Religious Stoners.

*shrug* tv is like god and mother all rolled into one for most americans at least so i think its apt...where else would we learn our purpose? being consumers that is....
yeah i know what u mean not alot of christian smokers out there but im one. it dosnt say anywhere in the bible not to smoke herb or eat it or whatever so for me no conflict.
it actually says in your christian bible..."every herb bearing seed gor the service of man,as grass for the service of cattle"or sumthing to that extent as the book would say...its a tree why wouldnt you smoke is the healing of a ii would say
[SIZE=+1]"Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time![/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!"[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]

George Carlin[/SIZE]
god is in the tv and thats no joke. A healthy normal human being's brain is constantly on what is called the Alpha wavelength AKA consciousness, however when a person who had never watched tv in their life is placed in front of a tv screen for the first time it takes about 45 minutes for the brain waves to change to Beta. On only the second instance the person had ever watched tv it took the brain just 5 minutes to switch from alpha to beta waves.

First of all, when you're watching television the higher brain regions (like the midbrain and the neo-cortex) are shut down, and most activity shifts to the lower brain regions (limbic system). The neurological processes that take place in these regions cannot accurately be called “cognitive.” The lower or reptile brain simply stands poised to react to the environment using deeply embedded “fight or flight” response programs. These lower brain regions cant distinguish reality from fabricated images (a job performed by the neo-cortex), so they react to television content as though it were real, releasing appropriate hormones and so on. Studies have proven that, in the long run, too much activity in the lower brain leads to atrophy in the higher brain regions. kinda like sleeping with your eyes open...
mm hm... I was never joking when I call it the idiot box. It literally hypnotizes you. The newer HD and plasma tvs are even

Here sheeple sheeple sheeple...

But sure... maybe the higher power created all this wonderful nature so that we could spend our whole life circling around unnatural things... sounds more like the agenda of one who wouldn't want you to appreciate this beautiful creation we have the gift of experiencing...
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Anyone seen the Matrix? Watch closely & you will see our society at work in the movie! Just think of the machines as government, the matrix as the masses, & the resistance as the few of us. Movies are actually a window to the future through our visions depending on how you view them. They can easily be seen the wrong way & simply be a distraction from truth as well.
Think of movies like The Day After Tomorrow, The Core, Deep Impact, Sum Of All Fears, War Of The Worlds, Independence Day, Terminator, Matrix, etc. - Why do you think our minds can percieve these ideas? A vivid imagination - maybe. Could we be seeing our future or is it media propoganda? Think about it!
God is where its at, starts within you and its easily taken from you if you circum to the cult like antics of organized religious beliefs. In my opinion all the churches have done so far is push people away, use guilt and fear to introduce God's word.Atleast thats what i find in the Roman Catholic church in which i was baptised, I just believe and thank God to thine on self and thats that for me.
I'm agnostic which means to me I believe in a higher power, a force if you will that is behind every living thing in the world.
what i love to do is on a warm summer day i go out on my deck and spoke a spliff. As i do that and while im high i find myself thinking about life. i believe there has to be some type of god out there that created earth. just everything that is on earth and how peoples body's work are just something that cant be described. i even think about how trees came from a seed no bigger than an half inch and grow these massive trunks. the world is just so complicated that it couldn;t have just been here. By the way i hate going to church and dont see myself going for a long time. But i do believe that it is not necessary to attend church to be religous.
I would consider myself a religious smoker at times. I know that doesn't make sense, but it depends on who I'm around. Its hard to find people to smoke with and discuss important and philisophical things. Most of the people I smoke with would much rather watch a movie with the National Lampoon logo in front of it.

I guess I am religious to a point. I believe morals are important in daily life, but I'm very clan-ish with friends and family so I don't care too much about others. I guess that would make me a bad christian, but religion is something thats personal.
hristianity is a joke.. I've studied the basics of philosophy and in it Plato states the only reason religion was even ever created was so the governments, kingdoms, leaders, whoever was able to control the mind of unintelligent humans for the better of the human race of course... for eg. the ten commandments

"Thou shall not kill" so people stop killing each other.
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image." people stop thinking about killing each other...
"Thou shall not steal" People stop stealing from each other.
"Thou shall not be covet" people shouldn't even think of stealing things.
"Honour thy father and thy mother." obey your parents/superiors, they will teach you to live through life.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery" don't have sex before marriage...
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" So the people would believe in their theory other than the other 100s of gods there are...

This is the most important because many other gods were believed in back then and the leaders needed the people to believe they were going to go to hell for an "eternity" not a life-time if they didn't believe in the "christan god," but those who obeyed the commandments could enjoy heaven for an eternity on the clouds.

Which should basically sum what this group of superior intelligent "leaders" did to make a socialized human society instead of us all killing each other. plus all the other commandments but there just loyalty honor, and truth. which I could go on about but they seem pretty obvious... don't be a douch

These guys must have been the smartest guys of all of humanity if you think about it.

[FONT=&quot]"You are all descendants from the creation of the Eternal Father, Adam and Eve. And as such you face the trials, you face the punishments, as they did; for there is a reward for holiness and purity and piety and following the Commandments of your God. And then, My children, there is also a deficit in reward by your banishment to the abyss, eternal damnation forever with Lucifer."
This is just one quote from the bible which should sum the whole bible it started with incest, brother/sister family adam and eve... which also committed Adultery so they obivously went to hell and so must all of us if its true so why even beleive in god? if your just going to hell

I'm sure me or anyone else could just on and on, but from my experience I've never even went to church 1 Sunday and seeing 1 earth compared to the millions of other planets in the universe and were the only one with life seems pretty ridiculous...

Especially when we can recreate life with our own "light,soil, and water" hell... if you think far out... a seed grows underground "WITHOUT" any light and roots continue to grow and grow without any light so why do you need light for life? you don't! millions of species exist deep in the ocean where light doesn't even exist...

It just seems like some of these people ate alot of mushrooms or moon flower seeds like me and seen gods in the sky... sounds pretty cheesy haha

But i guess if your a stoner your a sinner so "to hell with you all!!!" lol
everything in society is a joke. A sick fucking joke. religion isn't the worst of it.

either governments controlling religion or religion is controlling government. which one is it? i mean cause.. jeeze. i think aetheism should be a religion and yall should debate our your issues that contradict with each other.. then you can split off into two.. then have 2 sets of aetheists and the cycle continues!

^_^.. thats how anything goes. Mankind cant agree on what color turds should be let alone if theres a higher power o