Renewable Energy + Battery Storage = Fossil Fuels Obsolete, Even Natural Gas

You two should take this bullshit to Facebook.

This is not the "talk shit about each other's personal life forum".

And you're a really decrepit fuck for starting all of it Pablo.
He’s a decrepit fuck for pretending to be a non-partisan when he’s actually a diehard trump fanatic

Just a straight up fraud
You two should take this bullshit to Facebook.

This is not the "talk shit about each other's personal life forum".

And you're a really decrepit fuck for starting all of it Pablo.
This forum is the only forum where talking shit about one's personal life is allowed and encouraged.

I can provide many many examples from you if you don't believe me.
This forum is the only forum where talking shit about one's personal life is allowed and encouraged.

I can provide many many examples from you if you don't believe me.

If it pertains to the topic, maybe.

But talking about his personal life like that has nothing to do with Tesla or the politics thereof.

You should be banned for a while for that ridiculous shit show you started.
If it pertains to the topic, maybe.

But talking about his personal life like that has nothing to do with Tesla or the politics thereof.

You should be banned for a while for that ridiculous shit show you started.
Would you like me to show you your own posts that are worse?
This forum is the only forum where talking shit about one's personal life is allowed and encouraged.

I can provide many many examples from you if you don't believe me.
Except you’re not talking about my personal life, you just make shit up

That’s because you’re nothing but a fraud
If it pertains to the topic, maybe.

But talking about his personal life like that has nothing to do with Tesla or the politics thereof.

You should be banned for a while for that ridiculous shit show you started.
Shoulda been banned after that ridiculous racist sock puppet he started
cats kill how many birds a year

About 25,100,000 results (0.70 seconds)

3.7 billion birds

Cats that live in the wild or indoor pets allowed to roam outdoors kill from 1.4 billion to as many as 3.7 billion birds in the continental U.S. each year, says a new study that escalates a decades-old debate over the feline threat to native animals.Jan 29, 2013
Cats kill up to 3.7B birds annually - USA Today › 2013/01/29 › cats-wild-birds-mammals-study

"Our findings suggest that free-ranging cats cause substantially greater wildlife mortality than previously thought and are likely the single greatest source of anthropogenic mortality for U.S. birds and mammals," Marra and his co-authors conclude. "Scientifically sound conservation and policy intervention is needed to reduce this impact.
My neighbor shoots any cat he sees on his property. He has 300 chickens in his barn though.

I'm not a fan of cats, but I do feel bad that he does it. I don't think it's right, but it's his property. Not all cats out where I live are feral, that could be someone's pet that he kills.

I don't think people should let their pets just roam free
My neighbor shoots any cat he sees on his property. He has 300 chickens in his barn though.

I'm not a fan of cats, but I do feel bad that he does it. I don't think it's right, but it's his property. Not all cats out where I live are feral, that could be someone's pet that he kills.

I don't think people should let their pets just roam free
It pisses me off when I see cats and dogs roaming around here. I’ve spent lots of money and time to contain my dog to his property and when others don’t I typically call animal control but would never kill someone’s pet, it could be some kids that inadvertently got away :(.
Don’t like cats either lol
So I ran across an interesting study recently on utility level power storage;

The upshot of the article was that there are hundreds of potential locations for pumped hydro electric storage throughout the West and East of the United States- not so much in the middle. Total capacity of all these theoretical sites is something on the order of 200 times the projected requirement if the entire country went to renewable wind and solar power generation.

Obviously, not all of these potential sites will be suitable; some are too far from water, others already have infrastructure in the basin, etc, etc. But there are plenty of places to choose from.

Why does this matter? Because sufficient utility level energy storage is the ONLY fundamental obstacle to a complete change to renewable energy in America, home of the highest energy consuming public on Earth.

PHES is clean, renewable, non toxic, reversible, compatible with other users such as irrigation and recreation, and a fully proven workhorse technology already in use in hundreds of locations worldwide.

It's dead simple; use energy to be stored to pump water uphill and store it in a reservoir. When energy is needed, let it drive generators as it falls back down. Round trip is about 70% efficient, sometimes better. Energy storage lasts as long as the water stays in the reservoir.
In my opinion, the biggest issue with wind generated energy isn't storage, it's bird strikes. I'm sure cats kill more birds but I'm doubtful that cats kill as many larger rare birds like eagles, hawks or condors.

In spite of the studies done that say rooftop solar is more expensive per Watt than utility sized installations, I still believe the advantages outweigh the extra cost. Part of this is just increased awareness and personal involvement with their energy production by consumers. Part of it is the reduction in long distance/large scale energy transmission requirements. Another advantage is that it's available at least part of the time in case of blackouts. I've been through several hurricanes and the biggest hassle was always the power being out for days or longer and the fridge being unable to keep food cold.

We don't need and shouldn't tolerate anyone building more nuclear fission based power stations; the cost to our children and their children is just too high.

Believe no one who tells you that we can't store enough energy to make a full transition to renewables viable.