip was hacked and "bomb" threats were made, despite the fact that FBI found no traces of any supplies needed to fabricate even the most common home made bombs. So yes I think I'm more knowledgeable than you in that I know that sort of crap is going on.

I don't fall under the charm of the talking heads, I don't trust any of them, even the ones who I like.

Ohh yeah I did spelled that wrong didn't I? Well, I guess I can say I'm glad your my English teacher.

But hey I got "another Ron Paul thread" 4 pages of posts, isn't that just aggravating?


Well-Known Member
But hey I got "another Ron Paul thread" 4 pages of posts, isn't that just aggravating?
not really. i find it to be a testament to the fact that you paulophiles seem to occupy some other reality.

ron paul will NEVER be elected. isn't that just aggravating?
