Flaming Pie
Well-Known Member
I like this one better.
I like this one better.
Tell you what Buckold.
You piss off the Clit'n dynasty and I will bet $150K on you not being here (or anywhere) in a year.
Too many conspiracy theories becoming conspiracy facts these days to completely discount them.
EDIT: Oh! And we have the cryptic tweet from Wikileaks that phase 3 of the operation starts tomorrow.
Told you the juiciest bits would be coming later.
Why you always lyin, why u fuckin lyinhow about you take a crack at it then?
choomer, the racist birther homophobe and your fellow trump supporter, just gave up. kinda like he does at everything in life.
but a dedicated intel researcher like you oughta be able to find something, eh?
Told you my terms as plainly as I could, just that the bet couldn't be with you as you'd be dead.you don't have $150,000.
you don't even have $1,500.
if you did, you could make a bet with me and walk away with a quick $5,000.
They got Scalia'd.I'm waiting to hear the FBI prove or disprove the emails they found in Mrs Weiner's laptop were hidden in a file marked " life insurance policy ".
Awfully odd we haven't seem uma since this shit broke,her & her Weiner big might OD on mouthwash,or shoot themselves in the chest with a 12 gauge,twice each as has been done before,or they could OD in the pot,become hypnotized & lay across train tracks n get all squiched up lol.
I didn't give up.how about you take a crack at it then?
choomer, the racist birther homophobe and your fellow trump supporter, just gave up. kinda like he does at everything in life.
but a dedicated intel researcher like you oughta be able to find something, eh?
Go doody Buckold. Get some leg tomorrow.