Ron Paul Revolution


Well-Known Member
i didn't say there couldn't be unions. i do realize that unions are the reason that we import so much from other countries but i think unions are fine if the employee base consists of people who can't intelligently speak for themselves or represent their perspective to their supervisors. union employees now account for less than 12% of our workforce. why? no one wants them.

what's not fine is forcing a company to pay people to walk around on the sidewalk carrying signs instead of doing their jobs!

it's not right for workers to get automatic rewards instead of earning a reward such as a raise or more vacation time. it's not right to automatically be entitled to "tenure".

this is the kind of racketeering that the government endorses and props up so they can pander for bloc votes on election day. the free goody bags need to end!

imagine an era, let's call it the "information age", where people can openly communicate about how their company treats them and where consumers aren't shielded from that information because of the threat of a greedy trial lawyer suing someone. imagine that i work for company X, so do you and some other people. we go online and say, "X treats us like crap, please boycott." wouldn't that be more effective than doing laps around the sidewalk out front?

i'd just like a world where people have some control over their lives, where liberty is more than just a word in a disposable election day slogan.



New Member
i didn't say there couldn't be unions. i do realize that unions are the reason that we import so much from other countries but i think unions are fine if the employee base consists of people who can't intelligently speak for themselves or represent their perspective to their supervisors. union employees now account for less than 12% of our workforce. why? no one wants them.

what's not fine is forcing a company to pay people to walk around on the sidewalk carrying signs instead of doing their jobs!

it's not right for workers to get automatic rewards instead of earning a reward such as a raise or more vacation time. it's not right to automatically be entitled to "tenure".

this is the kind of racketeering that the government endorses and props up so they can pander for bloc votes on election day. the free goody bags need to end!

imagine an era, let's call it the "information age", where people can openly communicate about how their company treats them and where consumers aren't shielded from that information because of the threat of a greedy trial lawyer suing someone. imagine that i work for company X, so do you and some other people. we go online and say, "X treats us like crap, please boycott." wouldn't that be more effective than doing laps around the sidewalk out front?

i'd just like a world where people have some control over their lives, where liberty is more than just a word in a disposable election day slogan.

Seriously, how many people are you going to reach on line? Now as far as walking the side walks, I've done that and the company didn't pay one thin dime, I don't know where you get that info from but it is incorrect. The Union paid us like 25.00 a day to walk the line. I had money saved, so it was like a vacation for me, in fact I took a week and went to AZ. to visit relatives. We didn't strike. The company locked us out because we wouldn't take a 2.00 an hr cut and pay 50% of our medical, this after they had the biggest profit year in their history. we eventually settled on the 1.00 cut but only 10% of medical, whereas we were getting medical for free before, so the company fucked us again. I wanted to stay out longer as the replacement drivers had run off about 40% of their regular customers and they were hurting, well not financially because they were a multinational company from australia, but they were getting the message the customers wanted the good drivers back or they were going elsewhere. You'd be amazed in the skill it takes to wheel an 85,000 lb concrete truck around the jobsites without destroying any property or hurting anyone, I had a perfect record for the 8 years I worked there. Not only do you have to watch every part of the truck, but you have 20+Ft of chute sticking out the back. I saw a few cars destroyed when one of those replacement drivers went wheeling through the street and turned and wiped out the windshield and roof of a few cars, 4 to be exact, in a 3 week period, In my 8 years there I never saw a professional union driver do any damage like that, so there is pride in workmanship if you are paid right.


New Member
"there is pride in workmanship if you are paid right."

The pay doesn't come first, Med. Do the job right, then the money comes.



New Member
"there is pride in workmanship if you are paid right."

The pay doesn't come first, Med. Do the job right, then the money comes.

