RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

For anyone who is still on the fence, or who hasn't voted yet

I've been around 10+ elections. Absolutely nothing positive for us has happened from either party. (This is why for over 20 years I have said they are 2 sides of the same dirty coin. We have lost businesses, jobs , destroyed families and engaged in more wars with more deaths than WW 1 & 2 combined

Hilary represents more of the same

Trump scares he shit out of all of them

Most of the shit they slander him with is pure garbage, not that he's not innocent. But if that's the criteria, neither is hillary, not by a long shot

They are all scared shitless that Trump will arrest and prosecute her, which is merely the first of hundreds of dominos that need to fall ASAP.

Only then can all out lives change for the better

It's very important to see through the bullshit and vote for the potential for real change
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this is why i pick on you for your latent homosexuality now.
i just put together a very nice post about your complete inability to read polls. you claimed that hillary's poll numbers are dropping over this non-event, then you cite a single poll whose data does not even include any polling from the time after the non-event.
that is what is called stupid. you are not even smart enough to know it, either.
whose stupid now, motherfucker?
True, it was a stretch, but I was just using your reading/posting style.
It does get you to meltdown nicely, though.
<liberal unicorn tears of snowflake perfection offered to the Buckold as anal lubricant.>
For anyone who is still on the fence, or who hasn't voted yet

I've been around 10+ elections. Absolutely nothing positive for us has happened from either party. (This is why for over 20 years I have said they are 2 sides of the same dirty coin. We have lost businesses, jobs , destroyed families and engaged in more wars with more deaths than WW 1 & 2 combined

Hilary represents more of the same

Trump scares he shit out of all of them

Most of the shit they slander him with is pure garbage, not that he's not innocent. But if that's the criteria, neither is hillary, not by a long shot

They are all scared shitless that Trump will arrest and prosecute her, which is merely the first of hundreds of dominos that need to fall ASAP.

Only then can all out lives change for the better

It's very important to see through the bullshit and vote for the potential for real change
Drain the swamp!
It was offered. We no longer qualify.

Are you saying that welfare programs shouldn't exist? Seems weird to see a liberal snowflake crying about a family in need accepting help.

Drain the swamp!

Not too late to change your vote folks! (In the poll. You early voters are SOL)


  1. having no knowledge, understanding, or ability.
    "you're clueless about how to deal with the world"
    synonyms: oblivious, unaware, unmindful, insensible, ignorant, unobservant; More
Who Will Be President?

By JOSH KATZ UPDATED 40 minutes ago

Hillary Clinton has a90% chance to win.
Last updated Monday, October 31 at 10:59 AM ET

Hillary Clinton




ALL swing states? Not bloody likely.

Not too late to change your vote folks! (In the poll. You early voters are SOL)
Despite emails, Republicans still think Trump will lose. Here’s why.

Meanwhile, a CBS poll taken after the news came out found that in 13 battleground states, 71 percent of respondents either say the news won’t change their vote or that they’ve already voted. And CBS also found: “Most of those who say they’re less likely to vote for Clinton are Republicans, who are not supporting her anyway.” This finding also came up in Post/ABC tracking released yesterday: Only one-third of voters say the news will impact their vote, but the vast majority of those are Republicans and GOP-leaning independents.
True, it was a stretch, but I was just using your reading/posting style.
It does get you to meltdown nicely, though.
<liberal unicorn tears of snowflake perfection offered to the Buckold as anal lubricant.>
No, not a stretch. It was you exposing your abject stupidity. You are just fucking dumb.