Religious Stoners.

I was interested in the bible in hiiiigh school right around the same time i started to chief. i read the whole thing gradually over a year and found that it is a Source. on the other hand, i thought how easy it would have been for some of the translators down the line of history to manipulate its true meaning. and because of that reality i came to the conclusion that a book should not dictate my thoughts, feelings, or actions because there is much more fulfilment in thinking for yourself. religions exist simply as an authority to those who choose not to attempt to comprehend the great mysteries of this universe. now, im not saying theres anything wrong with following religion, hurting another human's feelings is not my intent, i'm just saying that it serves an authoritarian objective and i say "Fuck Authority".

organized religion requires one main thing. MONEY. just look at the vatican. however, jesus was a real good guy who, i think, has been exploited for his good deeds. being spiritual costs nothing. you think jesus had someone telling him what to believe in? no he just did it, and he was an outcast in his time. Much Love
I was interested in the bible in hiiiigh school right around the same time i started to chief. i read the whole thing gradually over a year and found that it is a Source. on the other hand, i thought how easy it would have been for some of the translators down the line of history to manipulate its true meaning. and because of that reality i came to the conclusion that a book should not dictate my thoughts, feelings, or actions because there is much more fulfilment in thinking for yourself. religions exist simply as an authority to those who choose not to attempt to comprehend the great mysteries of this universe. now, im not saying theres anything wrong with following religion, hurting another human's feelings is not my intent, i'm just saying that it serves an authoritarian objective and i say "Fuck Authority".

organized religion requires one main thing. MONEY. just look at the vatican. however, jesus was a real good guy who, i think, has been exploited for his good deeds. being spiritual costs nothing. you think jesus had someone telling him what to believe in? no he just did it, and he was an outcast in his time. Much Love

that's why I pay my tithings to the homeless man. Or The child trying to go to a basketball tournament, etc... Because The world is the church not just
a structure. The pope and I are not on good terms. As a matter of fact I know I shouldn't get like this, but he flusters me. The way people flock to him It's eerie. They're serving a graven image/false god all at the same time, and he's cool with playing god.
Earth Is The Lord...rastafari Is My Driver....herb Is My Lightning Rod And It Strikes Down My Enemies..lights The Dark...religion Is Law...laws Ii Dont Follow...hand Ii The Chalice Ii Throw Away All Malice...thats Why Iim Mellow...hello,we All Kno...hi! Is What I Say...livity...inity..overstand Dont To All False Realityz,false Kings And Queens Shall Fall...and Ii Love You All...make Love Not War,who Feels It Knows It And This Is From My Heart Not Brain Im Not Insane...dont Eat Swine Or Drink To Much Wine....
Earth Is The Lord...rastafari Is My Driver....herb Is My Lightning Rod And It Strikes Down My Enemies..lights The Dark...religion Is Law...laws Ii Dont Follow...hand Ii The Chalice Ii Throw Away All Malice...thats Why Iim Mellow...hello,we All Kno...hi! Is What I Say...livity...inity..overstand Dont To All False Realityz,false Kings And Queens Shall Fall...and Ii Love You All...make Love Not War,who Feels It Knows It And This Is From My Heart Not Brain Im Not Insane...dont Eat Swine Or Drink To Much Wine....

ohh yea, keepin it irie since 1985
Im not a holy joe but i wouldent tell use if i was unless i wanted a kicking hahaha

Quick get the fooker !!! he believes still even know we all seen the movie lmao
im not religious, but if I were- I would say starting some sort of meditative practice founded mainly in zen or mahayana Buddhism would be the streightest path toward enlightenment and liberation from our false perceptions that cause karma and suffering.
I consider myself spiritual. Even more so, very philosophically minded. Im so damn philosophical at times that people TELL me I seem like I "Think you know too much" and it pisses them off. Then it pisses ME off because Im not trying to come off like that, its just thats where my interests lie, and theirs, don't.
im sry to say it but an "organized religion" sounds to me like a cultt but thts jus me i mean there is sumtin beyond wat we call like but no 1 noes n if they do its 2 late to even explain now i do smoke religiously like my life depended on it but idk
mormans came by my house today. what makes them think i would like to stop whatever i am doing to talk to 2 KIDS about "our" god. uncalled for. i dont go to there houses and talk to them about the healing power of cannabis and how they should smoke it.
some say christianity isnt a religion where you HAVE to follow rules and stuff... they say its your spiritual walk with god. i follow, thank, and love god a lot, although i am not religious. i smoke weed too because i choose too, i definently dont believe that weed was put on earth for everyone to use. but i think if u want to, why not? (other than the law that tells u not too)