Its a false flag.
Robin Williams was about to whistleblow on the NWO's Agenda 21 plan with assistance from the Reptilian Overlords' mind-control machine at HARRP in Alaska.
The fluoride and the chemtrails were just the start, the FEMA camps are built now, all they have to do is more false flag school shootings to disarm you, then its go time.
Prepping the old tin foil hat now, fuckers arent gonna ever know what I'm thinking lol.Its a false flag.
Robin Williams was about to whistleblow on the NWO's Agenda 21 plan with assistance from the Reptilian Overlords' mind-control machine at HARRP in Alaska.
The fluoride and the chemtrails were just the start, the FEMA camps are built now, all they have to do is more false flag school shootings to disarm you, then its go time.
I find folks who say that they can't feel sorry for someone with millions of dollars to be the height of ignorance.
When you have money you can never trust anyone. Lots of people are always out to get you.
It is a very lonely existence, or could be.
The tragic irony is the best comics turn out to be the most depressed.
The costs of genius are not negligible.
theres no way u act like this in real life...I find you to be at the height of ignorance, jerk wad.
A rich person has no right to complain. Fuck rich people. Any rich person who wants to check out because they're "depressed" is a celebration waiting to happen for the rest of us.
Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism.
This country has so many people who've lived truly difficult and poor lives, I find it difficult to feel sorry for a guy who made untold millions and lived a grand life, and then decided to throw it all away. And to do it in the fashion he did - hanging himself in his house for his family to find him (although someone else found him) - was just plain the work of a disrespectful idiot.
Fuck Robin Williams. Good fucking riddance.
theres no way u act like this in real life...
theres no way u act like this in real life...
Spoken like white trash or any poor person who has never been around money.I find you to be at the height of ignorance, jerk wad.
A rich person has no right to complain. Fuck rich people. Any rich person who wants to check out because they're "depressed" is a celebration waiting to happen for the rest of us.
have you ever experienced depression?..i think not, you wouldn't be saying the things you did above.
depression can completely paralyze otherwise productive members of society and it's a vicious cycle which has taken the lives of many genius.
what was that about "walking in someone elses shoes...?"