Ron Paul Revolution


New Member
ron paul cured my apathy :mrgreen: i just haven't figured out how to donate with paypal !!! help 7x!! and you've got one more donor!
Go to google, type in Ron Paul, When you get to the home page look on the top where it says donate and left click on that, then scroll down to where it says payment method and you'll see pay pal. Fill out all the pertinent Info and click on Paypal to pay and follow the prompts, Paypal 1-A. Can you dig it?
There 7X, I did my part for Ron Paul.


Well-Known Member
ron paul cured my apathy :mrgreen:
me too! if he wasn't in this race i would honestly not have any hope... the rest of the republicans (obviously dems) are no where near close to acceptable.

i didn't use paypal, used my check card... so i don't know how to do it that way. i think it would only require you to enter your email and pen but i don't know, sorry.

Thank you for your generous donation of $50.00!

Contribution received!

Thank you very much for your donation to the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Your donation will allow us to expand and grow our campaign.
We depend on donors like you to help us spread the message of freedom, peace and prosperity through Ron Paul’s candidacy.
You will receive an email shortly with a confirmation number.



New Member
me too! if he wasn't in this race i would honestly not have any hope... the rest of the republicans (obviously dems) are no where near close to acceptable.

i didn't use paypal, used my check card... so i don't know how to do it that way. i think it would only require you to enter your email and pen but i don't know, sorry.

So you didn't see my explanation then. For all others that want to use paypal, see above instructions.

Thank you for your generous donation of $50.00!

Contribution received!

Thank you very much for your donation to the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Your donation will allow us to expand and grow our campaign.
We depend on donors like you to help us spread the message of freedom, peace and prosperity through Ron Paul’s candidacy.
You will receive an email shortly with a confirmation number.



Well-Known Member
Go to google, type in Ron Paul, When you get to the home page look on the top where it says donate and left click on that, then scroll down to where it says payment method and you'll see pay pal. Fill out all the pertinent Info and click on Paypal to pay and follow the prompts, Paypal 1-A. Can you dig it?
There 7X, I did my part for Ron Paul.

you're the man, med!

i can't believe it but Ron Paul is definitely going to go over that $500,000 goal! look where it is now...

Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America

doubled since yesterday!



Well-Known Member
the $500,000 plus is just what he's asking for from online supporters in a one week period. he has millions in the bank. :)



New Member
the $500,000 plus is just what he's asking for from online supporters in a one week period. he has millions in the bank. :)

WOW, 1 week, thats pretty good. I need to start a Ron Paul-AKA medicineman web site and ask for donations, a couple of weeks, I could retire again,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
the goal has been raised to $1,000,000 by the ONLY candidate who has not taken one cent from special interest groups. the ONLY one who is ready to represent the people.

people come on this forum and talk about government being run by elitist scum bags all the time; who's willing to DO something about it and put your money where your mouth is?


September 27, 2007

Frankly, I'm floored. And very, very grateful. Our $500,000 online
fundraising goal for the end of the quarter was reached so fast it took my
breath away. But we can't stop now. So I am raising the bar to $1
million by midnight, September 30th. I am so grateful for all you have done.
Would you help me with this?

Whenever I face a hit piece on tv, or a smear in a newspaper column, I
remember my secret weapon: you. In establishment politics, people make
campaign contributions because they want something: a contract, a
subsidy, a special-interest deal. But the thousands of people who contribute
to this campaign want no favors from big government -- which must come
at the expense of their fellow citizens, and sometimes our soldiers'
lives. They want only what is their God-given, natural, and
constitutional right: their freedom.

What a difference from the other campaigns. What a refreshing change
from politics as usual. What a sign of the reborn American freedom that
can be ours, and our children's, and our grandchildren's.

Aggressive wars, income taxes, national IDs, domestic spying, torture
regimes, secret prisons, Federal Reserve manipulation -- we don't have
to take it any more.

And the next step to not taking it is that $1 million goal. Please give as much as you can, before midnight on
Sunday, September 30th.

There are two reasons: 1) We need the money. As we move into the Iowa
caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, then South Carolina, California,
Texas, and all the rest, we need your support. We can't duplicate the
spending of the big boys, and we don't have to, thanks to the internet
and our magnificent army of volunteers.

But we need constant website improvements, phone banks, voter
registration and get out the vote efforts, mailings, travel, printings, many
small offices, targeted TV and radio ads, legal and accounting help, and
101 other things. And without donors like you, we can't do a darn thing.

2) I want to make the mainstream media sit up and take notice. They did
when we beat John McCain for cash-on-hand in the last quarter. This
quarter, we can really shock them -- if you help. Our total can show the
sort of enthusiasm, organization, and grassroots support that will
chill every big-government backer, and warm the heart of every lover of
freedom -- and open the eyes of the media.

Please, help me win a victory for liberty with your most generous gift.
You and I are engaged in an historic enterprise. It is growing in
power and influence by the day and by the hour. But it will stutter to a
stop without people like you. I need your help. Our cause needs your
help. We can make $1 million. We can win this thing. Please help me do it.
See our progress and donate today: Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America .





New Member
the goal has been raised to $1,000,000 by the ONLY candidate who has not taken one cent from special interest groups. the ONLY one who is ready to represent the people.

people come on this forum and talk about government being run by elitist scum bags all the time; who's willing to DO something about it and put your money where your mouth is?


September 27, 2007...........

Frankly, I'm floored. And very, very grateful. Our $500,000 online
fundraising goal for the end of the quarter was reached so fast it took my
breath away. But we can't stop now. So I am raising the bar to $1
million by midnight, September 30th. I am so grateful for all you have done.
Would you help me with this?

