Now you're just being completely stupid.
Enjoy your one quarter of happiness. It's the last you're ever going to see. This entire thing was once again a scam engineered by Musk. Let's review:
Back in November of last year, Musk said that Tesla would be profitable from the 4th quarter (of 2018 ) onward. That was a lie and he knew it.
In February of 2019, he first Tweeted that Tesla would make 500,000 cars this year. Just an hour or so later, he changed his story again and added that even though they may make 500,000 cars, he'll only deliver 400,000 cars.

Now, he's changed his story about 4 times already this year with the final estimate being 400,000 cars delivered. In January, he had said 360,000 to 400,000, but apparently he let go of the 360,000 estimate in February.
So, he promised to deliver 400,000 cars this year. How's he doing so far?
ABYSMALLY! That's how he's doing.
Now, just for the sake of argument, let's go ahead and assume that Elon was drunk, being stupid as usual, and making ridiculous statements under the influence when he said 400,000. Let's just go with this "lowest" estimate of 360,000 cars delivered this year.
That means he has to deliver 90,000 cars per quarter.
Guess what? Go on, guess. OK, I'll tell you - not only is he failing MISERABLY so far, but even at 90,000 cars per quarter, Tesla isn't going to make any money at all. They're going to continue losing money because they have so much debt.
To make matters worse, by NOT making his estimates at all, he's going deeper and deeper into debt.
His 400,000 car hope was in order to break almost even. His 360,000 worse case scenario? He's not even close to it so far.
At this moment, right now, to be on course to deliver 360,000 cars, he should have delivered 180,000 by now.
He's only delivered 158,200. He's still 21,800 cars short. Based on the 400,000 car delivery claim, he's 41,800 cars short already.
That is categorically bad news for Tesla.
To make matters worse, the only reason he made the record is because he had 10,600 cars in transit already at the end of Q1.
Many think he intentionally held those back for just this reason: He knew he was going to fall short and would need a victory in Q2 to keep the stock from bottoming out.
So the reality of the situation is that Tesla sold and delivered 73,600 cars in Q1 and 84,600 cars in Q2.
He can't even make the LOWEST projection happen. At all.
And here comes the payoff: Now that the tax exemption is pretty much zero now for the model 3, and every other maker releasing their cars now and towards the end of the year is going to have the full exemption, guess what?
Nobody is going to be buying Tesla's from here on out.
So enjoy your Q2 victory. It's going to be the last one you ever have.
And I'll say it one last time: If Tesla stock is worth 150 dollars by the end of the year, I'll honestly be surprised.