Robbin Hood style/Anti-Police Violence Bank Robbing Movie Plan & Pyrotechnics Discussion


Well-Known Member
I wrote a thread to create a plot for this movie, but I have the plot now, so this thread is to discuss the Screenplay/Script and Pyrotechnics. That way people don't have to go through pages and pages of the old thread to get to the important discussion.

A Pyrotechnician, Explosives & a few boxes of ammunition with a bunch of empty or fake boxes to go with them, a few Bank scenes, a Jail pod, a Farm House, an Armored truck or 2 repainted a few times, Protest Equipment, a giant Print shop (they have the same Machines basically as Mints), a Camera crew to play the media & a news desk, and Extras with Protest/Police Equipment. Then like 10 central characters. As well as shots of like a Mint or the US Treasury from the outside, and offices for the people playing FBI agents.

Explosives to be used by Pyrotechnician:
Certification needed:
Thermite, Nitrogen Triiodide, Napalm, Gun powder, Isopropyl Nitrate, Nitramide, Firework Materials (Calcium, Chlorine derivatives, Sodium, Strontium, Copper, Iron, Titanium, Zinc, Magnesium, Aluminum, Potassium Chlorate, Lactose), etc. all of these are pretty simple and safe for theatrical use. And Blasting Caps/Detenators.
Plus either these or theatrical versions of these: Fulminated Mercury, Binary Liquid Explosives (ANFO, Kinestik, PLX)
As well as something that looks like Scopolamine and maybe hangs in the air for theatrical effect.

Black Panther/Yippie/Federalist ideology
Bundy Ranch/Oath Keepers/Anti-Federalist ideology
Attica style negotiations
Phreaking (Phone Hacking)

Opening Scene:
[Anchor at a News Desk] Anchor: Protesters have gathered around the (city) Police Department to protest the death of (name), an unarmed 18 year old who was gunned down by Police last night. [Dark video shot on a cell phone in a poor neighborhood comes onto the screen] What you are seeing on your screen now is cell phone video of last night’s shooting.
Person Holding camera: These Cops out here harassing us. Look. [A police car is slowly, with its lights on, following a man on a bike who is riding down the street]. *Yells* HE DIDN’T DO NOTHIN! [The police stop their car and get out]
Police: Get off the bike! [as he pulls his gun] Get off the bike!
Person on bike: [Stops and looks back at Police] I’m just going home.
Police: Get off the bike, why are you in the road?
Person on bike: Ain’t no law against riding my bike in the road.
Police: Get off the bike!
Person on bike: [Throwing down his bike, then reaching to pull up his pants] This is some bull-
[Police fire 10 shots]
Person holding camera: Holy shit, they just shot him. Holy shit. STOP SHOOTING HIM!... Oh my God. I think he’s dead. WHY YA’LL DOING THIS TO US? HE WAS JUST RIDING HIS BIKE!
[Back to Anchor at news desk] Anchor: Police claim that he was reaching for his waistband, Officers (name & name) have been put on administrative leave, and an investigation has been opened, but no indictment is expected.
[Screen splits to show a reporter standing outside the Police station with protesters] Anchor: The protests started this morning just before noon and have been growing for the past 6 hours. There are now about 500 people gathered around the Police station, our (name) is there covering the protest, we’ll take you there now.
[Screen goes to the reporter] Reporter: We’re here at the (city) Police station where people have been gathering since this morning, and things are heating up. [Camera pans around crowd] as you can see there are people carrying signs with (shooting victims) name, and various slogans.
[Crowd Chanting] Hey ho, hey ho. These killer cops have got to go.

[Screen goes back to reporter] Reporter: As you can see things are still peaceful, but there are a few protesters who seem to be getting ready for it to escalate after nightfall [Camera pans to a few people throughout the crowd with bandanas on their faces or gas masks on their heads, then goes back to the reporter]. We’ll keep you updated throughout the rest of the evening.

[Shot is no longer a news camera, and follows a guy in a gas mask who walks up to a group of about 8 people wearing gas masks and bandanas] Person the camera is on (1st group member) : The media is here.

[Shot switches to a second person in the group] 2nd group member: Let’s start getting everyone together.
3rd group member: We need the Police to come out.
2nd group member: Don’t worry, they’ll come out.
1st group member: How many people have masks?
2nd group member: Nearly 100, do you have the rope?
1st group member: Yeah [Takes off backpack and pulls out a large length of rope]. How many more people are supposed to show up?
2nd group member: Maybe another 500. Around 6, it’s 5:15 right now. We’ve got less than an hour. Make sure we are going to have everything.

[Camera switches to a few Police officers standing outside the Police Station, their boss walks up to them] Higher ranking officer: We are about to start. [They nod]
One of the officers (Officer 1) : They haven’t done anything.
Higher ranking officers: We can’t have everyone standing here, something bad could happen. [Walks back inside as some officers in riot gear start to come out]
[Officer 1 looks out at the crowd]

[Camera switches back to the reporter] Reporter: A few Police officers have started coming out in riot gear, it seems like they want to show a presence in this protest and try to get people to start leaving. [Camera pans to the officers who are lining up in front of the Police Station, some of the protesters move further back in the crowd, some of the protesters move towards the police].
[Camera switches back to the bandana/gas mask group, some of the members are missing] 2nd group member: It’s starting. [Pulls out phone and sends a text] Everyone is coming right now.
1st group member: Should we signal everyone?
2nd group member: Not yet, let’s get closer to the Police.
1st group member: They are going to be so confused.

