Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I will say this..... I am sold on the LOS philosophy. It has produced the best results from my garden after years of hydro and synthetics in soil. BUT, to say that it's an easier approach is not true. I put in twice as much time with my plants now than I ever did with measuring out a few teaspoons of nutrient solution from a bottle.

Also, I agree with below's post above. There is an arrogance with a lot of people (not all) that use this method, and it's really off putting. There is no need to talk to people like they're idiots. You guys didn't invent this. My granny was doing similar 80 years ago. I have bought pro-tekt, TM7, Ful-Power, various meals, etc from hydro shops and to listen to some of you guys you would think I just ran over a puppy on purpose.

Strange how my garden is on autopilot. Took a little bit of work to get there but it's never been more than a disabled person can handle. st0wandgrow perhaps you should simplify things.

That's right most of these are are old techniques which I have stated many times before in my posts.
I've put great and 'freebie' genetics in living soil. Every bean has a different result do to genetics. Some girls are just freaks...even if you JUST keep her alive.

I went to organics for the taste, reusability (cheaper), locality, pest prevention, and plant health. Not for that's more for the DWC IMO.

Idk man it seems plenty of the super soil fan boys are getting huge yields. DWC whatever..
BIG UP, MON! So in BEESWAX and CUTICLE WAXES too.. very ARIE! Puppa like more miles, is Foliar spraying a alfafa tea bad for da gyals in flowah?
Amending your own soil, maintaining 3 worm bins and brewing teas alone is more labor intensive than any synthetic regiment you can find. And believe me, I have scaled things back a lot already. I used to have a tea brewing 24/7.

I am all ears though if there is some stuff that I can cut out

Stay tuned. I would like to be constructive here at RIU.
Amending your own soil, maintaining 3 worm bins and brewing teas alone is more labor intensive than any synthetic regiment you can find. And believe me, I have scaled things back a lot already. I used to have a tea brewing 24/7.

Im pretty much always brewing a tea too lol. You really find taking care of your worm bins that labour intensive? I understand mixing up soil, advise you get a small cemenent mixer like mine.
Im pretty much always brewing a tea too lol. You really find taking care of your worm bins that labour intensive? I understand mixing up soil, advise you get a small cemenent mixer like mine.

Taking care of the bins, no. Harvesting the bins, yes. IMO using your own castings is the key to this. You can add a million things to a soil but they aren't worth a lick if your source of compost is inferior so I'm willing to do it..... it's just monotonous and time consuming
A cement mixer would be awesome!

I'm trying to cut back on power usage and labor sooo maybe 4-5 teas a run, more simple top dressing, and an occasional foliar. Researching blumats ATM.

The worm casting harvesting is a pain right now. Soon I'll try a melon piece in middle of tote to hopefully get em out of the way.
A cement mixer would be awesome!

I'm trying to cut back on power usage and labor sooo maybe 4-5 teas a run, more simple top dressing, and an occasional foliar. Researching blumats ATM.

The worm casting harvesting is a pain right now. Soon I'll try a melon piece in middle of tote to hopefully get em out of the way.

I need to stop smoking weed before I harvest my bins. It's a double edged sword though because its boring as fuck digging through worm poop, and having a spliff makes it more fun... but when I'm stoned I get OCD about it and won't stop sifting until every last worm and cocoon has been found
I really have to second and triple what you said about home made earth worm castings. However I think i have found a place that does it just like one would do at home. It looks like compost not that black powder hydro shops call hummus lol. It looks no different to my home made one and i see no difference in results, thus far.
I dont know how big your bins are but i used to have a trench sort of thing and just take scoops out of it with a builders paddle(shit no clue the correct name, shovel?) and make piles on the floor and the worms go to the bottom of the pile and i scrape the top.
Im a bit sad that i have kinda lost my worm trench to ants, however pretty sure i have a mint source for it now if not better than my own since they get given the organic municipal aste from their village's council, more diverse food than i could provide i think.
Canb any of your help me with the post i made above about the seed tea? I think im fucking up the rye, smells a bit bitter now...
I really have to second and triple what you said about home made earth worm castings. However I think i have found a place that does it just like one would do at home. It looks like compost not that black powder hydro shops call hummus lol. It looks no different to my home made one and i see no difference in results, thus far.
I dont know how big your bins are but i used to have a trench sort of thing and just take scoops out of it with a builders paddle(shit no clue the correct name, shovel?) and make piles on the floor and the worms go to the bottom of the pile and i scrape the top.
Im a bit sad that i have kinda lost my worm trench to ants, however pretty sure i have a mint source for it now if not better than my own since they get given the organic municipal aste from their village's council, more diverse food than i could provide i think.
Canb any of your help me with the post i made above about the seed tea? I think im fucking up the rye, smells a bit bitter now...


