Ron Paul Revolution


Well-Known Member
Personally she has all the right in the world to state her case, she's the one who lost her son. Some mothers who have lost their kids agree with her, some don't.


New Member
Ron Paul is the only real republican running for president!

only need about 1200 more Constitution loving Americans to donate by tomorrow.

Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America

who's the only candidate from either party not to take one cent from powerful special interests?

Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America

You know, I think you are scaring away voters with that real Republican stuff, it certainly scares me and I like most of what Paul stands for. I'd like to believe he is only in the Republican party because he knows independents don't have a chance. Please don't think I would vote for him because of his republican affiliation, just the opposite. I'd be much more inclined to lend him my vote if he were an independent. the republican party of late has been a very disturbing influence on the American agenda, and I want no part of it. I'm also very dissapointed with the Democrats, gutless sponges that only exist to further their own interests. It is the Honesty of Paul that attracts me, although his privatization scares the hell out of me. There are certain things that need to be controlled by a central government, and I believe he would destroy that entity. Maybe for a 30 something, this would work, But for us older folks, it scares the be-Jesus out of us.


Well-Known Member
Why would it scare off old folks? He's already committed to cut the deficit and continue to fund social programs by changing the foreign policy and spending the money we use to prop up a world empire of army divisions on health care. That's Paul's plan. So take 'er easy...


New Member
Why would it scare off old folks? He's already committed to cut the deficit and continue to fund social programs by changing the foreign policy and spending the money we use to prop up a world empire of army divisions on health care. That's Paul's plan. So take 'er easy...
I'd surely like to see his health and welfare plans before lending him my vote. When your living on social security, you get kind of touchy when a candidate says he'd like to privatize everything. He'd do so much better with seniors if he laid out a comprehensive social agenda that includede health care and securing social security for a long time.
Besides, privatizing certain areas of the government is not wholesome for the country. What about all the watchdog agencies that try and keep the air and water clean, the ones that try and make air travel safe, regulators of safety issues, and the FDA etc.
Not that they are doing much now that Bush has pulled a huge chunk of funding away from them, but we need some oversight of the private sector as we know they are about one thing, the bottom line. They could care less about the workers and like that mine that just claimed 6 mens lives, their safety,. it's all about the duckets.


Well-Known Member
I'd surely like to see his health and welfare plans before lending him my vote. When your living on social security, you get kind of touchy when a candidate says he'd like to privatize everything. He'd do so much better with seniors if he laid out a comprehensive social agenda that includede health care and securing social security for a long time.
Besides, privatizing certain areas of the government is not wholesome for the country. What about all the watchdog agencies that try and keep the air and water clean, the ones that try and make air travel safe, regulators of safety issues, and the FDA etc.
Not that they are doing much now that Bush has pulled a huge chunk of funding away from them, but we need some oversight of the private sector as we know they are about one thing, the bottom line. They could care less about the workers and like that mine that just claimed 6 mens lives, their safety,. it's all about the duckets.
as i've said before, he won't rip everything part. he's not a fool. things have to be carefully disassembled and put back together the right way, which hardly ever involves the government as anything more than oversight.

if people are afraid of a real republican then so be it, those are the hard-core socialists anyway... they would never vote for individual liberty, no matter what.



