Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
My old man was the Director of Ops for the 7th AF years back. Second highest ranking officer on the Korean Peninsula. The 2 Koreas are simply fascinating in the way they play each other.


Well-Known Member
My old man was the Director of Ops for the 7th AF years back. Second highest ranking officer on the Korean Peninsula. The 2 Koreas are simply fascinating in the way they play each other.
Is it the two koreas playing or it is China and the U.S. playing using them? Can you offer any insight to the korean war or Vietnam war and Chinas involvment or position on our involvment? Any good info or links? I would like to know more about how and why we got involved with these countries and what Chinas roal if any was.


Well-Known Member
In a nut shell, China likes to keep things the way they are in Korea as the North gives China a buffer from having non-communist troops on their border. They also don't want those NK folks to start flocking over the border into China where they'll have to take care of them. Technically, the two Koreas are still at war with each other.

Americans are still over there to protect the South from an invasion from the North. NK has about twice the amount of active troops than the South and Seoul the heart of SK is less than an hour from the border. The NK leader is a bat shit crazy porn addict who could destroy the South just because he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. We are only there to deter that threat. Once missiles start flying, Seoul is toast. That's about 12 million people within range. It's still a real fucked up situation. Only real hope is that the next ruler who has some exposer to Western civilization tries to bring his country into the 21st Century but the hardliners in Korea and China are going to make that real difficult.

Vietnam was an attempt to curb the spread of Communism. It didn't work out very well.


Well-Known Member
Americans are still over there to protect the South from an invasion from the North. NK has about twice the amount of active troops than the South and Seoul the heart of SK is less than an hour from the border. The NK leader is a bat shit crazy porn addict.
Why don't we send him porn stars and whores? We could allow a bunch of the N Korean women to immigrate to the U.S. that would be good and help them reduce their hunger and poverty, we could open trade with them also and have them do work for food and whatever. I think if we sent in hot air balloons with whores and porn stars and they shot them down and realized they were porn stars their to do Kim Jong Ill they would be pleasntly suprised, maybe they could bring weed to smoke with him after sex, it could stop WWIII, who could get mad at a porn star in a hot air balloon?


Active Member
Fair enough but I'm still mot going to walk around in a state of fear. I am a free man.

Recent polling by the way. RP continues to slide.

Public Policy Polling (8/18-21, Republican primary voters):
Rick Perry
: 33
Mitt Romney: 20
Michele Bachmann: 16
Newt Gingrich: 8
Herman Cain: 6
Ron Paul: 6
Rick Santorum: 4
Someone else/not sure: 5
Jon Huntsman: 3
Choose your facts carefully. CNN already has been caught skewing the polls. Their online poll directly contradicted the commentary. A similar tactic of leaving RP out of the main stream news is being used and proven. Even after RP finished 2nd in the Iowa Straw Poll by 152 votes (4,000 free tickets to supporters by Bachman = 4,000 bought votes) the mainstream media focused on two people not even announced to be running yet - Perry and Palin.

mista sativa

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the only hope we got to insure our liberties and personal freedom. It would seem that on rollitup there would be more supporters for the legalization of marijauna. Ya'll left wing voters elected a piece shit, flip floppy unpredictable hypocrite that is ruining our economy. Obama can go to hell for all I care.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the only canidate trying to save your life and the lives of future generations


Well-Known Member
if ron paul is elected, he will make it illegal for tsa to enforce safety laws, the cops will behave, the fed reserve will be abolished, as will the patriot act, and ugly people will get laid by supermodels.

i'll ask you the same question that i asked the JBS wingnut who stopped by my house the other day: name me a strong nation without a central bank.
Depends on what you describe as "strong." However, there are some countries that have good prosperity for their size that have no central bank. Consider the fact that there really are only 3 countries in the world with no centralized bank and they are Isle of Man,Say-good-bye-to-the-Grand-Island-hotel-on-the-Isle-of-Man_58255_1.jpg Monaco,800px-Monaco_fontvieille.jpg and Andorra.300px-Caldea.jpg


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
all 3 of which would fit into my left nut. tiny little countries, tinier than my left nut.
I figured that excuse would be used. Just how a non centralized banking system hasn't been given a fair chance in America, it is pressured from existence in the rest of the world. Andorra and Monaco come under constant attack from OECD and IMF because their economies are thriving without the central banks. You asked for strong nations. Any logical person would assume strong economies. There you go.

Andorra has a 2.9% unemployment (Before the global economic collapse they were at a 0% unemployment). Isle of Man has a 2.1% unemployment rate.


Well-Known Member
Choose your facts carefully. CNN already has been caught skewing the polls. Their online poll directly contradicted the commentary. A similar tactic of leaving RP out of the main stream news is being used and proven. Even after RP finished 2nd in the Iowa Straw Poll by 152 votes (4,000 free tickets to supporters by Bachman = 4,000 bought votes) the mainstream media focused on two people not even announced to be running yet - Perry and Palin.
That's a PPP pole, not CNN. Ron Paul bought over 4,700 ballots in the Straw Poll and paid $31,000.00 for the Prime booth. You knew that right?