Whenever I face a hit piece on tv, or a smear in a newspaper column, I
remember my secret weapon: you. In establishment politics, people make
campaign contributions because they want something: a contract, a
subsidy, a special-interest deal. But the thousands of people who contribute
to this campaign want no favors from big government -- which must come
at the expense of their fellow citizens, and sometimes our soldiers'
lives. They want only what is their God-given, natural, and
constitutional right: their freedom.

What a difference from the other campaigns. What a refreshing change
from politics as usual. What a sign of the reborn American freedom that
can be ours, and our children's, and our grandchildren's.

Aggressive wars, income taxes, national IDs, domestic spying, torture
regimes, secret prisons, Federal Reserve manipulation -- we don't have
to take it any more.

And the next step to not taking it is that $1 million goal. Please give as much as you can, before midnight on
Sunday, September 30th.

There are two reasons: 1) We need the money. As we move into the Iowa
caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, then South Carolina, California,
Texas, and all the rest, we need your support. We can't duplicate the
spending of the big boys, and we don't have to, thanks to the internet
and our magnificent army of volunteers.

But we need constant website improvements, phone banks, voter
registration and get out the vote efforts, mailings, travel, printings, many
small offices, targeted TV and radio ads, legal and accounting help, and
101 other things. And without donors like you, we can't do a darn thing.

2) I want to make the mainstream media sit up and take notice. They did
when we beat John McCain for cash-on-hand in the last quarter. This
quarter, we can really shock them -- if you help. Our total can show the
sort of enthusiasm, organization, and grassroots support that will
chill every big-government backer, and warm the heart of every lover of
freedom -- and open the eyes of the media.

Please, help me win a victory for liberty with your most generous gift.
You and I are engaged in an historic enterprise. It is growing in
power and influence by the day and by the hour. But it will stutter to a
stop without people like you. I need your help. Our cause needs your
help. We can make $1 million. We can win this thing. Please help me do it.
See our progress and donate today: Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America .



As I said, beating John McCain is next to last place.



Well-Known Member
As I said, beating John McCain is next to last place.

yeah, but when he does it again the media won't be able to act like he doesn't exist.

the support base grows every day, the money is going in.

before you know it the only people not supporting Ron Paul will be the hardcore deaf/blind left party loyalists and the hardcore right wing war mongers.

let's just face it, he represents the vast majority of the American people on the vast majority of the issues... we need to get the word out.



New Member
med: why are you always typing in other people's quote boxes?[/quote]
They put the quote thing down so far on the page that I just start typing after the content of the post. Sometimes like this one, the quote box was where it should be, at the end of the post content. I always forget to scroll down so I have to put at least ten periods after the quote box when I see it, or retype my whole message, and you know I'm not going there. Does it really matter? Let me apologise up front if it upsets you, it is not an intentional thing.

......................................See it's not that big of a deal, just call it the preamble to senility.


Well-Known Member
more than $1,200,000 in one week!

while the establishment goons from both sides were out having expensive dinners and making expensive promises to expensive friends - Ron Paul more than doubled his goal because of thousands of regular Americans who want a real change. you just can't beat that.

Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America



Well-Known Member
Go Ron Paul! He's the only one that will end the war! He has a better chance than Dennis Kucinich. Anyone know exactly how much Paul reported for the third quarter?!? WHOOOO!!!

(sorry for my enthusiasm:-|)


New Member
Go Ron Paul! He's the only one that will end the war! He has a better chance than Dennis Kucinich. Anyone know exactly how much Paul reported for the third quarter?!? WHOOOO!!!

(sorry for my enthusiasm:-|)
You guys need a soapbox. I wish I could feel the enthusiasm you guys feel, but then, I've been there done that and been real disapointed when my candidate lost, so please dont fault me for being less than enthused with R.Paul. Should he become the beacon of light you all suppose, and get the nomination, I will vote for him, but meanwhile back in the real world, it looks like the lessor of two evils thing once again. Do you really think the repukes would let a guy like paul get elected. Remember Bobby Kennedy, a .38 in the brainpan did the job, no more hope. They used a larger caliber on his brother, .308 I believe, took half his head off.


Well-Known Member
Go Ron Paul! He's the only one that will end the war! He has a better chance than Dennis Kucinich. Anyone know exactly how much Paul reported for the third quarter?!? WHOOOO!!!

(sorry for my enthusiasm:-|)

i haven't heard about the final numbers, can't wait! i share your enthusiasm! :)


Well-Known Member
You guys need a soapbox. I wish I could feel the enthusiasm you guys feel, but then, I've been there done that and been real disapointed when my candidate lost, so please dont fault me for being less than enthused with R.Paul. Should he become the beacon of light you all suppose, and get the nomination, I will vote for him, but meanwhile back in the real world, it looks like the lessor of two evils thing once again.
i hope you get to vote for him and no matter what else i hope the republican party makes a clean break with the neo-cons after 2008. if they don't, the party will break in two. it's already on the verge because others like myself will abandon the party completely if anti-life julia gets the nomination. romney is just trying to sell what people are buying like most weak principled politicians but julia is a hardcore neo-con... so is mccain.



New Member
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan: I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left ME!



New Member
i hope you get to vote for him and no matter what else i hope the republican party makes a clean break with the neo-cons after 2008. if they don't, the party will break in two. it's already on the verge because others like myself will abandon the party completely if anti-life julia gets the nomination. romney is just trying to sell what people are buying like most weak principled politicians but julia is a hardcore neo-con... so is mccain.

On the news today "christian right conservatives seek nominee other than the Republican line up, looking for an independent conservative", ~LOL~Maybe you should toss your name in the hat 7X. You couldn't do worse than Bush has done, even if you didn't show up for work.~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
the numbers are in for the dems... seems like the media is holding off on releasing info for the reps... kind of makes me suspicious! lol
