Robin Williams Suicide

Pretty simple- Money obviously doesn't buy happiness or mental health. Just because you're rich doesn't mean all your problems are gone.

Some mighty fucking stupid comments in this thread. Ignorant is maybe a better word. Clearly uninformed.
My heart goes out to the people effected by other people's selfishness when they decide to kill themselves.

Robin Williams had money, fame, people who idolised him, 3 kids, a wife and his health.

So what if he struggled with booze and owed people money? Isn't that us all at some stage?

Its pretty obvious that you've never been effected by suicide, hence your niave little holier than thou attitude.

Fuck Robin Williams, there's more organic fertiliser in the world now.

Never been effected by suicide. Ha. That's a pretty laughable notion. My story is neither here nor there, but let's suffice to say that i have been effected in the most intimate ways, through friend and families attempts and successes, to my own attempts. But sure, i am anive and have no idea what i'm talking about :)

your post indicates that you have absolutely no understanding of that level of depression. Or do explain how money and wealth and idolizing fans cures suicidal depression.
Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism.

This country has so many people who've lived truly difficult and poor lives, I find it difficult to feel sorry for a guy who made untold millions and lived a grand life, and then decided to throw it all away. And to do it in the fashion he did - hanging himself in his house for his family to find him (although someone else found him) - was just plain the work of a disrespectful idiot.

Fuck Robin Williams. Good fucking riddance. ..... A rich person has no right to complain.

To be clear, what you’re really saying, is that you don’t respect the personal choices of others when it comes to the management of their lives.
We hear that a lot from all kinds of “kooks” who claim to be advocates of personal choice and self-direction. They always forget to throw in the “caveat”.
Actually there's so many rats in this cage, I'd like to see more exit a little quicker. Just more opportunity for the rest of us.

Btw, how do you know that the dude didn’t have another “gig” and it was time to leave?
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Never been effected by suicide. Ha. That's a pretty laughable notion. My story is neither here nor there, but let's suffice to say that i have been effected in the most intimate ways, through friend and families attempts and successes, to my own attempts. But sure, i am anive and have no idea what i'm talking about :)

your post indicates that you have absolutely no understanding of that level of depression. Or do explain how money and wealth and idolizing fans cures suicidal depression.
He had a poor perspective, he had all the things most people live their entire life dreaming of.

I feel more sympathy for people who can't have a family, or are severely handicapped than some prissy little crybaby who had everything but threw it away regardless of knowing the effect it would have on the people around him.

He took the cowards way out, I'm sorry to say it but its true.
Funny how people say they completely understand, and then say stuff like that. Very clearly these people have no clue whatsoever. More armchair advice of no value whatsoever.
Funny how people say they completely understand, and then say stuff like that. Very clearly these people have no clue whatsoever. More armchair advice of no value whatsoever.
If he cared about the people around him and himself he shouldve sought help from a mental health professional.

If he was too poor to afford help or something, I'd have more sympathy.

If he'd no family around him who loved him, I'd have more sympathy.

Instead we've a widow and three people with no dad.

My heart truely goes out to his family and I'd never say this to them out of compassion but it doesn't change my "fuck him" stance.
If he cared about the people around him and himself he shouldve sought help from a mental health professional.

If he was too poor to afford help or something, I'd have more sympathy.

If he'd no family around him who loved him, I'd have more sympathy.

Instead we've a widow and three people with no dad.

My heart truely goes out to his family and I'd never say this to them out of compassion but it doesn't change my "fuck him" stance.

depression is so debilitating..easy for everyone to say.

+rep for chris hayes who was the only pundit i saw that even addressed depression itself with toll-free number FIRST rather than jumping right onto the proverbial morbid bandwagon:clap:
He had a poor perspective, he had all the things most people live their entire life dreaming of.

These things have nothing to do with true happiness.

You say he had all the things most people dream of, i'm willing to bet those people also spend their life dreaming of them because they think it would make them happy or happier. Yet it would appear that he had all the things these people dreamed of, but not why they dreamed of it, he clearly didn't have happiness.

As i said, you clearly have no understanding of this kind of depression.
Exactly. Any other conclusion IMHO means you didn't learn something in life. That would be my entitled opinion
To be clear, what you’re really saying, is that you don’t respect the personal choices of others when it comes to the management of their lives.
We hear that a lot from all kinds of “kooks” who claim to be advocates of personal choice and self-direction. They always forget to throw in the “caveat”.
Actually there's so many rats in this cage, I'd like to see more exit a little quicker. Just more opportunity for the rest of us.

Btw, how do you know that the dude didn’t have another “gig” and it was time to leave?

at first i wasn't sure how they knew it was suicide until i heard he hung himself..then i started thinking about auto erotic asphyxiation angle..
and you'd have thought that the only people qualified to make a statement on the kind of person his actions made him, based on your argument, would be his family, and that doesn't seem to be the case. So until they confirm your reasoning for thinking him a pos, your opinion is rather worthless.

And did you know some families are actually happy to see a loved one pass on so as to stop their suffering, no matter the means? Sometimes family and friends actually love the person enough to understand and accept why they have done what they've done. I guess that harrekin is just one of those people who isn't happy that their friend or family member is in a better place. But again, you seem to have no understanding of this topic. Let me guess you are firmly against euthanasia.
What I find interesting is how many people think money has an effect on depression.

How many people think the rich have absolutely no problems and live wonderful lives despite the constant hollywood trainwreck...

My mom drank herself into insanity and death. For some reason she couldnt overcome her demons and they killed her. A little more slowly but dead just the same. Some people cannot or will not seek help and of those that do, some cannot find what they need I guess.

But money isnt the solution and people who think so are glossing over reality.
What I find interesting is how many people think money has an effect on depression.

How many people think the rich have absolutely no problems and live wonderful lives despite the constant hollywood trainwreck...

My mom drank herself into insanity and death. For some reason she couldnt overcome her demons and they killed her. A little more slowly but dead just the same. Some people cannot or will not seek help and of those that do, some cannot find what they need I guess.

But money isnt the solution and people who think so are glossing over reality.
I wasn't making the point money = happiness tho.

I was making the point that he is in a privilidged position and perfectly able to seek help.

Many other people are in far shittier positions and overcome them.

Instead he's selfishly created a ripple that will affect many people the ones he supposedly cared for the most to be most devastated by it.

Depression is a disease many MANY people manage with far less resources and opportunities for treatment, it doesn't justify suicide, nothing does.
I wasn't making the point money = happiness tho.

I was making the point that he is in a privilidged position and perfectly able to seek help.

Many other people are in far shittier positions and overcome them.

Instead he's selfishly created a ripple that will affect many people the ones he supposedly cared for the most to be most devastated by it.

Depression is a disease many MANY people manage with far less resources and opportunities for treatment, it doesn't justify suicide, nothing does.

You were not living in his shoes. It seems that you are the one that is selfish.