Real expert needed to prove a point to some other not-so-"experts"

I had to write to this as my first post... this shit sucks. What gives you the right to cut someone elses plant!? Crazy.

You should first address the issue that they're kicking you out without a 30 day notice. In California, that's illegal. I was kicked out of my place, mid grow kind of like you. You should leave a plant and report them too. Don't get mad, get even. You might want to dump that girl OR take her with you and ditch her family completely. Good luck with the grow. I hope you still pull a shitload of weight.
You want to know what kind of people we're dealing with here? Late last year, Ted had come down to talk to us about some money problems he'd created with his wife. They were short on the mortgage (again) and were trying to put the blame on us (again). I'm sick of this dude and his irresponsibility already, but I live here with my girlfriend and so stupidly, I stay. Well, he gets in my face - shaking his finger at me. I tell him to get his finger out of my face, so he starts pushing. Next thing you know, he reaches back and backhands me right in the mouth. I call him an asshole, and he starts wrestling me around on the couch. My girlfriend is screaming, "Dad, stop it! STOP IT!" Finally, he stops. He's tripping over cords, he can't walk. He's in a corner, leaning on a chair with his hand over his head, wheezing "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry...It's all about money! It's...all about money!"

LITERALLY three days later, he goes out and buys a 50" plasma TV.

what are you gonna do when this asshole decides to start smacking your girl around? Rage is a faster way to end up in prison than growing weed. stay calm, get out, and if you love that girl take her with you.
are you a female
if not im sorry but u r a pussy and i dont say that often
wtf r u doing u get everyone in your city inviting whoever they want to grow

Call me what you will. In my life, I always try to take the high-road. I don't like violence or believe in using it - especially in these cases where I knew I'd just be allowing myself to be dragged down to Ted's level.

I just try to use my brain, instead of my fists. Of course, I decided to stay in this house despite it all, which could definitely be considered about as stupid as any decision I've made. I'm finishing my laundry, packing up and going to live with family on the other side of the state. Wish me luck! :)
Call me what you will. In my life, I always try to take the high-road. I don't like violence or believe in using it - especially in these cases where I knew I'd just be allowing myself to be dragged down to Ted's level.

I just try to use my brain, instead of my fists. Of course, I decided to stay in this house despite it all, which could definitely be considered about as stupid as any decision I've made. I'm finishing my laundry, packing up and going to live with family on the other side of the state. Wish me luck! :)
"when zen ends..ass kicking begins"
Anyone else find this fishy? Gone to run errands and an entire crop gets manicured? Either he had a shitload of errands to run or only a couple of scrawny plants. All sounds pretty made up too me........

You're right, it does sound made up. It honestly feels like I'm living in the twilight zone.

As for the "entire crop", yes - it was the entire crop of two females out of an original six plants. It's my first time, so I was just learning the ropes. The plants were looking very nice and it was a great educational experience - and things would have been even better if it weren't for the extra cooks that spoiled the soup.

But even if this was all just a made-up story, what would be the motive? I mean, what would I have to gain from this? Honestly, I just wanted to have some people chime in as to how wrong it was for Ted to do what he did to the plants. The fact that he thinks a half-hearted apology is enough, or his incapacity for truly appreciating how wrong it was - well, that's another hurdle I'll have to jump some other time.

But for the record, it's sadly all very, very true.
sad to say bro but its your fault, the first time someone would ever bring in a stanger into my grow room without my permission. I would have cut down the plants, thrown the premature plants into a trash bag and would of handed it to ted and told him the deal is off. You have to take "your" growing situation serious. Any complications regardless of size will lead to the kind of issues you ran into. I feel bad for ya for sure. Learn from your mistake. also it sounds like the dudes wife is a bitch that knows what your doing. If the cops get called its all going to be pinned on you. Get rid of any contraband ASAP!!!!!!!
what are you gonna do when this asshole decides to start smacking your girl around? Rage is a faster way to end up in prison than growing weed. stay calm, get out, and if you love that girl take her with you.

My girlfriend is Ted's daughter. I guess I didn't mention that. That's why I'm still here. Another poster on this thread said something to the effect of "love can make a man retarded", and I know that person speaks from experience, because it's absolutely 100% true. Even in relationships that I knew were unhealthy, I stayed because my heart told me to, even though my brain was trying to kick and scream its way out of my skull just to try and smack some reality back into me.

