Beefbisquet, I believe the energy your refering to as I'm seemingly implying to you in your opinion is actually the electrical current mucht like an ac or dc voltage/current. Not really the kind of energy that powers the body nor the ones I mean. We produce our own form of energy too in our bodies, but its not something that just fell out of thin air I pressume (or is it

pun intended) Your welcome to share your thoughts on that.
Logic deduction implies there is an awsner, there is not always an awsner.
I'm not sure if I like the tone your carrying giving me a double standard accusation.
My believes have been formed what I have seen read and experienced throughout my life.
Not something thought up in a whim. All the references I could give would most likely be brushed aside by you as stories and fairy tales.
If your looking for some sensation trying to undermine people in an attempt to stand out, so be it, but I wont be bothered by it.
(thats how I interpret your current course anyway, no hard feelings though)
I agree with you that the my wording of energy is not the most ideal and might seem to refer to the actual ac / dc power mentioned above, but I do refer to the 'life energy' your mentioning, it sounds beter, but instantly gives it that mystical touch your referening too. Alas, to me it isn't mystical.
Aura, which I refer to as a persons radiant energy, you can't hookup a multi measuring device trying to read V/A/Ohms either, but its there, seen it lots of times.
btw, I have a high current enegineers degree -,-
edit: ps im dutch, I dont always have the right english wording for things