Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Possibly, but not having to fuck around for hours hammering the shit out of lava rock is> having to fuck around for hours hammering the shit out of lava rock.

Pumice FTW!

Boo you too lol. Pumice Grumpis. I enjoy the exercise and stress venting of pounding lava rock. If I'm feeling lazy I run the shit over :) Much more porous to. +2 Red 0 stow and hy
I don't think it was mold. I think I was trippin out.

Yes Metric is the best. KISS.

Black strap molasses teas are so easy to make. I have no probs, and I add it to most of my teas depending on what feed it is. BSM helps BIND nutrients in a way that helps the plants absorb better, so a little goes along way. That 5 lb bag of yours is pretty cheap though, I'd prob just dump a bunch into the ROLS bin and mix her up.

I love using teas, but cleaning sucks. I don't just use molasses. No, my personality just wouldn't settle for that, LOL. I have to inoculate with a variety of different ingredients which makes a nasty mess and requires more cleaning and maintenance.

Shit on my airstones/hoses, shitty nylons, shitty scum filled buckets teeming with micro organisms, shitty watering cups, shitty slops on the floor and tent, shitty everything. They (plants) love teas but I don't lol.
The lava rock breaks up very easily and it is great therapy! I think using the fine powder was my mistake. Maybe I will sift it to remove the fine dust and just use the sand sized and bigger pieces. The plant that was in the lava concrete for a month did end up having a nice pineapple finish in the jar.

I also added Malawi ash to the soil:

I do use pumice:

Here is the lava girl when she was moved to her new 20 gallon air pot:

Here she is finished early from Mainlining and light deprivation:

Here she is at harvest:

Beautiful as usual Mo!

You and I must have purchased different grades of lava rock. I backed over that shit in my SUV, hammered the hell out of ..... pretty much tried everything short of dropping it from a 50 story balcony. The juice just wasn't worth the squeeze for me.
I had my big sledge hammer. It was like mashing styrofoam :) Every once in a while there would be a really hard one that wouldn't crush!
I want to try mainlining! I'm not a big fan of the thread here tho...whoops. How early do you top? I don't want any stress for the first four weeks. Trying to get female ratio up as of late.
Mainlining is such a beautiful art, however it is not for the grower who wants things done faster, and in your case red, higher female ratio.
I used to hate vegging, but today i look forward watching a small plant turn into a monster before i flower. I have a yoda that i have been vegging for 3+ months and wow! Shoot for 6 months veg, maybe
Your drainage prob is still bothering me. I have amazing drainage with lava, and I also used all the dust. per cu ft I prob had around a cup of the dust after crushing. You gonna cut the soil? The rock isn't the prob, it has to be something else....hmmm

I agree unless it is such added either layered, ratio or reaction to another element in the soil makeup. It is not to late to add rice hulls or bigger pieces with some of the porous holes remaining?

I had my big sledge hammer. It was like mashing styrofoam :) Every once in a while there would be a really hard one that wouldn't crush!
Those would be ones that I would think did not heat up as well thus more crystalline than ash? Could be wrong my first thought on it.

Mo those jars of buds and all on the counter looks like the pantry to a kitchen where you'd see pickles kept and such. A warm homey feeling to it.

Thanks - my jam collection :) I am running out of room. I will take some to the cup and that will thin out the stack :)

There are four more of these in there now:

And this is in turkey bags:

That is why I am bringing my overage to the Medical Cup to give to patients!

Hey DS - I think some were pure iron! And I did make the mistake of adding it as a layer. When I transplanted to the 20# smartie the soil still had a good bit of lava mixed in :)
I remember looking at that giant Malawi bush and thinking it was way too airy. Then it ended up looking like this:

I have a bitch of a time getting the chia seeds to sprout

The chia and the flax are both a bitch, but totally worth it. I tie a pillow case over the top of a bucket and lay the seeds out on top of it, and mist as often as possible. I set this somewhere warm and dark (my kombucha station). Once the seeds have sprouted I discard the water in the bucket and collect the run-off from then on out for my sst's.