Agent Zero
"My son lives in a setup like yours... they get half the crop, but that pays his rent!"
That was supposed to be the deal. Every time they ran into money troubles (from being incredibly irresponsible) they'd ask me and my girlfriend (their daughter) why we weren't paying rent. For nearly four months, I tried to explain to them that the reason they weren't getting rent is because I'd spent so much money on the grow, for which they were getting 50% simply because it was their house. They acted like it didn't matter, that it was MY idea - Ted's wife even tried to make the excuse, "Oh, it probably won't even SELL!" (Ted sells a QP a week for Dick).
The irony is, just last week, Ted comes down here to talk to me. He says, "Ya know, we were thinking - since you've put all this money into the grow-room, why don't we call it even on the rent." I couldn't fucking believe it! It's like it wasn't good enough coming from me - THEY had to be the ones to suggest it, like it's better for their ego if they can feel like it was THEIR idea.
A few days later I was sitting with the two of them, and I said "You know that idea you had about being straight on the rent because of the grow-room?" "Yeah?" "You guys know that's what I've been trying to say since the beginning of January, right?" "No."
You want to know what kind of people we're dealing with here? Late last year, Ted had come down to talk to us about some money problems he'd created with his wife. They were short on the mortgage (again) and were trying to put the blame on us (again). I'm sick of this dude and his irresponsibility already, but I live here with my girlfriend and so stupidly, I stay. Well, he gets in my face - shaking his finger at me. I tell him to get his finger out of my face, so he starts pushing. Next thing you know, he reaches back and backhands me right in the mouth. I call him an asshole, and he starts wrestling me around on the couch. My girlfriend is screaming, "Dad, stop it! STOP IT!" Finally, he stops. He's tripping over cords, he can't walk. He's in a corner, leaning on a chair with his hand over his head, wheezing "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry...It's all about money! It's...all about money!"
LITERALLY three days later, he goes out and buys a 50" plasma TV.