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Like I said, the ones I know don’t believe in that, they don’t believe god made the earth in seven days, they believe in metaphors, but the simple thing is to go ask some. I know catholic priests who don’t believe Jesus is coming back. You guys live in a bubble.
right. What Christians are he taking about ?
Middle class religious people tend to lose a lot of the doom and gloom I found, its when people are a little poorer they cling a little harder to the end times stuff, because that is when everything is better than what they have now.
Like I said, the ones I know don’t believe in that, they don’t believe god made the earth in seven days, they believe in metaphors, but the simple thing is to go ask some. I know catholic priests who don’t believe Jesus is coming back. You guys live in a bubble.
what do they believe ? Do you also know Catholic priest that touched little boys. were you touched ?
interesting little fact. The letter J was not created until 1300-1400. How the fuck we get Jesus in biblical times.
If you have it didn’t sink in. I speak a few languages and have lived in a few countries, not vacations or passing through. My experiences are unique as are most people, I’m 50 so I would expect people older than me to have experienced more than me, but you? I believe you are full of shit and what I’ve read in this thread doesn’t scream if a man with great insight
you live in a religion bubble. Thinking some deity is looking over you. You pray to the imaginary friend you have.
Jesús no es real. Eres un tonto para creer lo contrario. Usted entiende español ... ¿No
I have already said I am an atheist, I don't pray to any god. I think the concept of the clockwork god is kind of compelling but I am not a believer. I am saying that I know very religious people who are a lot smarter than anybody in this thread by miles including myself and to write them off as idiots for believing just shows that you are a fool. Think of all the scientists in the world who are deeply religious, and here a bunch of middle age stoners are the ones who claim to be in the know. Just stupid people.

I took Spanish in school but it is not my language, Japanese and English are my mother tongues.
God seems pretty mean, especially when he flattens churches with tornadoes full of his believers or sends a bus load of them off a cliff, kinda like a kid with a magnifying glass frying ants.
or that god knows all and sees all. never makes mistakes and is all knowing...but yet he had to destroy man during the flood. Did he not see that coming ? or does he get a kick out of destroying shit ? and who made the devil ?