Robin Williams Suicide

Spoken like white trash or any poor person who has never been around money.

Money doesn't make you happy, and it doesn't make you a bad person. It just is.

It complicates things as much as it helps.

Williams was not only rich, he was a celebrity. Every where he went people felt they could just come up to him and talk, ask for an autograph or photo.

why? Because they loved him as Mrs. Doubtfire.

you don't have a clue, and i doubt you ever will.

Hey fucking dipshit, I'm a professional with a good salary. I know what money is, and what it's not.

Anybody who loved Robin Williams because of Mrs. Doubtfire is as fucking stupid as he was. Loving someone because of a stupid film role is a testament to not having a life.
Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism.

This country has so many people who've lived truly difficult and poor lives, I find it difficult to feel sorry for a guy who made untold millions and lived a grand life, and then decided to throw it all away. And to do it in the fashion he did - hanging himself in his house for his family to find him (although someone else found him) - was just plain the work of a disrespectful idiot.

Fuck Robin Williams. Good fucking riddance.

Money doesnt automatically create happiness.

I am not going to judge him based upon his success.
Hey fucking dipshit, I'm a professional with a good salary. I know what money is, and what it's not.

Anybody who loved Robin Williams because of Mrs. Doubtfire is as fucking stupid as he was. Loving someone because of a stupid film role is a testament to not having a life.
Professional doesn't mean much. Teachers have started calling themselves that, though not meeting most of the criteria.

Oh, your a wage worker. Nice. Yeah, taking your orders from the man every day is a nice way to get wealth.

you're poor because I've never met people who weren't that expressed your wealth hatred.
When do the Hoover vacuum-cleaner boxes come in to play? You can't have a complete conspiracy if you don't throw in some abandoned, lunar citizenship office.
The moon landing was a lie too.

Why would we go to a stupid rock?

Truth is, the Reptilians are from a different dimension and derive their source of power from children's screams. They need gold to build their machines with, hence the "Bankers" stereotypical obsession with the metal.

I shouldn't have said that, the Blackhawks are probably on the way.
I find you to be at the height of ignorance, jerk wad.

A rich person has no right to complain. Fuck rich people. Any rich person who wants to check out because they're "depressed" is a celebration waiting to happen for the rest of us.
You seem to be under the assumption that being well off means you are happy.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
genius??? i never found him funny. annoying, yes, funny no. but i do think he was a great actor...

i agree with the mork and mindy era..annoying as hell..and frankly, i recently had gone out a few times with one of my professors for chill and happy hour..he's VERY robin williams..brilliant..commands his students like nothing you've ever seen..personally, i could not move forward..because i couldn't take the being "on stage" 24/7..the depressive whammy combined with brilliance..lethal..when you are in that "looking at the wall wrapped in a blanket and can't move"..literally..death seems is like a mythological greek siren sounding..calling..always calling.
You seem to be under the assumption that being well off means you are happy.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

LOL!!! your george carlin meme..i used to have a stoner friend like him in new jersey.

nothing like my stoner friends..:lol:
I take an anti-depressant EVERY DAY. I most certainly DO know what it's like to be depressed. My mother committed suicide in the midst of her deep, dark depression. My dad found her in the car, engine still running. And it haunts him to this day, 23 years later.

There IS help for depressed people. I found it. But it's not in a bottle or in a white line, like Robin Williams thought.

Just one? Amateur.
I find folks who say that they can't feel sorry for someone with millions of dollars to be the height of ignorance.

When you have money you can never trust anyone. Lots of people are always out to get you.

It is a very lonely existence, or could be.

And i consider people who negatively judge people for committing suicide without ever having been in such a horrendous situation themselves to be absolute pieces of shit. And at the end of the day, depression of that level, well money and fame and success don't mean a damned thing. at that point in depression, well, what's the saying; money can't buy you happiness. Has never been truer.

It's comments like that which indicate how little of a clue people often have. as someone who has been through suicidal depression, whether it's a homeless man or the richest man in the world, i would never wish it on anyone and my heart goes out to anyone who has to endure such depression.
I take an anti-depressant EVERY DAY. I most certainly DO know what it's like to be depressed. My mother committed suicide in the midst of her deep, dark depression. My dad found her in the car, engine still running. And it haunts him to this day, 23 years later.

There IS help for depressed people. I found it. But it's not in a bottle or in a white line, like Robin Williams thought.

So how many times have you cut your wrists? Or made an attempt on your life?
And i consider people who negatively judge people for committing suicide without ever having been in such a horrendous situation themselves to be absolute pieces of shit. And at the end of the day, depression of that level, well money and fame and success don't mean a damned thing. at that point in depression, well, what's the saying; money can't buy you happiness. Has never been truer.

It's comments like that which indicate how little of a clue people often have. as someone who has been through suicidal depression, whether it's a homeless man or the richest man in the world, i would never wish it on anyone and my heart goes out to anyone who has to endure such depression.
My heart goes out to the people effected by other people's selfishness when they decide to kill themselves.

Robin Williams had money, fame, people who idolised him, 3 kids, a wife and his health.

So what if he struggled with booze and owed people money? Isn't that us all at some stage?

Its pretty obvious that you've never been effected by suicide, hence your niave little holier than thou attitude.

Fuck Robin Williams, there's more organic fertiliser in the world now.
I find you to be at the height of ignorance, jerk wad.

A rich person has no right to complain. Fuck rich people. Any rich person who wants to check out because they're "depressed" is a celebration waiting to happen for the rest of us.

Sounds like someone doesn't have enough moneys so heshe decideds to be a dick on the message boards.
Hey fucking dipshit, I'm a professional with a good salary. I know what money is, and what it's not.

Anybody who loved Robin Williams because of Mrs. Doubtfire is as fucking stupid as he was. Loving someone because of a stupid film role is a testament to not having a life.

You wouldn't know what money was if it slapped your mortgage off your plate and raped your wife.