I was soaking my seeds over night, then discarding that water because its apparently full of growth inhibitors. I would then put the seeds in to paint straining bag inside of a 5 gallon bucket, with fresh water (a couple gallons) and bubble that until I got about 1/2 inch sprouts. I would then take those sprouted seeds, put them in a blender with a bit of water and make a purée. Then add the purée back in to the 5 gallon bucket and bubble for a few minutes until mixed. Strain the seed mess, and add to your watering can and apply.

There is a version 2.0 that people have been using that I never tried. I'll see if I can find the link in my notes.....
I was soaking my seeds over night, then discarding that water because its apparently full of growth inhibitors. I would then put the seeds in to paint straining bag inside of a 5 gallon bucket, with fresh water (a couple gallons) and bubble that until I got about 1/2 inch sprouts. I would then take those sprouted seeds, put them in a blender with a bit of water and make a purée. Then add the purée back in to the 5 gallon bucket and bubble for a few minutes until mixed. Strain the seed mess, and add to your watering can and apply.

Oh i didnt know i had to puree it! Im gonnna put an airstone in that bucket right now, i did change the water after first day. I thought i just had to bubble it after sprouting and using that water leaving the sprouts behind. Why would that not work?
Oh i didnt know i had to puree it! Im gonnna put an airstone in that bucket right now, i did change the water after first day. I thought i just had to bubble it after sprouting and using that water leaving the sprouts behind. Why would that not work?

The seeds are a living organism and require oxygen to continue with the sprouting process. The link I posted above explains it way better than I can.
Amending your own soil, maintaining 3 worm bins and brewing teas alone is more labor intensive than any synthetic regiment you can find. And believe me, I have scaled things back a lot already. I used to have a tea brewing 24/7.

I am all ears though if there is some stuff that I can cut out

not to argue but i disagree . I watch my buddies running around frantic, doing all kinds of tedious work. Changing big ass drum resi's every few days. cleaning tubing, pumps, resi's, spinners, drains, ph-ing everyday. taking apart hydro set up to rotate plants everyday. unless in a scrog. when flushing changing resi every day for 2 weeks.

sometimes they have to ph 2-4 times in one day too..

with my bins. setting up takes 20 min. harvesting vc takes 20-30 min with a screen sifter, I water every other 4 days. topdressing 3-4 times through out whole grow takes maybe 30 min each time. watering takes 30 min..

switch off between water and sst and occassional compost tea, kelp tea, botanical tea... Botanical teas not doing for a while. I just planted all new plants and seeds outside (not mj yet).

cleaning tote and buckets from tea's takes 2 min... spray with peroxide let sit then wipe with damp paper towel. then rinse with hot water...

I did hydro myself with film and aero for years before going all soil... imo hydro has 10 times more work. even soil with bottled nutes takes more time to feed plants. Measuring out multiple nutes and ph every watering takes a while.. then measuring run off ph...

making a soil mix is the most labor intensive though. I do that once every 6 months to a year. i mix 2 cu ft at a time then store it away in totes. Soooo much easier than mixing a giant pile. I have 20 gal totes ( $4.50 each at target)
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I can agree with you partially. Certain hydro methods can be a pain. I ran ebb and flow tables for a while and that was pretty hands on. You're off base on the soil/synthetics one though. How difficult is it to measure out a couple teaspoons of nutrients and dump it in to a 5 gallon bucket, then stick your ppm wand in there? Simple stupid. There is no way that is more work than organics.....making soil from scratch, harvesting worm bins, making compost teas, nutrient teas, seed teas, FPE's, etc. Its not even close Hy.