We talked just last night about it. I told her that the only problem I have with our relationship is having to be associated with her family. I tried so hard for so long to just keep the peace, and be helpful and respectful, but they're incapable of having real appreciation. So many times, this family has been bailed out when they were in trouble - from friends, family, the mortgage-company, the government - the list goes on and on. And each time they get a bit ahead, they've squandered the opportunity by being irresponsible and childish.

And that's what they're doing to me and their daughter, once again.

It was pretty entertaining, last night. Ted and his wife were screaming at my girlfriend, trying to tell her that the reason they were so upset with her was because she had apparently started an argument with them in front of her "guests" - Slack Jawed Moe and his homely girlfriend. This was "embarrassing" to Ted and his wife, apparently.

When we discovered what had happened to the plants, my girlfriend had gone upstairs to confront her parents - but it was actually Ted's wife that started arguing about it in front of her guests of honor. My girlfriend tried to take her mother into another room to discuss it, but instead of going back to the living-room to get Ted, she walked in and started yelling questions about it in front of Slack Jawed Moe.

So when my girlfriend reminded her mother that it was actually she who'd embarrassed herself, she basically just accused HER of making things up, stuck her thumbs in her ears and started singing the "La la la, I can not hear you" song.

The two of them are just trying to spin this elaborate web of lies to try to minimize their actions because they can't accept responsibility for what happened, and each time, when the truth comes around to bite them in the rear, they just get even more upset, threaten violence, and want me out of the house.

And the sooner, the better, as far as I'm concerned. I can be out of here and not be dragged down, and it'll make it so much easier for them to keep living their fantasy life, since there won't be anyone left to speak the truth.

I'd like to say thanks to everyone, by the way, for listening to me and taking the time to extend their sympathies and thoughts - even the guy who called me a pussy! He's right, I always try to avoid physical confrontations. I don't want to let my anger get the best of me like some other people do. I think I'm better than that, and if that makes me a wimp - so be it. I don't need to hurt others, especially when I have the truth on my side.
sad to say bro but its your fault, the first time someone would ever bring in a stanger into my grow room without my permission. I would have cut down the plants, thrown the premature plants into a trash bag and would of handed it to ted and told him the deal is off. You have to take "your" growing situation serious. Any complications regardless of size will lead to the kind of issues you ran into. I feel bad for ya for sure. Learn from your mistake. also it sounds like the dudes wife is a bitch that knows what your doing. If the cops get called its all going to be pinned on you. Get rid of any contraband ASAP!!!!!!!

Absolutely! I always let myself trust other people, and it always comes back to bite me in the ass. I know I can't trust anyone, but the knowledge that there truly are virtually no trustworthy people on this planet is a really depressing notion.

For the record, I personally haven't told anyone about the op. I tried to express to Ted the importance of not letting anyone know about, or be in any way involved with what was going on here. That's what kills me, is that he messed this all up on so many levels but can't seem to wrap his mind around it because he's either too proud, or too ignorant, or too trusting, or whatever. Thank you, Ted!

And I did learn my lesson. Really hard. Next time around, I'm not letting a SOUL know about my grow - not even myself!
hey i want to say m sorry for that remark
see i can admit publicly when i was a ass

Call me what you will. In my life, I always try to take the high-road. I don't like violence or believe in using it - especially in these cases where I knew I'd just be allowing myself to be dragged down to Ted's level.

I just try to use my brain, instead of my fists. Of course, I decided to stay in this house despite it all, which could definitely be considered about as stupid as any decision I've made. I'm finishing my laundry, packing up and going to live with family on the other side of the state. Wish me luck! :)
i do wish u luck bro
we all travel different paths
mine in this situation mite have a few bodys laying along it
but thats me

Call me what you will. In my life, I always try to take the high-road. I don't like violence or believe in using it - especially in these cases where I knew I'd just be allowing myself to be dragged down to Ted's level.