Well-Known Member
I'd surely like to see his health and welfare plans before lending him my vote. When your living on social security, you get kind of touchy when a candidate says he'd like to privatize everything. He'd do so much better with seniors if he laid out a comprehensive social agenda that includede health care and securing social security for a long time.
Besides, privatizing certain areas of the government is not wholesome for the country. What about all the watchdog agencies that try and keep the air and water clean, the ones that try and make air travel safe, regulators of safety issues, and the FDA etc.
Not that they are doing much now that Bush has pulled a huge chunk of funding away from them, but we need some oversight of the private sector as we know they are about one thing, the bottom line. They could care less about the workers and like that mine that just claimed 6 mens lives, their safety,. it's all about the duckets.
I would not, under any case, and nor would Ron Paul or 7x, make the mistake of conflating free market capitalism with cronyism or corporatism. There is a difference between a true free market and what is paraded as one here in the US.
As regards the environment, Paul has already repeatedly stated that the federal government could be reduced by recognizing the implicit right of property holders not to be damaged by the pollution of their neighbors. The question under this model is not how pollution could be reduced through a government agency, but how it would ever be tolerated in the first place, as it violates the rights of every property owner if their land (and air) has been affected malevolently.
Med, I think that a perfect way of getting into a real conservative's mind is to equate the fiasco in iraq with the financial fiasco we face based on the "entitlements" the government has promised. Should we continue to have faith that the government can take care of us? Is it really just a question of the right strategy in Iraq (or domestically), or is it fundamentally flawed and does our [federal gov't's] presence simply promote all of the wrong things: corruption, greed, degrading conditions? There could be no room for a company to reward their executives for lowering services if they weren't guaranteed money from the government! Government programs promising money, therefore, are usually fraudulent and wasteful. Private companies must be separated from this: you want socialized medicine (and why not, if it works ;) and 7x wants privitization as he attaches value to his own ability to choose what he wants and to not have to support others.
You're point on Paul is right on, however. And he should emphasize that his changes would not happen overnight. He should be targeting, in my opinion, democratic voters and people who think they're liberal because they're against the war by attacking the democratic candidates. That's what a frontrunner does, and he's gotta start being viewed like that if he's gonna win...


New Member
I would not, under any case, and nor would Ron Paul or 7x, make the mistake of conflating free market capitalism with cronyism or corporatism. There is a difference between a true free market and what is paraded as one here in the US.
As regards the environment, Paul has already repeatedly stated that the federal government could be reduced by recognizing the implicit right of property holders not to be damaged by the pollution of their neighbors. The question under this model is not how pollution could be reduced through a government agency, but how it would ever be tolerated in the first place, as it violates the rights of every property owner if their land (and air) has been affected malevolently.
Med, I think that a perfect way of getting into a real conservative's mind is to equate the fiasco in iraq with the financial fiasco we face based on the "entitlements" the government has promised. Should we continue to have faith that the government can take care of us? Is it really just a question of the right strategy in Iraq (or domestically), or is it fundamentally flawed and does our [federal gov't's] presence simply promote all of the wrong things: corruption, greed, degrading conditions? There could be no room for a company to reward their executives for lowering services if they weren't guaranteed money from the government! Government programs promising money, therefore, are usually fraudulent and wasteful. Private companies must be separated from this: you want socialized medicine (and why not, if it works ;) and 7x wants privitization as he attaches value to his own ability to choose what he wants and to not have to support others.
You're point on Paul is right on, however. And he should emphasize that his changes would not happen overnight. He should be targeting, in my opinion, democratic voters and people who think they're liberal because they're against the war by attacking the democratic candidates. That's what a frontrunner does, and he's gotta start being viewed like that if he's gonna win...
So why would he attack democrats? Maybe because if they were really against the war they would not pass a funding bill, yeah it's that simple, you don't have to have 66 votes to override, you just dont send a bill up to the white house, period, and when the old funding bill expires, bingo, they are out of money and must do somethinjg to protect the troops, like bring them home. Make Bush sign a statement that any money sent to fund Iraq could only be used for withdrawel. If you want to stop the war, cut the funding and take the heat. I think most Americans would see that the onus would then be on Bush to bring the troops out of harms way, and if they didn't see it that way then fuck them, they are too stupid to matter. If the idiotic Democrats would grow some Balls, they could turn this around and sweep into the white house in '08'. Sadly, they will continue to dick around untill Dubya is out of office, then the repukes may have a shot. If Paul is the nominee for the repukes I may vote for him, but if that freak judiani is their guy, no fucking way. He is Bush on steroids. I'd vote for a dead democrat first.


