Texas's answer to gun violence

Is Texas fucked up by relaxing it's gun laws?

  • No, everyone should be armed, that will reduce gun violence

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • Yes, their living in the 19th century still, and should wake the fuck up

    Votes: 12 46.2%

  • Total voters
Ah, you're responding to that anti-civilization bigfoot costumed guy. He's on ignore, but keep the pressure up on him. (her, ownt no)

Yeah lol, it does keep me on my toes to remember some of the older conspiracies. Some I missed because I was not paying attention to anything being pushed form about 2013-until Trump got elected. So I didn't learn about thing like the Seth Rich conspiracy and know how it started or whatnot.
It is really a perfect look into how the Russians attacked us. Four days after he died was when Wikileaks got the download of the Russian hacked emails form the DNC. All they had to do was look backwards to manufacture the conspiracy.

Fox picks it up for about a week pushing it hard as someone on their internet blog posted that it was true. Very interesting listen now knowing that it was pushed also by Trump's trolls to the news to be pushed.

Edit: Just got done looking at the John Ashe conspiracy, he was a few days away from a court hearing for his corruption and it had nothing to do with Clinton. lol I don't doubt he might have had someone kill him though, it is a shitty way to go dropping a barbell on your neck while bench pressing.
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Who would she be telling that to, Bill Barr whose jail it was in that Epstein murdered himself? Bill Barr whose dad hired Epstein to be around a bunch of high school girls, Bill Barr who was appointed by Trump who himself had private parties with Epstein and had 28 girls flown in, or the time that Trump and Epstein was raping a 13 year old girl?

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Sure, but Clinton.