RDWC grow on a DIY unit. White Widow feminised, 400 Watt

you're ending your 6th week? those buds don't look nearly developed as they should be.. funny though.. that happened to one of my plants my first time growing, it got bonsai'd out. hopefully they'll put on some weight. but i do say, you're doing swell for your first time 'round


Well-Known Member
you're ending your 6th week? those buds don't look nearly developed as they should be.. funny though.. that happened to one of my plants my first time growing, it got bonsai'd out. hopefully they'll put on some weight. but i do say, you're doing swell for your first time 'round
Thanks and I hope so too. I can only attribute it to some low temperatures that we've been having for the past couple of weeks where despite my best efforts the temperature in the room went to 12 C for a couple of hours (happens when it's -2 outside!).


Well-Known Member
no u may have added a little too much by accident? i have absolutely nothing to back this up except that i once added too much and i had weird white blotches appear on my leaves kind of looked bleached. never had the problem again it was just a one off thing. i still use h202 though its great stuff i put it in every res change which for me is every 2 days at the moment. just real careful with the dose. mines 50% so real strong and i add 1 ml to every 4l


Well-Known Member
no u may have added a little too much by accident? i have absolutely nothing to back this up except that i once added too much and i had weird white blotches appear on my leaves kind of looked bleached. never had the problem again it was just a one off thing. i still use h202 though its great stuff i put it in every res change which for me is every 2 days at the moment. just real careful with the dose. mines 50% so real strong and i add 1 ml to every 4l
I'm not even close to that dosage. I use the 3% off the counter stuff so there's no way in a 14 litre rez to have overdone it. The funny thing is that I've tried to look for images with leaves that look kinda like mine but it proved impossible. I'm leaning towards the low temperature situation that we had lately, that might be the cause tho again I'm not sure. The room she's in is the northern one that takes all the bloody wind (I'm not living in a city so there are no building to protect my place) and the temperatures have been a killer. I got the heating at full throttle and still the house is not at it's best. Just to give you an idea, at the moment (12:25 pm) it's all sunny, but the outside temperature is at 3 C and that's without any wind. If it starts blowing, it'll be even worse.

This morning, her ppms were at about 400, I gave her a fresh rez with 500 ppms and another foliar feed with that magnesium stuff, and let her go to sleep. In ten and a half hours that lights will come on again, we'll see how she goes.


Well-Known Member
After a long thought, I decided that tonight I'm going to raise her ppms. The mix is ready and sits at 1100 ppms (250 of which comes from my water). Used approximately 18.5 mls FloraGrow, 37.5 mls FloraMicro (hardwater) and 56 mls FloraBloom over 16 litres water. (funny thing is that i used the calculator at the GH site to get the 850 ppms number I wanted but to achieve it I used 3/4 of the recommended dosage. Just saying).

So tonight at 23:00 I'll make the change and will obviously keep a close eye on her to see what'll happen.


Well-Known Member
hmmm got me stumped then.

ouch man thats bloody cold. if it makes u feel any better over here at the moment its about 40c and 89% humidity i think i would prefer it cold


Well-Known Member
hmmm got me stumped then.

ouch man thats bloody cold. if it makes u feel any better over here at the moment its about 40c and 89% humidity i think i would prefer it cold
Nah, for me heat it's far better than cold. Gimme 40 C all the time and I'm happy :) I'm actually contemplating getting a place in the southern hemisphere and follow the summer all year long :p


Well-Known Member
I'm happy to say that whatever the problem was seems to have gone now. Personally, from what I read and discussed here and elsewhere, I think that it was due to that spell of low temperature we had. It's temporarily solved now but I have to get a dedicated heater in there at some point. Actually I'm thinking in a couple of months to install a proper AC that will do for both heat and cold.

Her readings are very steady, ph at a wonderful 5.7 and ppms at 1130 (I upped them to 1100 a couple of days ago and she seems to be ok with them). Hopefully she'll start fattening up in the next couple of weeks.

Some leaves show bad due to the problem that she had but it hasn't spread, so all's well. Here are some photos:



Well-Known Member
Hey all. Been a busy week so haven't done any updating. At the same time my camera broke down, had to buy a new one so I went a bit photo-happy ;)

ppms at around 1200 and ph more or less stable at 5.8, I have to adjust it from 6.0 every couple of days



Well-Known Member
Looking great bluez - keep it up, the finish line is in sight!! :weed: Great looking pics by the way - the new camera is handling that HID light much better!


Well-Known Member
And she's still taking her time. That's good on the one hand as I'm terribly busy and she's on the auto pilot. She drinks about 2 litres a day, she keeps her ph stable at 5.8 while she's taking the ppms up to the 1600s and when I'm refilling I bring em down to 1400s.

Tonight I'll change the rezz, I'm aiming at 1200 more or less (about 250 from my water, the rest will be 1/4 Flora Micro and 3/4 Flora Bloom)



Active Member
almost there! looking good. maybe a bit fluffy bit let see what the next 2 weeks will bring for you :)

im also growing a ww atm. not nearly anywhere close to this though. havent switched to 12/12 yet. im also in europe and feel your pain about the lack if proper DIY equipment and opportunities.

ill be watching this. good luck!


Well-Known Member
almost there! looking good. maybe a bit fluffy bit let see what the next 2 weeks will bring for you :)

im also growing a ww atm. not nearly anywhere close to this though. havent switched to 12/12 yet. im also in europe and feel your pain about the lack if proper DIY equipment and opportunities.

ill be watching this. good luck!
Cheers mate :) Yeah I hope she'll start fattening up in the next couple of weeks. Pistils are still white so if I'm right that means that she still have plenty of growth ahead of her. I'm thinking that she'll be ready at the end of this month or the beginning of March at the latest. Regarding the DIY equipment is like fucken hell, you really have to make due with household products and a lot of fantasy!