I just try to use my brain, instead of my fists. Of course, I decided to stay in this house despite it all, which could definitely be considered about as stupid as any decision I've made. I'm finishing my laundry, packing up and going to live with family on the other side of the state. Wish me luck! :)
hey i want to say m sorry for that remark
see i can admit publicly when i was a ass

i do wish u luck bro
we all travel different paths
mine in this situation mite have a few bodys laying along it
but thats me

It's more than okay, man, believe that. I know Ted, though, and I know that bringing myself down to his cave-man level will just make him feel vindicated.
some times we have to cut losses and move foward
sorry this happened to you i gave u a shot of rep for being understanding and for my brashness

It's more than okay, man, believe that. I know Ted, though, and I know that bringing myself down to his cave-man level will just make him feel vindicated.
For a weed forum, I'm surprised at the amount of violence-fueled responses. Believe me, I hear ya, but smoke a tomato and relax!
Dude before you leave grab a bag of quikcrete the 80lb one and pour that shut down the toilet. Fuck them bitches!! I'd leave the chick behind you'll get over it. It's better than ol Teddy fucking with your peace. Quickcrete or hydralic cement is better cuz it will set up under water. Either way his problems will have just started.
is things ok with your girl she coming with u

I have to leave her behind, unfortunately. I have nowhere to go that can accommodate the both of us. She works up this way, too.

And it's her parents house. She'll be okay here. We've been together for eight years (the last two years renting out her parents' basement) so being apart for a while will probably be good for us. We're going to work together, though separately, to get some cash together and get ourselves a place of our own.

And I've made it very clear to her that I never want to see her parents again. She doesn't either - says she doesn't even know who they are anymore. It's sad, really.

Plus we've got a few pets that need to stay here with her, until we find a place that allows them.

puffntuff said:
Dude before you leave grab a bag of quikcrete the 80lb one and pour that shut down the toilet. Fuck them bitches!! I'd leave the chick behind you'll get over it. It's better than ol Teddy fucking with your peace. Quickcrete or hydralic cement is better cuz it will set up under water. Either way his problems will have just started.

A nice thought - believe me, they deserve to be taught a few lessons, but it's not my nature to be vindictive, and besides - I can see doing something like that just coming back around to bite me in the ass. If they discovered their plumbing system full of cement, I'm sure they'd know whodunit after all that's happened in the last two days.
A very, very long story, condensed as much as I can. If there's any truth in the therapeutic benefits of writing, then please bear with me - this is a "session":

Someone decided to make some "alterations" to my two plants last night.

"Ted" and I decided that a small grow closet could financially benefit the struggling household, and so after receiving permission from him (he's the home-owner), I paid for, designed, and built a really sweet little eco-system for some...tomatoes.

For months, I studied plants. I purchased several books and read them all, front-to-back, twice. I lurked on these forums for hours each day. I sought advice from several growers whose successes I witnessed (and partook of) first-hand.

And even when I felt I was ready, it seemed that I wasn't. As things got underway, my learning continued.

For three months, I alone tended to the plants. Ted would come down just to look at them from time to time, and I'd give him updates on how the tomatoes were doing. Because I had paid for all the materials and was single-handedly taking care of the plants - and all of this was all happening in Ted's home, it was settled that we would split the profits down the middle, once the tomatoes were ready for market.

On more than one occasion, I had to speak with Ted regarding the importance of keeping things quiet. First, he decided to show his brother and nephew the grow-room. Later on, his cousin. I explained to him that the first rule of the grow-room is "no-one knows about the grow-room".

I also had several conversations with him about who was growing the plants. We'd talked many times about how no-one else was to have any part of the operation, let alone know about it.

Just yesterday, Ted's aforementioned cousin (we'll call him slack-jawed Moe), who's afflicted with one of the worst cases of know-it-all syndrome I've ever come across, made some off-handed remarks about how the plants should be grown. Even when he first saw them a month ago, he matter-of-factly stated they weren't "tall" enough.

And I told Ted just the other day that, while he may be good at building cabinets, slack-jawed Moe doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Ted is well-aware of his cousins know-it-all personality, which makes the story that much more humorous.

I usually lock the room at night, or when I leave the house. I keep the keys on me, but I have an extra set hidden in my bedroom.

I had gone out last night to run some errands. Halfway to town, I get a call from Ted - he'd like to know where the key is, because his tomato-salesman friend (we'll call him "Dick") wants to check out the room. My immediate response was, "I have the key with me", but aware there's an extra set, he pushed the issue until I finally, and as reluctantly as I think I've ever been, conceded and told him where the other key was.

