RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

No worries man.
It's really not that important as even with proof there is not much denting the liberal delusion but one must strive. ;)

I've got buck on ignore so IDK what he's spewing now but he leads a nice life in white middle class america courtesy of his wife working long hard hours ,his job is here at riu posting disinformation for $20 an hour since Correct the Record hired 1 million online trolls ,its the only exokaination of why he went from being a half way reasonable man to the extreme radical he is now .
What about an FBI recommendation to the DOJ for indictment? Don't you think that would be a negative down swing?
there's neg for sure. it's just that it's played out and wont matter enough to be a significant benefit to trump. Trump is hideous buffoon and would not make an acceptable statesman for the USA. the great majority of Americans accept this
that's about as likely as you actually not being GOP.
FBI wouldn't put Congress on notice unless it was something juicy. Stop trying to convince yourself it's something different. At this point, any support Hillary has left is just being hopeful she is slick enough to get away with it. Everybody knows she's dirty, and now the chickens have come home to roost.
FBI wouldn't put Congress on notice unless it was something juicy. Stop trying to convince yourself it's something different. At this point, any support Hillary has left is just being hopeful she is slick enough to get away with it. Everybody knows she's dirty, and now the chickens have come home to roost.

you've never been right about anything before, why should i believe you are starting now?
FBI Director James Comey’s recent letter to Congress about the Hillary Clinton email investigation is looking more and more like a political dirty trick. Earlier this evening, we learned that the FBI didn't have a warrant to read the emails discovered on Anthony Weiner’s computer, and therefore Comey doesn’t know if they are even significant to the Clinton investigation. Now, Shareblue reports that Comey may have provided early access to his innuendo-filled letter to Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz, enabling him to tweet about it and frame the media narrative before Democratic members of Congress even received copies of the letter.

Here is the statement by a senior Democratic congressional aide (emphasis in original):

Democratic Ranking Members on the relevant committees didn’t receive Comey’s letter until after the Republican Chairmen. In fact, the Democratic Ranking Members didn’t receive it until after the the Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Jason Chaffetz, tweeted it out and made it public.
FBI wouldn't put Congress on notice unless it was something juicy. Stop trying to convince yourself it's something different. At this point, any support Hillary has left is just being hopeful she is slick enough to get away with it. Everybody knows she's dirty, and now the chickens have come home to roost.
I think it's more that too many eyes saw it before the FBI knew about it.

The way I've seen it described is the Weiner case is a state (not federal) case that was being investigated by the NYPD. In that investigation of a laptop (for kiddie porn was the sites explanation) the digital forensics folks stumbled accross the Outlook sync cache of Huma emails since it was a shared machine and alerted the FBI.

Whatcha wanna bet some NYPD forensics techie has a full image of the drive in the cloud as insurance for both his life and to make sure the FBI does an actual investigation this time?

With the "ship leaving the rats" situation Comey's recommendation not to prosecute created he needs to pulls some strings to stay alive, hence the warrant for Huma's emails from that laptop since he now knows the evidence is "in the wind".
I think it's more that too many eyes saw it before the FBI knew about it.

The way I've seen it described is the Weiner case is a state (not federal) case that was being investigated by the NYPD. In that investigation of a laptop (for kiddie porn was the sites explanation) the digital forensics folks stumbled accross the Outlook sync cache of Huma emails since it was a shared machine and alerted the FBI.

Whatcha wanna bet some NYPD forensics techie has a full image of the drive in the cloud as insurance for both his life and to make sure the FBI does an actual investigation this time?

With the "ship leaving the rats" situation Comey's recommendation not to prosecute created he needs to pulls some strings to stay alive, hence the warrant for Huma's emails from that laptop since he now knows the evidence is "in the wind".
your "hillary is a murderer" conspiracy is not as offensive as your "obama is a gay kenyan muslim homo" conspiracy but ptobably more retarded than your '911 Tr00f3r" conspiracy and your "GMOs will kill us all!" conspiracy.
I've got buck on ignore so IDK what he's spewing now but he leads a nice life in white middle class america courtesy of his wife working long hard hours ,his job is here at riu posting disinformation for $20 an hour since Correct the Record hired 1 million online trolls ,its the only exokaination of why he went from being a half way reasonable man to the extreme radical he is now .
Oh, I couldn't do that. Buckold's a beautiful train wreck of liberal policy much like Obamacare and does it as deftly as Hitlery tackles climbing stairs.

I've always considered paid shills as entertainment because at the basest level entertainers are paid shills.
They (trolls) are necessary as nothing tells you more about internal policy then the talking points handed out to them in response to the days news.
A necessary evil, but one you can deride w/ clear conscience and enjoy yourself. :D
your "hillary is a murderer" conspiracy is not as offensive as your "obama is a gay kenyan muslim homo" conspiracy but ptobably more retarded than your '911 Tr00f3r" conspiracy and your "GMOs will kill us all!" conspiracy.
Tell you what Buckold.
You piss off the Clit'n dynasty and I will bet $150K on you not being here (or anywhere) in a year.
Too many conspiracy theories becoming conspiracy facts these days to completely discount them. ;)

EDIT: Oh! And we have the cryptic tweet from Wikileaks that phase 3 of the operation starts tomorrow.
Told you the juiciest bits would be coming later.
Tell you what Buckold.
You piss off the Clit'n dynasty and I will bet $150K on you not being here (or anywhere) in a year.
Too many conspiracy theories becoming conspiracy facts these days to completely discount them. ;)

EDIT: Oh! And we have the cryptic tweet from Wikileaks that phase 3 of the operation starts tomorrow.
Told you the juiciest bits would be coming later.

you don't have $150,000.

you don't even have $1,500.

if you did, you could make a bet with me and walk away with a quick $5,000.
Tell you what Buckold.
You piss off the Clit'n dynasty and I will bet $150K on you not being here (or anywhere) in a year.
Too many conspiracy theories becoming conspiracy facts these days to completely discount them. ;)

EDIT: Oh! And we have the cryptic tweet from Wikileaks that phase 3 of the operation starts tomorrow.
Told you the juiciest bits would be coming later.
150K lol.

"cryptic" huh? Your posts read like scribblings in a psych ward.