Obama’s oil flimflam

what about the fact that big brother won't allow anyone to research any other form of alternative energy for cars ??? i absolutely fucking love cars through and through, but it still sickens me to see all the advances in the world in the last 50 years, and yet we all still putter around in cars driven by combustion engines... wtf is that horse shit about?? well, it's about the mighty dollar.. can you imagine the costs if they were to do away with a gas station on every corner, $5 / gallons, etc etc..

and don't even get me started on fucking electric powered cars.. you call that an advancement?? fuck me, the electric engine is way older than the combustion engine, that's taking shit backwards and not forwards..
What about the GM electric car?
Oh yeah,
What about the Tesla car, those were pretty nice, seemed promising, what happened to them....
Oh yeah...
GM volts are on sale now, only $45,000 and it would almost get me to town and back before dying, completely useless on the side of the road. For $1500 I can get a honda scooter that will get 100 MPG.
Response to aptly named Boneheadbob. Here are some links supporting my statements. Unused lease: http://irregulartimes.com/index.php...es-have-unused-leases-on-public-land-already/ High cost of domestic oil: http://cleantechnica.com/2008/05/28/3-hidden-costs-to-high-oil-prices/ One of numerous sites with case information re: energy companies avoiding local zoning laws http://www.co.wayne.pa.us/?pageid=4563. This is why boy wonder Santorium is in the spotlight. He sold PA out be aiding the gutting of their body of environmental law to pave the way to frackville baby. Bonehead- I found these in a few minutes. So, stop watching television and stick your head outside and smell the rotten egg smell. JK, I do not mean to offend. I am frustrated with the state of affairs and lack of quality leadership. The media spews such b.s. it is hard to keep up with what is what. Peace!
Fuck the oil sheiks, fuck China, fuck with the middle east, North America has way more oil than any of these assbackwards countries combined, yet because of the uber greens and the left, we have to suffer, while paying these grand poobha sheiks billions and they're setting the prices. Politicians in this country have no real value other than padding their pensions, screwing the public (tax payers) and letting outside interests take control. No - it's not a conspiracy, just that the politicians are DUMB.
Fuck the oil sheiks, fuck China, fuck with the middle east, North America has way more oil than any of these assbackwards countries combined, yet because of the uber greens and the left, we have to suffer, while paying these grand poobha sheiks billions and they're setting the prices. Politicians in this country have no real value other than padding their pensions, screwing the public (tax payers) and letting outside interests take control. No - it's not a conspiracy, just that the politicians are DUMB.

Their not dumb and its not just the left or greens.
GM volts are on sale now, only $45,000 and it would almost get me to town and back before dying, completely useless on the side of the road. For $1500 I can get a honda scooter that will get 100 MPG.

i was just watching top gear where they took a chevy volt and a bmw m3 and had the beamer follow the volt around this track as fast as they volt could go... not very mind you..
turns out that the volt got 17 mpg and the m3 got 19... :)
i was just watching top gear where they took a chevy volt and a bmw m3 and had the beamer follow the volt around this track as fast as they volt could go... not very mind you..
turns out that the volt got 17 mpg and the m3 got 19... :)
17mpg? Isn't the volt purely electric? How did they measure the MPG? The devil IS in the details.
17mpg? Isn't the volt purely electric? How did they measure the MPG? The devil IS in the details.

nah, the volt is a hybrid combustion engine / electric powered... ever see that commercial where the dude pulls into a gas station with one and the workers at the station get all fucked up b'cuz he only wanted a coffee i think it was??
nah, the volt is a hybrid combustion engine / electric powered... ever see that commercial where the dude pulls into a gas station with one and the workers at the station get all fucked up b'cuz he only wanted a coffee i think it was??
Nah, only the power companies in this country use Electric cars so I'm going on "something I read ages ago" so you're probably right. Clearly the future is hydrogen powered cars tho, why can't people see this?

Hydrogen is THE most abundant element in the universe. It is the basis of everything else. When you burn H you get H2O... A car with 100% pure water emissions? Using a liquid form of the most abundant element in the universe? With no "green house emissions" and similar to petrol/"gas" car performance...

Why isn't that happening now?
Nah, only the power companies in this country use Electric cars so I'm going on "something I read ages ago" so you're probably right. Clearly the future is hydrogen powered cars tho, why can't people see this?

Hydrogen is THE most abundant element in the universe. It is the basis of everything else. When you burn H you get H2O... A car with 100% pure water emissions? Using a liquid form of the most abundant element in the universe? With no "green house emissions" and similar to petrol/"gas" car performance...

Why isn't that happening now?

Remember the Hindenburg.
Remember the Hindenburg.
Ahhh, such warm pleasant memories.

Seriously, hydrogen has two current issues: 1) cost, and 2) energy density (which compounds point 1 to yield high price per unit of energy).
My touchstone for an effective transportation tech is if one can build an eighteen-wheeler using it. That nixes electrics, and it harms the hydrogen concept ( a hydrogen-powered semi would have a very big tank). Urban commuting is not the market that matters here imo. cn
Ahhh, such warm pleasant memories.

Seriously, hydrogen has two current issues: 1) cost, and 2) energy density (which compounds point 1 to yield high price per unit of energy).
My touchstone for an effective transportation tech is if one can build an eighteen-wheeler using it. That nixes electrics, and it harms the hydrogen concept ( a hydrogen-powered semi would have a very big tank). Urban commuting is not the market that matters here imo. cn

Not sure I want to drive a vehicle where the fuel is compressed to 10 thousand pounds a square inche and it's flammable
Isn't hydrogen even more explosive than gasoline?

Neither hydrogen nor gasoline are explosive. Hydrogen does however have an interesting property ... hydrogen/air mixes across a wide ratio of components will tend to detonate.
My energy density comment didn't refer to compressed hydrogen, which would require a very heavy tank. I was thinking of the liquid, which is about 1/12 as dense as water. cn
Robble Robble Robble.
