I could see myself voting for his dad, I could not vote for him. I've seen him publicly endorse the use of misinformation speaking to a group of medical students, I don't particularly want a president who right up front endorses misleading me. His use of a recent study to say that cutting unemployment benefits helps people is a good example. He cited it as evidence to say the opposite of what it did, the economist that authored the study wrote an op-ed saying so. I guess you could technically pick between liar or moron.
He also got caught plagiarizing a whole bunch of times for his speeches and a portion of at least one of his books, that's theft. He then appeared publicly to lie about it.
I see him as a tainted version of his father who touts the same message but is in large part just a full of shit political whore.
I think it's a great idea to vote for candidates that don't stand a chance. Picking between giant douche or turd sandwich because they're establishment candidates who can raise lots of money serves no good purpose. If everyone would just stop it we'd stop having shitbags for president, at a minimum a modest increase in their numbers may result in some political changes.