What a bunch of crap. Where did you get that from, the back of a cereal box? I've also worked jobs where I worked my ass of and never got a raise, example: at one point in my life I decided to be a dental technician. Went to school for 6 mos., and got a job at a production lab. I produced 8-20 units a day at a minimum lab price of 120.00 per unit, and got paid 3.00 an hr. All the units I made were placed in dental customers mouths without complaint. At the end of the 6 month probationary time, I asked for a raise. they told me my work didn't meet their standards and fired me, and got another graduate from the school. Now if my work didn't meet their standards, why didn't they fire me after a couple of weeks? I never had one unit come back to my area with an unsatisfactory complaint. I then got a job with a premium lab and made porcelain frameworks for a guy who was the most finicky lab owner in the state. He complemented me on my frameworks and said they were some of the best he'd seen, the same thing I had been doing at the other lab. So tell me how it's all about the work, Bullshit, it's about who you know. Outside of that one asshole lab that only wanted the cheapest help possible, I've never been fired for my "work". I was fired a couple of times for telling the boss to shove it, but this work hard and you'll succeed bullshit is dead and stinking. Work hard and the bosses will take advantage of you is more like it. Suck ass and you'll have a better chance. I've seen worthless workers that had their noses stuck up the bosses ass get all the cushy jobs and be kept on during layoffs, so it's more like suck ass and you'll succeed. I think you've figured out that I was never a suck ass guy.


Well-Known Member
yet again, we were subjected to a staged "debate" / commercial for the 3 establishment media nominees for the Republican race.

as i watched i found myself on the edge of my seat as Dr. Paul was ignored until after the 3 stooges (romney, mccain, julia) had answered 3 questions each. i really did keep track of it!

he was finally asked a question about some BS scenario and while he answered you could hear julia snickering and laughing in the background.

the next question started off about the IRS but the guy asking the question threw in all kinds of other stuff about Ron Paul's call to end many of the other wasteful agencies so it was hard to even know what the question really was.. Dr. Paul stayed the course and again you could hear the noise and whispers of the others in the background.

given the enthusiasm in the crowd, and the text poll results, i still think there is a chance for a bloodless revolution.

worth pointing out is that neo-con slag sean hannity (i've written him off completely at this point), dismissed the text results as nothing more than repeated votes by the same people - though that is not possible.

Hannity Lies To Discredit Ron Paul After Debate

The sceksis snigger and gossip while the mystics just wait for the right time,the time is soon i feel it in my bones;-)


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of crap. Where did you get that from, the back of a cereal box? I've also worked jobs where I worked my ass of and never got a raise, example: at one point in my life I decided to be a dental technician. Went to school for 6 mos., and got a job at a production lab. I produced 8-20 units a day at a minimum lab price of 120.00 per unit, and got paid 3.00 an hr. All the units I made were placed in dental customers mouths without complaint. At the end of the 6 month probationary time, I asked for a raise. they told me my work didn't meet their standards and fired me, and got another graduate from the school. Now if my work didn't meet their standards, why didn't they fire me after a couple of weeks? I never had one unit come back to my area with an unsatisfactory complaint. I then got a job with a premium lab and made porcelain frameworks for a guy who was the most finicky lab owner in the state. He complemented me on my frameworks and said they were some of the best he'd seen, the same thing I had been doing at the other lab. So tell me how it's all about the work, Bullshit, it's about who you know. Outside of that one asshole lab that only wanted the cheapest help possible, I've never been fired for my "work". I was fired a couple of times for telling the boss to shove it, but this work hard and you'll succeed bullshit is dead and stinking. Work hard and the bosses will take advantage of you is more like it. Suck ass and you'll have a better chance. I've seen worthless workers that had their noses stuck up the bosses ass get all the cushy jobs and be kept on during layoffs, so it's more like suck ass and you'll succeed. I think you've figured out that I was never a suck ass guy.
med, i got this just for you:
Why you're not getting promoted -

maybe all the companies don't write you a paycheck while you walk in circles but they are certainly losing production and the government has said they can't fire you! that's ludicrous.

if it was just one guy approaching his supervisor, instead of hundreds - or even thousands, he could make his case for a raise. when you're lumped in with all the average employees and the below average it doesn't help you if you're above average. because of this, modern unions foster the "just get by" mentality. they used to be focused on career development and advancing their representative crafts but that is no longer the case!



