Rand Paul NSA lawsuit


Well-Known Member
As far as upcoming candidates he has to be my guy I suppose. At least with him I know he will get a spanking from his Pops
if he does anything too stupid.

Here is a link to his site and signup for the lawsuit. http://www.randpaul2016.com/


Well-Known Member
saw they were running sort of a smear campaign on him a few months back. trying to get him to cite every source when he speaks. good luck w that.I like Ron but he's too old to get the younger vote. maybe rand has a chance


Well-Known Member
I like him too but why vote for someone who has NO chance?
So you can always say hey, don't blame me, I didn't vote for him. Ill never understand why people can't just vote for who they like rather than who they think will win.

Don't blame me, I voted for gary johnson.


Well-Known Member
As a Libertarian I personally like Rand. That said I truly believe our next president needs to have at least once held a minimum wage job and/or be a military vet to start. Furthermore some executive leadership experience and ability seems imperative. IMO it is this basic lack of reality and disconnect of gov't leadership that literally threatens the future of this country.



Well-Known Member
I would vote for anyone that is not on the take from corporate America. I have yet to see this candidate


Well-Known Member
I could see myself voting for his dad, I could not vote for him. I've seen him publicly endorse the use of misinformation speaking to a group of medical students, I don't particularly want a president who right up front endorses misleading me. His use of a recent study to say that cutting unemployment benefits helps people is a good example. He cited it as evidence to say the opposite of what it did, the economist that authored the study wrote an op-ed saying so. I guess you could technically pick between liar or moron.
He also got caught plagiarizing a whole bunch of times for his speeches and a portion of at least one of his books, that's theft. He then appeared publicly to lie about it.
I see him as a tainted version of his father who touts the same message but is in large part just a full of shit political whore.

I think it's a great idea to vote for candidates that don't stand a chance. Picking between giant douche or turd sandwich because they're establishment candidates who can raise lots of money serves no good purpose. If everyone would just stop it we'd stop having shitbags for president, at a minimum a modest increase in their numbers may result in some political changes.


Well-Known Member
I want Elizabeth Warren to run. I think she would be a great candidate.
What exactly would you hope to accomplish with consecutive, over a decade of, liberal law professors holding the executive office of this country? Or are you just being facetious :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Hopefully less money going towards the military industrial complex and more going towards fixing our infrastructure. Corporations and banks being held accountable for their actions and a living wage would be a good start. Ending corporate personhood would be nice too. I understand the thinking of not wanting a welfare country but the problem with that is some of our biggest employers in this country don't pay there employees enough to not be on welfare. Huge corporations don't need tax breaks small businesses do.



Well-Known Member
Hopefully less money going towards the military industrial complex and more going towards fixing our infrastructure. Corporations and banks being held accountable for their actions and a living wage would be a good start. Ending corporate personhood would be nice too. I understand the thinking of not wanting a welfare country but the problem with that is some of our biggest employers in this country don't pay there employees enough to not be on welfare. Huge corporations don't need tax breaks small businesses do.
All admirable desires my friend, but what leadership, ability and vision do you see provided this country by liberal law professors in an executive role? Law is a very costly adversarial arena with clear winners and losers completely devoid of equality and/or accountability (see modern day Washington DC and Wall Street). The road to hell is paved with good intentions and nothing tells that story like the fall of Rome. I believe it is important to look at the ruling class the last couple centuries of the "Roman Empire" which clearly consumed the long standing and once great "Roman Republic" leaving the world in a period of intellectual darkness and economic regression for nearly 1000 years: the Dark Ages. The fall of Rome is not all about the welfare state and politician's bread & circuses games, that was simply a unsustainable means of maintaining power.


Well-Known Member
I could see myself voting for his dad, I could not vote for him.I see him as a tainted version of his father who touts the same message but is in large part just a full of shit political whore.

Exactly. He didn't even back HIS OWN FATHER when he was running for president. He endorsed Mitt Romney. WTF?
Rand Paul shares only a last name with his father. It will be a LONG time before we see another Ron Paul.
If it was about winning the election Republicans would have run Ron Paul and would have wiped Obama's ass all across the sidewalk, but he's not for big business. He still believes in the constitution, he loves this country, and he is not corruptible.
Not exactly selling points for the Republicans when looking for a candidate.