Rape culture

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Sorry, but you moved the goal posts, omitting important pieces of the argument.
i put exactly what was needed

that nudity makes you uptight changes nothing
Sharing photos with complete strangers, many of them, is a characterization of needing approval.
what if the say hello first are they then complete strangers?
Based on your argument then, all porn stars and strippers are simply comfortable with their bodies and nothing else.
pornstars? strippers? where? did i miss them?
Yes. Issues is the correct answer.

Only some of us are adults here

Some are children. And it's obvious who is who.

Just ignore them. They're silly and jealous.

I don't even know what they're saying. But by all your responses, I can guess.

So funny though. One of them shared nudes a mod had sent him with other people. How gross it that?
Yeah I'll leave you adults swap naked pics with one another n ill be balls deep in my missus...
i put exactly what was needed

that nudity makes you uptight changes nothing

what if the say hello first are they then complete strangers?

pornstars? strippers? where? did i miss them?
porn stars n strippers are getting paid to do so... you really can't argue it's hilarious loool
Unable to answer a simple question, so you try to turn the argument. Go to bed. You're not good at this.
you had no argument to start with just some crappy assertions stemming from a seeming disgust of womens sexuality

did you have a religious upbringing that made you hate women or did they not pay enough attention to you at school?
citation needed

citation needed
just cause you say something doesnt make it true

i think you care Waaay too much about what other people do with their lives

Here, have some light reading before bed.


Then there are a plethora of sites that explain sending nude photos to strangers as a means of satisfying primeval desires, not necessarily characterized by lack of self-esteem. However, that in no way detracts from the characterization of being labeled.
you had no argument to start with just some crappy assertions stemming from a seeming disgust of womens sexuality

did you have a religious upbringing that made you hate women or did they not pay enough attention to you at school?

Ignoring my facts and my statements doesn't qualify your claim, "you had no argument to start with just some...."

I don't believe in God. I don't hate anyone, especially women. I think the woman's body is a beautiful thing. I just think that little girls who show up on pot forums seeking attention by posting stupid threads and providing nude pictures of themselves to complete strangers is classless and can be characterized as having self-esteem issues.

Im sorry you're too stupid to comprehend that logic. Not my fault you aren't very bright.
Here, have some light reading before bed, dipshit.


Then there are a plethora of sites that explain sending nude photos to strangers as a means of satisfying primeval desires, not necessarily characterized by lack of self-esteem. However, that in no way detracts from the characterization of being labeled a whore.
blogs by the equivalent of "dr phill"=/= quality evidence

labeling someone a "whore" speaks more of your own insecurities and issues that it does to person its aimed at

you care way too much about what a grown woman does
I workout 6 days a week n pride myself on my appearance,I am by no means ashamed of my body lol nor do i need a strangers approval of my nude bit to boost my self worth n as for my "labiods" I've no idea how that relates to showing strangers my bits but I've my gf for sex if that's what you mean lol.
If your showing ur tits off to a stranger for approval you're obviously a very sad individual. if you want sex go the fuck out ffs.i u want a wank go watch porn.
Exercise can't fix ugly....
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