Rape culture

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I think this thread needs something...

Everyone smoke a bowl and chill the fuck out.

I dislike judgemental people. We don't get along...

Not uptight about seeing naked bodies. I've seen a few naked bodies from here. But the person who gave them was not handing them out like candy and bragging about doing it to everyone on the site.
wow and how does this hurt you? Does ego hurt??

Please know the substance of the subject before injecting yourself into the conversation.
And how was your ego hurt by this?
Not you... the ginger

Already forgotten dear. If you ignore button them, they disappear.

It's the only thing to do about trolls. They can't be reasoned with. Their behaviour can't be explained or understood.

They are just trolls. They want your feelings. They eat your hate.

Don't. Feed. The. Trolls.
you made the claim now its up to you to show how/why they are different...

i'll just wait here while you try

Providing nude photographs of yourself to complete strangers on the internet is not a characterization of someone comfortable with their sexuality. It's a characterization that the person has self-esteem issues and is seeking approval from others. Would you care to counter that? I'd be interested to know your thoughts.
sharing pics =/= needing approval

its not a hard concept

Sorry, but you moved the goal posts, omitting important pieces of the argument.

Sharing photos with complete strangers, many of them, is a characterization of needing approval.

Based on your argument then, all porn stars and strippers are simply comfortable with their bodies and nothing else.
Not uptight about seeing naked bodies. I've seen a few naked bodies from here. But the person who gave them was not handing them out like candy and bragging about doing it to everyone on the site.

Please know the substance of the subject before injecting yourself into the conversation.
so its ok when you see naked bodies but if some woman show it shes a whore?

youve got issues dude
It doesn't matter. It shouldn't matter. It's a stupid argument and if that plays any part in how you're voting I'm hugely ashamed to call you a fellow citizen.

You`re right, it plays no roll and does not matter to my vote. But sure would suck to have to look at Hillary for four years over Trumps lady. Hillary`s lady is in the closet and bill just wont do.
so its ok when you see naked bodies but if some woman show it shes a whore?

youve got issues dude
Yes. Issues is the correct answer.

We are adults on the internet. I don't like police myself.
Only some of us are adults here

Some are children. And it's obvious who is who.

Just ignore them. They're silly and jealous.

I don't even know what they're saying. But by all your responses, I can guess.

So funny though. One of them shared nudes a mod had sent him with other people. How gross it that?
so its ok when you see naked bodies but if some woman show it shes a whore?

youve got issues dude

Your debate skills and logic are poor.

The people of whom I saw photos of were people I engaged with on a daily basis for over a year before anything happened. They did it in confidence and I keep that interaction and relationship private with the person(s) I did that with.

That is very different from the current situation.

Jesus you are not good at this. Go to bed.
Providing nude photographs of yourself to complete strangers on the internet is not a characterization of someone comfortable with their sexuality.
citation needed
It's a characterization that the person has self-esteem issues and is seeking approval from others.
citation needed
just cause you say something doesnt make it true
Would you care to counter that? I'd be interested to know your thoughts.
i think you care Waaay too much about what other people do with their lives
Yes. Issues is the correct answer.

Only some of us are adults here

Some are children. And it's obvious who is who.

Just ignore them. They're silly and jealous.

I don't even know what they're saying. But by all your responses, I can guess.

So funny though. One of them shared nudes a mod had sent him with other people. How gross it that?

Your antagonist skills are poor. Only dumb-dumbs are gullible enough to fall for your shit.

Geewizimthashiz... that you?
citation needed

citation needed
just cause you say something doesnt make it true

i think you care Waaay too much about what other people do with their lives

Unable to answer a simple question, so you try to turn the argument. Go to bed. You're not good at this.
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