I rationalized it in my head - this guy deals with weight. He's very much "in the game" as far as tomato-distribution. He's always got tomatoes on him. He's been in the tomato business since before I was born. And besides, he's the one who gave us the seeds! Knowledge of our tomato growing will remain safe.

But, to my amazement, I discovered that there's a close second-place on the shit-scale to getting caught growing tomatoes:

When I got home, I went in to look at my plants. I always do that - but knowing that others had been in there when I wasn't home somehow made checking things out seem that much more important.

On first sight, everything looked fine. The tomatoes were looking beautiful. Then it sunk in that the plants themselves didn't look quite the same as they did earlier in the day.

There was a pair of scissors lying on the floor next to the pots, and it dawned on me that someone had cut ALL of the leaves off the plant, and actually fully-manicured all of the leaves off each of the buds.

Call me stupid, but nowhere in all of my studies did I read that cutting healthy leafs off of still-growing plants was a good idea. In fact, all of my research (and common sense) tells me:

A. Plants get their energy from the process of photosynthesis. The leaves of plants act similarly to "solar panels" which absorb light energy and convert it into food, which feeds the rest of the plant, including the fruit-bodies.

B. Considering A, the leaves are there for a reason. They serve a critical function to the life of a plant. Cutting should be kept to a minimum during the vegetative phase, and pretty-much avoided during flowering, because they are prone to stresses which can lead to unwanted chemical changes, including hermaphroditism. Trim dead or nearly dead leaves only.

C. The leaves droop down and curl over the curing buds, which act as a protective barrier against dust, mold, and/or other airborne contaminates. A full manicure should only be done once the leaves have reached a certain level of flaccidity (ie., are dry).

C. Fully manicuring a still-growing plant (in this particular case, there was a good three weeks to a month left of flowering) is just never done. I've been able to find only one post here at RIU where a new member asked the community if they should manicure their live plants, and the response was similar to A through C here - that basically, no, you shouldn't. I have never read anywhere that live buds should be stripped of all their leaves at any stage of the growing process.

And finally:

D. No-one had the right to even suggest that anything be done to my plants, in my grow-room, let alone actually do it.

It turns out, ironically, that it was know-it-all slack-jawed Moe and Dick who'd made the suggestion to Ted, who proceeded to butcher my plants. These two were referred to as "experts" by Ted during a very heated argument which erupted after I'd confronted him about what happened.

I asked Ted, as a person who knows nothing about plants and didn't even so much as water the plants one time, why he thought it would be acceptable to do what he did, and to do it without even talking to me about it first. That's when he told me that he had two "experts" suggest it to him. (UPDATE: Ted recently flat-out denied to my girlfriend that he ever said that, and when I confronted him about it he tried to excuse himself by saying he'd said it during the heat of the argument, and that Slack-Jawed Moe had nothing to do with it - even though I heard Moe say that night that "the plants needed to be cut") I told him that it didn't matter who suggested it - it wasn't his or anyone else's place to even touch the plants I had worked so hard to grow. He then explained to me that "Dick" has been to Amsterdam. Yes, he actually tried to use that argument.

Well, I told Ted that I didn't care if Johnny Appleseed came over and suggested ways to tend the plants - that what he did was wrong for many reasons, that he "f@$ked up", and needed to admit it.

Ted, who often uses yelling and violence to get his points across, then began trying to justify his actions further by screaming, "This is MY house! I won't humble myself to YOU!".

Needless to say, the situation is only getting worse. Ted's wife even decided to jump on board and tell me that the plants needed to be cut because I "have no idea what I'm doing - the plants looked like shit, and you didn't have much luck with those mushrooms ya grew last year, either!" I'm told I'm no longer welcome here and need to move out tonight.

So, were the "experts" correct? Was it a good idea to fully manicure all the leaves off of a still-growing plant?

And what would YOU do if someone had decided to "help" you by going behind your back and making changes to your grow?

fuck ,thought that was never going to end. Yes it is low what happened , this is what people do to other people's plants. On the other hand in fairness to Ted and the gang ,they do have to put up with you being a whingy, whiney,bitchy, nagging old tart. :-P