Real expert needed to prove a point to some other not-so-"experts"

Show them one of thousands of plant pics and see of they notice any healthy dank growing with NO leaves.
Later, when you have your own spot and set up shop again..................... TELL NO ONE !
No even your lady unless she lives with you permanently.
They could always play snitch later if they find out you're growing again.
ESPECIALLY if you end up with a green-thumb for dank !!!

Bottom line is THEY FUCKED UP !!
Not one of them could probably answer BASIC grow facts.
Ask them what NPK stands for !
Hope they don't say something like Nasheville Purple Kush !! lmfao
Once you have left There and Prospered, Stop On Back to Teds Place and Show Him What he Missed out on Lol.......Be nice But ... Really rub the good tomato's in his face, maybe give him some generous amount for free like it's nothing .....and then Dip >.<
once you have left there and prospered, stop on back to teds place and show him what he missed out on nice but ... Really rub the good tomato's in his face, maybe give him some generous amount for free like it's nothing .....and then dip >.<

exactly !!