Real expert needed to prove a point to some other not-so-"experts"

"My son lives in a setup like yours... they get half the crop, but that pays his rent!"

That was supposed to be the deal. Every time they ran into money troubles (from being incredibly irresponsible) they'd ask me and my girlfriend (their daughter) why we weren't paying rent. For nearly four months, I tried to explain to them that the reason they weren't getting rent is because I'd spent so much money on the grow, for which they were getting 50% simply because it was their house. They acted like it didn't matter, that it was MY idea - Ted's wife even tried to make the excuse, "Oh, it probably won't even SELL!" (Ted sells a QP a week for Dick).

The irony is, just last week, Ted comes down here to talk to me. He says, "Ya know, we were thinking - since you've put all this money into the grow-room, why don't we call it even on the rent." I couldn't fucking believe it! It's like it wasn't good enough coming from me - THEY had to be the ones to suggest it, like it's better for their ego if they can feel like it was THEIR idea.

A few days later I was sitting with the two of them, and I said "You know that idea you had about being straight on the rent because of the grow-room?" "Yeah?" "You guys know that's what I've been trying to say since the beginning of January, right?" "No."

You want to know what kind of people we're dealing with here? Late last year, Ted had come down to talk to us about some money problems he'd created with his wife. They were short on the mortgage (again) and were trying to put the blame on us (again). I'm sick of this dude and his irresponsibility already, but I live here with my girlfriend and so stupidly, I stay. Well, he gets in my face - shaking his finger at me. I tell him to get his finger out of my face, so he starts pushing. Next thing you know, he reaches back and backhands me right in the mouth. I call him an asshole, and he starts wrestling me around on the couch. My girlfriend is screaming, "Dad, stop it! STOP IT!" Finally, he stops. He's tripping over cords, he can't walk. He's in a corner, leaning on a chair with his hand over his head, wheezing "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry...It's all about money! It's...all about money!"

LITERALLY three days later, he goes out and buys a 50" plasma TV.
move. change your name. cut your losses. I'll bet a nice crisp 100 dollar bill they end up in jail. soon. move around; spread your hustle.

and before you leave, BEAT HIS BITCH ASS!!!!
Oh That story Is just Horrible Some People Are Just Idiots :(

As For the Full Manicure BrickTop summed it up in a thread nicely once ...Something along the lines of ...Of couse If you Trim Your Bush Your package is going to "Look" Bigger But We all know It's Not really Bigger.....

But just as a Rule Of thumb .....No Rule Is Set In Stone..... I Grow With A Buddy And We Do Very Well For Ourselves And Our 2 Women Folk
A 50/50 Investment, Work and Cut ......
He knew nothing about growing But was Smart enough to watch Me For Months Before Running His Mouth about what he thought He knew...In his own House Mind you ....Some folks Just make life hard for themselves ...
I'd Tactfully move on :(
Kill those motherfuckers, I'll help. I can't belive how fucking mad I got about 2/3 into your post.
That was supposed to be the deal. Every time they ran into money troubles (from being incredibly irresponsible) they'd ask me and my girlfriend (their daughter) why we weren't paying rent. For nearly four months, I tried to explain to them that the reason they weren't getting rent is because I'd spent so much money on the grow, for which they were getting 50% simply because it was their house. They acted like it didn't matter, that it was MY idea - Ted's wife even tried to make the excuse, "Oh, it probably won't even SELL!" (Ted sells a QP a week for Dick).

The irony is, just last week, Ted comes down here to talk to me. He says, "Ya know, we were thinking - since you've put all this money into the grow-room, why don't we call it even on the rent." I couldn't fucking believe it! It's like it wasn't good enough coming from me - THEY had to be the ones to suggest it, like it's better for their ego if they can feel like it was THEIR idea.

A few days later I was sitting with the two of them, and I said "You know that idea you had about being straight on the rent because of the grow-room?" "Yeah?" "You guys know that's what I've been trying to say since the beginning of January, right?" "No."

You want to know what kind of people we're dealing with here? Late last year, Ted had come down to talk to us about some money problems he'd created with his wife. They were short on the mortgage (again) and were trying to put the blame on us (again). I'm sick of this dude and his irresponsibility already, but I live here with my girlfriend and so stupidly, I stay. Well, he gets in my face - shaking his finger at me. I tell him to get his finger out of my face, so he starts pushing. Next thing you know, he reaches back and backhands me right in the mouth. I call him an asshole, and he starts wrestling me around on the couch. My girlfriend is screaming, "Dad, stop it! STOP IT!" Finally, he stops. He's tripping over cords, he can't walk. He's in a corner, leaning on a chair with his hand over his head, wheezing "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry...It's all about money! It's...all about money!"

LITERALLY three days later, he goes out and buys a 50" plasma TV.