[Camera switches back to reporter] Reporter: It seems as if a large portion of the protesters are moving forward towards the officers. [About 50 Police are lined up with more standing behind them]. The crowd seems to be growing, maybe another 100-200 people have shown up in just the past 20 minutes, and most of them seem to be prepared for this to escalate.

[Police begin banging on their shields with batons]
2nd group member: *Yells* HAKAAAA!!
1st and 3rd group members: *Yells* HAKAAAA!!
Other group members: *Yells* HAKAAAA!!
[150+ people in the crowd start pounding their feet on the ground, then begin an organized Haka Dance, other people in the crowd get excited and start making random noises and yelling. A few people with gas masks on their heads make their way to the front of the crowd with bags of flour, they put it in their mouths and blow it towards the officers, but not at them, and light it on fire as it comes out of their mouths]

[The officers are all stepping back, and talking nervously to each other, the camera goes to the reporter] Reporter: This is crazy, the protesters are doing some kind of tribal dance and the Police seem to be confused. [The dance ends and the crowd cheers and yells] The Police seem to be preparing for something. [Gas canisters are launched into the crowd] The Police are launching tear gas towards the crowd and the media *coughing*, it seems like some people here were prepared for this and are putting on their gas masks. [Camera pans to crowd, protesters throw the gas canisters back at the police] The protesters are throwing the gas back at the Police. And it looks like there are people with ropes creating a barrier around the crowd [Camera pans to rope being held].

[Camera switches to Police, who are attempting to move forward but the crowd won’t budge, eventually the crowd pushes back on the Police and the Police begin to fall over and have to be helped up, so they start moving back towards the doors of the Police station]

[Camera shows the front line between the protesters and the Police, the Police begin to get frantic and desperate for something to do] Higher ranking officer on a megaphone: Anyone within 10 ft of this door is trespassing and is subject to arrest. [Off the megaphone to his officers] Grab whoever you can.
2nd group member: *Yells* Anyone who is not willing to go to jail stay where you are, everyone else move forward.
[The main group members and about 20 other people move forward, the Police grab people as they cross the front line into the area crowded by Police, about 10 people are arrested, including the 2nd group member]
[Camera fades to opening credits, Abbie Hoffman footage, Attica footage, 1968 DNC footage, etc play in the background]
How to make gunpowder

How to make Thermite

Blasting Caps

Grenades (different kinds)

Binary Liquid Explosives

Smoke grenades are used as ground-to-ground or ground-to-air signalling devices, target or landing zone marking devices, and screening devices for unit movement. The body is a sheet-steel cylinder with emission holes in the top and bottom. These allow the smoke to be released when the grenade is ignited. Two main types exist: coloured smoke (for signaling) and screening smoke. In coloured smoke grenades, the filler consists of 250 to 350 grams of coloured smoke mixture (mostly potassium chlorate, lactose and a dye). Screening smoke grenades usually contain HC (hexachloroethane/zinc) smoke mixture or TA (terephthalic acid) smoke mixture. HC smoke is harmful to breathe, since it contains hydrochloric acid. These grenades can generate enough heat to scald or burn unprotected skin, and the spent casing should not be touched until it has cooled.

sodium= yellow
barium= green
strontium= red
copper= blue

While the metallic element dictates the color produced, the compound that contains the element has a profound effect on the type of flame. [URL='']Calcium
does not produce an exciting color by itself, but it enhances colors of other substances. Chlorine does not produce colored flames by itself, but the presence of chlorine greatly enhances the development of color from metallic elements. Chlorine-containing substances such as chlorate or perchlorate oxidizers or organic chlorine compounds such as polyvinyl chloride or hexachlorobenzene provide chlorine atoms to enhance volatility and light emission. Certain substances are included for specific effects. Iron filings sparkle and flash when mixed with other burning materials; the metallic iron oxidizes to produce Fe 2 O 3 , a process that produces a large amount of energy sufficient to cause the reacting iron particles to glow. Titanium metal is also used for production of sparks. Zinc is used in some smoke formulas and to produce star effects.

Fireworks consist of a source of energy such as a mixture of a fuel and an oxidizing agent that react to produce high temperatures and some substance that will emit brightly colored light. One of the simplest firework devices is a sparkler. Sparklers typically consist of a metal wire coated with a mixture of fuel and an oxidizer (mixed in proportions to allow burning), iron filings, and a glue to hold the components together. When the sparkler is ignited, the fuel and oxidizer burn, heating the iron filings so that they sparkle. Other substances such as zinc or magnesium alter the character of the sparks.

Firecrackers contain flash powder (a mixture of an oxidizer such as potassium chlorate or perchlorate and powdered aluminum or magnesium) or black gunpowder in a paper tube. An attached fuse ignites the flammable mixture, which burns explosively, producing gases that rapidly build up pressure and burst the container. Aluminum and magnesium components produce brighter flashes.