Well-Known Member
nice post clekstro, you've nicely summed up a lot of what "real conservatism" is all about.

Ron Paul is the candidate for citizens who are ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work on a very difficult set of tasks that we have to face if we are going to repair 20 years of damage done by the socialist democrats and neo-con republicans whose main concerns are empire building and dynasty creation.

if enough people wake up and pay attention the country can still be saved from the nose dive we're in right now.



New Member
nice post clekstro, you've nicely summed up a lot of what "real conservatism" is all about.

Ron Paul is the candidate for citizens who are ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work on a very difficult set of tasks that we have to face if we are going to repair 20 years of damage done by the socialist democrats and neo-con republicans whose main concerns are empire building and dynasty creation.

if enough people wake up and pay attention the country can still be saved from the nose dive we're in right now.

Just tell me you wouldn't vote for Juliani. You may gain some respect for that move. We're not that far apart on a lot of issues. I am more socialistic and value the individual over the corporate barrons, but overall, we're not that opposite, I think?



Well-Known Member
let me make this clear for you: there is no one other than Ron Paul that i will vote for. i will not go to vote if he is not on the ballot because there is no other candidate who is worth my vote.

i have been a republican all my life but being in a party doesn't mean i will take the lives that have built this country for granted by "voting against" a dem candidate. if there is no one worth voting for i will not cast my vote just for vanity. imo, people who do that are useless scum and they have no clue what America really is.

also, socialism is corporatism/plutocracy/mercantilism. the name of the corporation is GOVERNMENT. there is no room for individuality in socialism, look at the history of any great nation that has suffered from socialism - ART disappears, everything creative is imported, patents for new inventions cease to be filed. socialism is the ultimate destruction of the individual. libertarianism has nothing to do with centralization of anything except individual liberty.



New Member
let me make this clear for you: there is no one other than Ron Paul that i will vote for. i will not go to vote if he is not on the ballot because there is no other candidate who is worth my vote.

i have been a republican all my life but being in a party doesn't mean i will take the lives that have built this country for granted by "voting against" a dem candidate. if there is no one worth voting for i will not cast my vote just for vanity. imo, people who do that are useless scum and they have no clue what America really is.

So, we are that far apart then. Hey I believe in individual freedoms. I don't believe in a government that supports corporate welfare and corporate rule (The republican agenda for years). I really don't know what republican party you are longing for because the ones I've witnessed since Eisenhower, have been very plutocratic and defenders of the rich. Here's where we differ. I believe the government should be for the peoples benefit not the other way around. If they aren't doing the peoples bidding then they should be voted out of office. I believe we need government oversight on any corporation that has access to public land and air and water. I believe the people should be allowed to unionize if they so desire to allow them a bargaining position against profit mongering corporations. I believe in Capitalism, but not in excess profits that only benefit a few chosen individuals. A profit sharing corporation works way better than one that runs rampant on its employees so a few rich investors can buy islands in the carribean. Now is this socialism? I really don't think it is a marxist type, but leans more towards the welfare of the citizenry than the bullshit plutocracy we have now. Tell me this system that only benefits the rich is not a plutocracy.

also, socialism is corporatism/plutocracy/mercantilism. the name of the corporation is GOVERNMENT. there is no room for individuality in socialism, look at the history of any great nation that has suffered from socialism - ART disappears, everything creative is imported, patents for new inventions cease to be filed. socialism is the ultimate destruction of the individual. libertarianism has nothing to do with centralization of anything except individual liberty.

