Well-Known Member
Worm castings is the caviar of castings, they break down material in ways that are still being studied. Casting from rabbits are unique in that rabbits shit completely dry pellets which I believe are more readily-available to compost and plants than wet/hot manures from other animals(cow/horse/chicken). I'm still not sure if people top-dress with rabbit poo though, the reason you seldom see anyone use anything but castings from worms for top-dressing is because it's a completely different process.
You are truly in organic business when you are taking that rabbit poo and throwing it in your compost pile to be worked for a while, to then be thrown in the worm bin and worked a bit more.
rabbit shite is the best mammal dung, other than bat. rabbit dung can be used directly as a top dress without causing burning. I love it. clean the bedding out though, some as microbes will actually draw nutrients out of your soil, to process the bedding, and have a population explosion. crafty little buggers.
I don't run it through my wigglers because of these qualities. its a finished product, in my eyes.