You're a grown ass man. I don't give a fuck if he is your ladies dad. Don't ever let anyone put hands on you like that. I feel like beatin his ass for you man.... smh
On the bright side here. i did exactly that on one of my grows cause i was told to. I did what they call "super-crop". I was growing purple urkel and i was using foxfarm ocea forest, using 3-1000 wattbulbs and i had 23 plants. I pulled over 3 1/2 pounds and was very pleased witht he 10k I made selling most of it to the clubs.
In short, I was very sketch and paranoid my first grow. i think most people are. I will say that he had no place. But thats why the only good partner is no partner. Or a completely financial quite partner.
They are called weed because they are rezillient and hard to kill. I think you just relax. I also think that you should skim 30% right off the top for exspenses to move out, and Ted finds out, tell him it was collateral damages. LOL!
That was supposed to be the deal. Every time they ran into money troubles (from being incredibly irresponsible) they'd ask me and my girlfriend (their daughter) why we weren't paying rent. For nearly four months, I tried to explain to them that the reason they weren't getting rent is because I'd spent so much money on the grow, for which they were getting 50% simply because it was their house. They acted like it didn't matter, that it was MY idea - Ted's wife even tried to make the excuse, "Oh, it probably won't even SELL!" (Ted sells a QP a week for Dick).

The irony is, just last week, Ted comes down here to talk to me. He says, "Ya know, we were thinking - since you've put all this money into the grow-room, why don't we call it even on the rent." I couldn't fucking believe it! It's like it wasn't good enough coming from me - THEY had to be the ones to suggest it, like it's better for their ego if they can feel like it was THEIR idea.

A few days later I was sitting with the two of them, and I said "You know that idea you had about being straight on the rent because of the grow-room?" "Yeah?" "You guys know that's what I've been trying to say since the beginning of January, right?" "No."

You want to know what kind of people we're dealing with here? Late last year, Ted had come down to talk to us about some money problems he'd created with his wife. They were short on the mortgage (again) and were trying to put the blame on us (again). I'm sick of this dude and his irresponsibility already, but I live here with my girlfriend and so stupidly, I stay. Well, he gets in my face - shaking his finger at me. I tell him to get his finger out of my face, so he starts pushing. Next thing you know, he reaches back and backhands me right in the mouth. I call him an asshole, and he starts wrestling me around on the couch. My girlfriend is screaming, "Dad, stop it! STOP IT!" Finally, he stops. He's tripping over cords, he can't walk. He's in a corner, leaning on a chair with his hand over his head, wheezing "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry...It's all about money! It's...all about money!"

LITERALLY three days later, he goes out and buys a 50" plasma TV.

He got his hands on you once and got away with it... next time he may really hurt you. If he is going to be your father-in-law (he would be the deal breaker for me) then you need to try and walk away from this without causing a lot of hard feelings.

Karma will catch up with the idiots, you don't have to worry about it. Just get goes on and change happens.
are you a female
if not im sorry but u r a pussy and i dont say that often
wtf r u doing u get everyone in your city inviting whoever they want to grow
You will be wanting to move ASAP. They will lose the house. They will blame you for everything. The best you can do is remove yourself from the equation and allow them to fail on their own and have no one around but themselves to blame. From everything you have said about his lack of respect, the physical and mental abuse you are going to be there scape goat until you aren't around for them to blame.

Its obvious the cousin that convinced the Ted to hack the plants doesn't want competition. Didn't you mention he sells to Ted and now you and Ted are trying to become liberated from him? Maybe I give him to much credit but its not uncommon for people to spread misinformation to push their agenda.
On behalf of myself and the RIU community id like to say sorry for your potential loss. The characters you described in the story sound like complete retarded, heartless, ignorant bastards! i cant begin to imagine how hurt you must feel inside! I for one am very angered about your situation. My advice to you, as hard as it may sound is to try make mends and move on. I know you probably feel like breaking their fingers one by one but fighting fire with fire doesn't work. For now you just have to put up with them until you can sort out what you will do for the future. Good Luck!
Gee... sounds like a bunch of classless low-life's! I would grab my equipment and half the grow and make a hasty exit. I would not let them know where you moved to. Though I suppose your girl would probably tell them eventually.
There are probably about 40+ people aware of the grow by now. All it takes is for the "nephew" to shoot his mouth off to his friend who's dad is a cop, etc. Despite the tomato butchering, the op is totally compromised! When someone snitches, your girl's dad will think it was you regardless.
The guy sounds a bit scary. Think about your future with your girl. It's all about genetics, as they say, so do you want this guy to be "grampa" to your kids? Whatever you do, don't get your girl preggers, you will be tied this man for the rest of his life!
You said you were going to print this thread up for him to read. So, I presume he is able. Seriously though, I wouldn't as it sounds like it will just add fuel to the fire.
I hope you can still make some nice salad with your tomatoes. Good luck.
The best logical choice is to break it off with the girl and the family completely. But nobody is that robotically logical. Love make us retarded...
I'm guessing since you have to call them "tomatoes" that your not completely legal. So your gonna have to make some tough decisions like how important is "gardening" to me anyways? Is it more improtant than your girlfriend? Is it more important than a stable home and stress-free life? Why am I really still living here (im guessing theres some deeper reasons why you live there)? And is there a future with this woman? Because if there isn't, then fuck him and his family. Friends are over-rated, especially if your gonna be a grower - in an illegal style.
A lot of this lifestyle is solitary, your gonna have to see that.
Anyone else find this fishy? Gone to run errands and an entire crop gets manicured? Either he had a shitload of errands to run or only a couple of scrawny plants. All sounds pretty made up too me........