Well-Known Member
September 22, 2007

The end is nigh. Of the third quarter of 2007, that is! And I need your
help to make sure that our campaign gets a big boost. At the end of
the second quarter, on August 1, we had more money than McCain, and we
got a million dollars worth of free publicity.

This time, we can get 10 million dollars worth, IF we have good results
to announce on October 1, and therefore the resources to build for the

After all, our ideas have never been needed more. The Federal Reserve
is killing our dollar, the war is killing our soldiers, police-state
methods are killing our civil liberties, and the income tax and
bureaucratic meddling are killing our economy.

But there is hope for America in the ideas of this Revolution. What
progress we are making, all across this country, among all groups. The
mainstream media may ignore us, but we are winning strawpolls, drawing
huge crowds, getting local media, moving up in the regular polls (a
lagging indicator, of course), organizing, dominating the internet, and
preparing the way for the early caucuses and primaries.

As our opponents begin to falter, and the undecideds grow in strength,
this is our time. When people learn about our ideas and our work for
them, they join the Revolution. So my job is to make sure they learn!

But I can't do this job alone. I need you. Please, reach out your hand
and clasp mine. Our country is at stake, our children's future and ours
is in the balance. Make the most generous contribution you can, and make it soon. Help me
go into October with a roar. Help me build this campaign as it must be

A 13-year-old said to me the other day, "Dr. Paul, you are the hope of
my future." No, I told her, but this Revolution is. Will she grow up in
a poorer, more socialist, more militarist, more oppressive country? Or
the free country you and I love?

Let's work together with all our strength for the Constitution, for
America, for all our people, for freedom, prosperity, and peace. Together,
you and I can make a Revolution. Let's do it!





New Member
Look, more money than McCain is next to last place. I like Pauls ideas, but I won't throw my money away. Show me second or third place and the measly few dollars I could afford may be his. Elections should not be about the money. These elections should be financed by tax dollars. That would put everyone on an even keel, no outside finance allowed. If all candidates got equal air time and equal question and answer time at these debates, the people could decide which candidate best fit their agenda. I like most of what Paul is about, but with the current system, the guy with the most toys wins, and I don't think the internet is going to influence that many people, I may be wrong and I hope I am, but if the internet wins the election the candidate will not need that much money. Call me when Paul looks like he has a chance and I'll contribute, meanwhile, I'll save my money to throw behind the Democratic nominee, whomever that may be. Besides Paul, I say fuck every repuke candidate that there is, more of the Bush insanity for sure.


New Member
Look, 7X, I told you the company locked us out because we wouldn't take a cut in pay. The company hired replacement drivers and had them ready to go weeks before they locked us out. Yeah the company lost money as did 700 workers that didn't make a paycheck for 5 weeks, because we wouldn't take a pay cut. We weren't asking for a raise, we agreed to keep our current wages because the company said it was going through hard times, an outright lie as when we googled the company and looked up its stock record, it was making record profits. I don't know why you are such a company man, I guess you own one or suck an owners ass. Your the first one to call workers lazy assholes and all they want is more money for less work. Well in my working career, that was not the case, so I guess you are a snitch and a bosses butt boy.


New Member
So Med ... what's your take on the General Motors strike that's about to happen? I mean, just at the time that American Mfgs are having a hell of a time competing with foreign mfgs, and keeping their doors open, the union members want more for medical ... or they walk off the job. If the company gives in to the extortion, isn't that like giving the employees a "raise" without them doing any more work than they did before? Any comments?



Well-Known Member
I like most of what Paul is about, but with the current system, the guy with the most toys wins, and I don't think the internet is going to influence that many people, I may be wrong and I hope I am, but if the internet wins the election the candidate will not need that much money. Call me when Paul looks like he has a chance and I'll contribute, meanwhile, I'll save my money to throw behind the Democratic nominee, whomever that may be. Besides Paul, I say fuck every repuke candidate that there is, more of the Bush insanity for sure.

thank goodness that expensive mistakes are equally available to all of the bloated, special interest candidates! they will blow millions on silly crap.

