I think I've stumbled upon something interesting!
The great people at bas found this about worm castings
I recommend reading the whole patent. Patent is bs though hahaha
It basically states that worm castings can be used as an insect repellant through spraying and topdressing. However the main enzyme they are looking at is the chitinase enzyme. And they found that the levels of chitinase in plants naturally is not high enough to fend off most pests. So the worm castings being super high in organisms that produce that enzyme is great!
I literally always have problems with spider mites so I need to try this. I topdress with neem and crab every other a week switching but it just doesn't do it anymore. I am going to try to throw a tbsp of crab and shrimp shell into my compost tea and do a foliar or two on my vegging girls. Chitin is not water soluble but does that sound like a good idea?
I'll update if mites disappear!