Aerial fireworks usually are of two types, aerial shells fired from tubes and the traditional skyrocket. Rockets are made of cardboard tubes filled with a mixture of fuel and oxidizer in proportions that allow continuous burning rather than explosion. Expulsion of gases from the tube propels it skyward. Rockets often contain explosive charges to explode after the propellant charge burns out; the composition of the explosive charge determines the colors produced.

Aerial shells are small balls of explosive material fired from a steel or cardboard tube or stand. A lifting charge throws the ball skyward, and the explosive charge fires when the embedded fuse burns down after a time period appropriate for the shell to reach the desired altitude. The shell usually contains a bursting charge and stars made up of cubes or spheres of material that will burn, sparkle, or explode. Multibreak shells are made up of combinations of shells designed so that the explosion of one shell ignites the next.

Shells designed to explode with a bang are called reports or salutes. The whistling effect of some devices is produced by packing techniques that cause intermittent burning. Specialized shells designed to burst forming patterns such as hearts or circles are made by surrounding the break charge with pellets containing explosive charges. When the break charge explodes, the pellets are blown outward, producing a pattern.[/URL]

Incendiary grenades (or thermite grenades) produce intense heat by means of a chemical reaction. Greek Fire could be considered the earliest form of incendiary grenade, which could be lit on fire and thrown in breakable pottery. The weapon was first used by the Byzantines.

The body of modern incendiary grenades is practically the same as that of a smoke grenade. The filler is 600 to 800 grams of thermate, which is an improved version of World War II-era thermite. The chemical reaction that produces the heat is called a thermite reaction. In this reaction, powdered aluminium metal and iron oxide react to produce a stream of molten iron and aluminium oxide. This reaction produces a tremendous amount of heat, burning at 2,200 °C (3,992 °F). This makes incendiary grenades useful for destroying weapons caches, artillery, and vehicles. Another advantage is its ability to function without an external oxygen source, allowing it to burn underwater. Because they are not intended to be thrown, thermite incendiary grenades generally have a shorter delay fuse than other grenades (e.g. two seconds).

White phosphorus can be used as an incendiary agent. It burns at a temperature of 2,800 °C (5,070 °F). White phosphorus was used in the No 76 Special Incendiary Grenade by the British Home Guard during World War II.
In b4 ATF
None of this stuff is illegal to talk about.
And you can even make it and use it in the right places. Did you hear about the touch explosive in New York that blew a tourists leg off? They said it may have been left there by a "Hobbyist" and may have been an "Experiment" and never said they were looking for someone to press charges on or anything. They just want to know why it was left there, but it is impossible to really figure that out.

And Texas has even more relaxed laws than New York. I read that in Texas you had to be 12 to buy Fireworks but they recently raised the age to 16. And you can have pretty much anything you want, and there are rules about when things can be sold, but there aren't many rules on what can be sold. And if you can make it, you can pretty much have it.

I knew someone in my hometown who was a gunsmith, and it's the same kind of rules for guns. If you can make it, it doesn't have to be registered and you can have as many as you can make.
Plus, how would people do things like thisv without discussions like this^:

And people make their own gunpowder and bullets, etc all the time.
I lived in Wood County Texas for a while, and I talked to the Police and they said that there was a guy who made such large explosions it would blow his neighbors windows out, and all they could do was ask him to stop, because he had a Pyrotechnics license, and it was on his own private property outside of city limits, so he had not only every right to do it, but he was certified to do it professionally.
I lived in Wood County Texas for a while, and I talked to the Police and they said that there was a guy who made such large explosions it would blow his neighbors windows out, and all they could do was ask him to stop, because he had a Pyrotechnics license, and it was on his own private property outside of city limits, so he had not only every right to do it, but he was certified to do it professionally.
LOLOL Please try that, just please! Remember cell phone video.
LOLOL Please try that, just please! Remember cell phone video.
I will, I'm actually thinking about getting a Pyrotechnics license so I can just do the stuff for the movie myself. And to get the license you actually have to at least be a part of 4 displays, and be the person who actually initiates 1 of them. So to get your license you have to already be doing it. So I am thinking about getting in to making my own gun powder, and doing some simple stuff. Then eventually start seeing if anyone wants me to do displays for them.

And I'll tape pretty much everything when I can.
In before funding...

Holy Fuck Fin...where is the investor thread? Cold hard cash required to make dreams come true!

Who will back it and what's your/their percentage?

I have to finish the Screenplay, then I am going to start working on funding. And I will probably have to go to a few Film Festivals before I start filming, just so that I can start meeting some people and tell people what I am doing.
And all you need to make Gun Powder is a Ball Mill, a Scale, Charcoal Powder, Sulfur and Saltpeter.
And once you have the Ball Mill and the Scale, all you need is Charcoal Powder, Sulfur and Saltpeter to make more.

And all of those things are pretty cheap to buy by the Pound or Kilo.
To make gun powder
potassium nitrate (saltpeter), charcoal and sulfur in the correct proportions (75:15:10 ratio) in a ball mill or mortar-and-pestle.