BTW, me casting my vote for a democrat would not be for vanity, but to keep a dickhead like Juliani from ever getting to office. It must be nice to be so fucking high minded and protect yourself from vanity, but I am a pragmatist, and if something might work I'll try it. As said before, I'd vote for a dead democrat to keep that dickhead out of office, that asshole is 10 times worse than Bush could ever be. And as far as a nanny state, count me out. National health care is the only solution to the health care crises and you know it. it works in 20 other 1st world countries and a few 3rd world ones as well. I am not for giving people anything, except jobs. Jobs that this and previous administrations have so readily given to foriegn countries and illegal aliens, bring back the jobs, get drug addicts off drugs and give them jobs so they can pay taxes and support a national health care program. Bring back manufacturing jobs, stop the corporate runaway to save money so the CEOs can make millions. There are solutions, just not the kind this evil government wants to hear. I don't want you to support me at all. I earned my SS and my small pension. I have a few bucks saved and some investments, I don't want your help, can you understand that? Please don't berate me like that asshole VI does. He knows me not..... Just for your information: If the federal government hadn't been raiding the Social Security Fund for the last 30 years, there would be enough money in there to pay social security to your grandkids grandkids.


Well-Known Member
yeah, we have an entirely different view on things.

i appreciate liberty, you would rather have equality.

i don't believe the government should be deciding what i need help with or what i don't need help with.

i don't believe that taxes should prop up companies that are paying union employees far more than they are worth.

i believe that corrupt corporations use government "oversight" and other layers of interference as a smokescreen to justify pollution and environmental abuse and to drag out the proper remedy thereof.

i do not believe that there is such a thing as excess profits in a world where people can chose what to buy or not to buy.

i don't believe the government is there to do our bidding, they are there to do their jobs; protect the border, inform the states about threats and interstate crimes, oversee the courts and enforcement of sensible laws. they aren't there to hand out free stuff, that is bribery of the constituency and it should be punished just like any other forms of bribery.

i believe that corporations can best assess for themselves what form of reimbursement for employee services are best, profit sharing or not.

the republican party that i long for is one that embraces Ron Paul for president! it's the only party that values life at all stages and that's enough to keep me on board until something more comprehensive comes along. libertarians don't exist down here...



New Member
Hello....... I guess you are a wierd duck, Yeah, it's all about you, the me generation. You wouldn't want to be a part of anything that might actually help other people, just give you your freedom, let the charities take up the slack, yeah right like charities could handle the burdens the government handles every day. They ought to have a special place for weirdos like you, maybe give you guys a state and lots of guns, so when one of the more aggresive assholes wants to take over, you could just shoot them. You ought to be plenty satisfied with the current situatiuon, for that is what this piece of shit government is all about, the rich, the richer and the richest, you'd fit right in, stepping over the bodies on your way to the top. I forgot what a greed monger you really were. All for me, me, me ,me. Oh well. I hope someday you really need someones help. Then you may find your soul. Peace. BTW where is down here? Hell maybe,~LOL~. "The stature of a Nation shall be judged not on how they treated their rich but on how they treated their poor"


Well-Known Member
sometimes you really make me laugh, med!

throwing poor people into the government machine is about as compassionate as waterboarding. lol



New Member
surely you jest? :)

individual liberty, it does have benefits!

Does not individual liberty have the right to organize a union of workers to negotiate with the corporate machine so as to not get left in the dirt? And as far as union workers getting paid too much, are you fucking crazy? That is the only living wage being paid in America, union wages and benefits. Unless you are just a lucky guy and work for one of the few companies that actually care about their employees without a union, (Tell me how many of those you can find) you'll be underpaid for your work. Are there lazy asshole union workers, yes there are. should these guys be able to be fired for poor job performance? Hell yess. I worked Union jobs most of my working life, and I always worked hard and 99% of the guys I worked with did also, were there slackers, a few, but they were eventually fired. What you are proposing is no workers rights, back to the days in the early 20th century where the factory bosses ruled and you had to beg for a days work. where you worked for whatever the factory wanted to pay and a dollar a day was the norm. you couldn't really live on a dollar a day, so you had to either work 2-3 jobs or take up stealing, is that what you propose? I think you are way too Naive and uneducated in the ways of corporate rule. You are probably a guy that has worked hard, had a few breaks and has a decent job,. and thinks everyone else has the same opportunity. Well guess what, you are wrong!