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I have 4 kids, and am thinking of adopting one. I believe that we need to reduce the number of abortions because it is a horrible thing, but I think the answer is not to limit access to abortions but to stop the pregnancies in the first place. Something like 54% of black women who have one abortion have multiple abortions. This is so wrong. We can't win a fight with the religious nut jobs while at the same time not tackling the realities of a health care system that is designed to fail these women and making excuses like it's not a human life so it doesn't count.
Yet the Trump evangelical administration literally gutted Planned Parenthood. Especially vital in poor neighborhoods. Did they offer any form of replacement other than the advice to not fuck? Hell no and they’re not going to. Just more religious bullshit.

Religion came about when the first con man met the first fool.
I don't think I trust people thinking that they are qualified to know what is best for a women to decide to do with her body for her family.

No it's up to her to decide, which is what I have said from the first post. But too many men are taking the position that we should not be involved in any way shape or form and to me that is nuts. We should be involved in the education and prevention of unwanted pregnancies and making sure that women of all colors has access to free birth control and abortions when and if they make that decision. And I believe it has to be something the government is involved with so you better believe I will have input if they use my taxes for it.
Religion came about when the first con man met the first fool.


It came about by educated, wealthy men who wanted to keep the populous stupid and of course let them breed indefinitely to create more stupid subjects that they could tell what to do, make them believe it, and enslave them without them knowing it.
Yet the Trump evangelical administration literally gutted Planned Parenthood. Especially vital in poor neighborhoods. Did they offer any form of replacement other than the advice to not fuck? Hell no and they’re not going to. Just more religious bullshit.

Religion came about when the first con man met the first fool.

I'm an atheist but I know so many geniuses who are deeply religious. I'm not talking stable Trump geniuses, but rather Yale educated incredibly well read and world traveled people. And they all have problems with religion but not with God as they see it.

It came about by educated, wealthy men who wanted to keep the populous stupid and of course let them breed indefinitely to create more stupid subjects that they could tell what to do, make them believe it, and enslave them without them knowing it.

Yeah, that is what religion is. So how about the religions of people who don't fit into your little view there? Its pretty obvious that many religions have been subverted like you say, but to say that is what religion is doesn't show a lot of understanding. Get out and see the world, your kids are grown up now, now is your chance.
Yet the Trump evangelical administration literally gutted Planned Parenthood. Especially vital in poor neighborhoods. Did they offer any form of replacement other than the advice to not fuck? Hell no and they’re not going to. Just more religious bullshit.

Religion came about when the first con man met the first fool.

even the religous recognized when they were losing people (tithing) and came up with the New Testament.
Yeah, that is what religion is. So how about the religions of people who don't fit into your little view there? Its pretty obvious that many religions have been subverted like you say, but to say that is what religion is doesn't show a lot of understanding. Get out and see the world, your kids are grown up now, now is your chance.
religion is the belief of superstitions and myths
If you believe that anybody who is religious is an idiot and duped then you got problems. And people call me a cynic.
People are people first, the different religions don't really mean much more than what their school mascot is in predicting who's an idiot I would be willing to bet.