Paul uses leverage. that's going to make the difference.



Well-Known Member
Look, 7X, I told you the company locked us out because we wouldn't take a cut in pay. The company hired replacement drivers and had them ready to go weeks before they locked us out. Yeah the company lost money as did 700 workers that didn't make a paycheck for 5 weeks, because we wouldn't take a pay cut. We weren't asking for a raise, we agreed to keep our current wages because the company said it was going through hard times, an outright lie as when we googled the company and looked up its stock record, it was making record profits. I don't know why you are such a company man, I guess you own one or suck an owners ass. Your the first one to call workers lazy assholes and all they want is more money for less work. Well in my working career, that was not the case, so I guess you are a snitch and a bosses butt boy.

one thing to keep in mind is that stock prices go up when there are roomers of union pay cuts. even more so when there are actual talks.

i don't have to own a company or be an asskisser to be able to appreciate the perspective of the employer. if you can't tell yet, i'm very straight forward and have got on the bad side of more than a couple bosses in my day! i'm a one on one kind of guy and i just don't believe that you should look at a work force as a "union" when it's really individual people with families, different work ethics, different levels of ambition, etc.. it's not fair to the workers, imo.



Well-Known Member
i'll donate $50 and paste (most of - lol) the receipt tomorrow if three other people will join me.



Well-Known Member
September 25, 2007

Your efforts to raise $500,000 online for the Ron Paul 2008 campaign by
September 30th are quickly paying off. Thank you!

We now have a real-time counter on our website
Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America that updates as soon as a donation is made.
It also flashes the names of recent donors.

Take a look. It's fun to watch.

Keep up the great work. Thank you again!

Jonathan Bydlak
Fundraising Director
Ron Paul 2008

(can you imagine if the other candidates did this!
the donors wouldn't even have names, it would be XXXX corp. and XXXX inc. lol)



New Member
September 25, 2007

Your efforts to raise $500,000 online for the Ron Paul 2008 campaign by
September 30th are quickly paying off. Thank you!

We now have a real-time counter on our website
Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America that updates as soon as a donation is made.
It also flashes the names of recent donors.

Take a look. It's fun to watch.

Keep up the great work. Thank you again!

Jonathan Bydlak
Fundraising Director
Ron Paul 2008

(can you imagine if the other candidates did this!
the donors wouldn't even have names, it would be XXXX corp. and XXXX inc. lol)

Get me that raise and I'm with ya. I'm a poor guy that lives on a measley amount too small to even mention. 50.00 is real money to me,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Get me that raise and I'm with ya. I'm a poor guy that lives on a measley amount too small to even mention. 50.00 is real money to me,~LOL~.
med, you're talking to a guy who's never paid someone to change his oil!

this is where freedom happens, when people say enough is enough!

med is in, two more people!



New Member
med, you're talking to a guy who's never paid someone to change his oil!

this is where freedom happens, when people say enough is enough!

med is in, two more people!

Come on, you can't be a car guy too. I've got a 500 HP nova in the garage that I'm trying to get up enough interest and energy to finish, I kind of just lost interest after spending almost 15K on the damn thing. It needs the finishing touches, the interior and either I do it myself or cough up 5K for a shop. Looks like I'll be doing it myself. I've used the excuse that it was too hot to work on it all summer, well, the temp is perfect now, no more excuses. BTW, I pay to have my oil changed on my truck, but would never take the Nova to a shop for an oil change. The Dyno shop is the next stop for the beast, need to dial it in. PS, I'm not in yet, when he shows me the numbers, I'll roll on in. Now I don't want to hear that without my donation he'll never make the #s, cuz when he does. I'm there.



Well-Known Member
ron paul cured my apathy :mrgreen: i just haven't figured out how to donate with paypal !!! help 7x!! and you've got one more donor!