Rape culture

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Oh damn. That slipped by, I read it! Boooo

Hey I bet there's lots of people that aren't ashamed of their bodies and heave healthy active labidos that share nudes online.

I've even seen some of a mod from here. I wouldn't want to be too blabby about it. But great tits.

Everyone does it. At least all the cool kids...
I workout 6 days a week n pride myself on my appearance,I am by no means ashamed of my body lol nor do i need a strangers approval of my nude bit to boost my self worth n as for my "labiods" I've no idea how that relates to showing strangers my bits but I've my gf for sex if that's what you mean lol.
If your showing ur tits off to a stranger for approval you're obviously a very sad individual. if you want sex go the fuck out ffs.i u want a wank go watch porn.
you do know its now 2016? and that its ok for women to be comfortable with their sexuality?

Being comfortable with your sexuality and sending and receiving naked photos on a pot forum are two completely different things.

I workout 6 days a week n pride myself on my appearance,I am by no means ashamed of my body lol nor do i need a strangers approval of my nude bit to boost my self worth n as for my "labiods" I've no idea how that relates to showing strangers my bits but I've my gf for sex if that's what you mean lol.
If your showing ur tits off to a stranger for approval you're obviously a very sad individual. if you want sex go the fuck out ffs.i u want a wank go watch porn.

It's true. Dude has such a weird boner for me it's cray. Haha

Meh, let us never speak of him again! I haven't read a post he's made in 2016! None of them.

It's glorious.

So talking about online nudes (well tits and ass, I've never sent Vagini) in a rape thread?

Um...should we all start praying to Satan now?? If there's a hell - we are going there. Hahah

You are a walking contradiction. Transparently desperate dad issues.
I workout 6 days a week n pride myself on my appearance,I am by no means ashamed of my body lol nor do i need a strangers approval of my nude bit to boost my self worth n as for my "labiods" I've no idea how that relates to showing strangers my bits but I've my gf for sex if that's what you mean lol.
If your showing ur tits off to a stranger for approval you're obviously a very sad individual. if you want sex go the fuck out ffs.i u want a wank go watch porn.

cool story bro!!! just needs some unicorns

since when is being comfortable with you own body been about "needing approval"?

i think mr body builder here is projecting a teeny lil' bit ;)
cool story bro!!! just needs some unicorns

since when is being comfortable with you own body been about "needing approval"?

i think mr body builder here is projecting a teeny lil' bit ;)
needing approval was in reference to sharing naked pics with strangers...dumbass. you really are a special kind of stupid.
ha ha seeing as to how uptight you and see4 are about the possibility of some internet woman somewhere being happy to show her body.
Yes i would agree your the lonley ones here

how did i manage to find myself in this puritan backwater?

Not uptight about seeing naked bodies. I've seen a few naked bodies from here. But the person who gave them was not handing them out like candy and bragging about doing it to everyone on the site.

Please know the substance of the subject before injecting yourself into the conversation.
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