Repirations for slavery

No one is saying what you're putting in their mouths.

I think many would agree with appropriating funds to the places you suggested. I think you're taking your anger out on the wrong guy.

No one is saying there isn't economic disparagement due to racism or racist historical governance. The imbalances you refer to in your post is something that needs to be righted. That's at least what I've been interpreting dude as saying..

And if it satisfy your hate, go ahead and hold people that had nothing to do with slavery accountable, but I don't see it as fair. Just like I don't think what was done to blacks was/is fair. Just like I don't think what they did to my blood was fair. But the dude is on your team, just thinks differently about how to apply the fix..
???? How is holding accountable companies and families that prospered off slavery wrong ?
what nation made color a reasoning and justification for slavery ? What other nation was built on the very act ?
my side ??? If you were on my side, we would not be having this conversation. I feel reparation are owed and companies and families that prospered off slavery should fund it. The list is easy to track.
If you're speaking of funding currently ill-funded public schools and ill-funded urban infrastructure ect, then I'd agree with you. And I think we should all pay for it because we all use it. I disagree with a lottery payment, that's asinine.. And I disagree with you needing to perpetuate hate to achieve the goals you're talking about.
Spoken like a white man who has had the luxury of white privilege all its life.
You are just so eager to be a victim aren't you? Do you have anything else in your character besides playing a victim... What are you odds you support the animal holocaust today and contribute to enslavement and murder of trillions of animals? I would bet pretty high, enjoy your hamburger tonight. When was the last time you gave a damn about the slavery that is happening today in Africa and other parts of the world?
meme means you can't use your big boy/girl words. try can do it, but before you do look up chattel slavery and see how it differs from slavery. In fact google chattel slavery versus slavery. Thank you and Fuckkk off
There may be some descriptive difference, but slavery is just the system of forced labor/ownership so you aren't really making much of a point. It has happened through time, the most interesting relationship between white people and slavery was that white people ended and outlawed it. It seems you are desperate to somehow have "higher" victim status which seems to be pretty popular nowadays with the victim-hood mentality that is prevalent.
You are just so eager to be a victim aren't you? Do you have anything else in your character besides playing a victim... What are you odds you support the animal holocaust today and contribute to enslavement and murder of trillions of animals? I would bet pretty high, enjoy your hamburger tonight. When was the last time you gave a damn about the slavery that is happening today in Africa and other parts of the world?

There may be some descriptive difference, but slavery is just the system of forced labor/ownership so you aren't really making much of a point. It has happened through time, the most interesting relationship between white people and slavery was that white people ended and outlawed it. It seems you are desperate to somehow have "higher" victim status which seems to be pretty popular nowadays with the victim-hood mentality that is prevalent.
victim ??? Naw just a man that would like to see some wrong being right.
I see a racist POS like yourself for what it really is. I'm sure nature will correct her wrong. Would be better if idiots like you did before being force to...remember you come form me . I would explain but then I would have to explain carbon, elements ,melanin and molecules shit to ya. You are not bright
You are totally missing my point. It is not about monies owed fucking thing. Community Centers, YMCA, Boys Club. Food Pantries, School Systems, Learning Centers. Heath Centers.
Things that help and uplift an urban community...funded by your slave prospering companies and families.
Ya, I like the corporate side of it. Also, if you include others that have an unequal advantage now, to the list that prospered then, you'll have a greater impact or a greater "uplift" to the communities that need it the most.
You are just so eager to be a victim aren't you? Do you have anything else in your character besides playing a victim... What are you odds you support the animal holocaust today and contribute to enslavement and murder of trillions of animals? I would bet pretty high, enjoy your hamburger tonight. When was the last time you gave a damn about the slavery that is happening today in Africa and other parts of the world?

There may be some descriptive difference, but slavery is just the system of forced labor/ownership so you aren't really making much of a point. It has happened through time, the most interesting relationship between white people and slavery was that white people ended and outlawed it. It seems you are desperate to somehow have "higher" victim status which seems to be pretty popular nowadays with the victim-hood mentality that is prevalent.
don't go shooting up any black churches, david duke.
i'm curious why color has anything to do with it? why does it matter why one person subjugates another? i find it hard to feel guilt about something i didn't do. i do feel a little guilt about not doing more to stop systematic racism during my life time, but i also feel that i've done little to nothing to contribute to it. i do my level best to treat everyone he same till they give me a reason not to. i have quit doing business with some people because of their attitudes. i've tried to vote for the best candidates i could, who don't support this kind of shit....i don't really feel the need to do more on a personal level. if our government makes a decision to give reparations to some, then that's what will happen. if it is in the form of cash payments, i think that will be a huge mistake, that will just make white people feel better about themselves, and not make any real lasting improvements in minority communities. but one way or the other, i don't feel like i owe anyone anything.
Its not a matter of feeling guilt. It's not a matter of what you did.

This isn't about you.

You are hopeless on this topic.
This might be a dumb question and I'm only asking because I'm curious. What about people who are 50% African and 50% white? At what point is the % not high enough to receive reparations?