Hey everyone. I hate to be "that guy" but I just recently started researching about organics these last couple of months and happened upon this thread about a week ago. I've been reading steadily but the amount of time it would take to get through 324 pages is insane. I have researched a good bit on super soil and was getting ready to go shopping to make my first batch until I started reading about the no till mainly because I was trying to find info on recycling super soil.so to the point, I'm still a couple years behind in this thread and was hoping Yall could share some of your up to date amendment/tea recipes, or at the least post me a link. I am currently running ebb and flow in coco and would like to dive into organics asap. That being said I know it's going to take a while to get some compost ready so I would also like some advice on a quick soil and nute mix I could throw together to get me started and keep me going while I create my own living soil.. Any aand all help is greatly appreciated.
hey man. I'm new as well to organics and I'm currently putting together my first mixes. i'm almost ready to plant 2 of my 20 gal no tills.
it took me about a week to read through the whole thread, but honestly the bulk of the information is in the first 75-100 pages. the rest i would just read leisurely. the information, honestly, has not changed very much at all. Lots of guy are running the basic mix that CANN posted on the first page about 3/4 of the way down. I lay off the rock dust to about 2-3 cups per cu.ft. a batch i just put together i'm doing the bio-char challenge just for the hell of it. maybe it will be worth the effort (which is not much) and i dunno 5 bucks i spent on 1.5 gal of biochar i charged myself.
The main thing i can not stress to you enough is LET THE PLANT GROW ITSELF in organics. take care of the soil, FOCUS on the SOIL. soil health = plant health = the best herb man can grow indoors. microbes make food available for the plants, so keep your microbe populations happy and you have a happy environment.
KISS... keep it stupid simple. all the nutrient teas, enzyme teas, aloe drenchs, bioag products, living mulchs, and all that stuff are just little tips and tricks. you can honestly go START TO FINISH on just the soil, and a couple AACT's (compost teas) in the plant's cycle. water only. no ph, no worries. there are lots of guys on here that have plenty of evidence of this, and you will see it in the thread. the finest herb out there.
you asked about a simple soil mix and nute line to help you transition while you wait on soil to break down. One thing i am doing right now while i'm waiting on my microbes to do their thing in the soil, is just using the base mix + rock dust + oyster shell flour + pelletized gypsum. i'll be using compost tea once every 3-4 weeks on these plants and I picked up the vegamatrix line of bottles to run the plants i have in veg through flower and eventually i will phase out the vegamatrix when i have enough living soil in house.
that is all for now. see you around! good luck to ya.