sKip tHis sHoRt story, it's boring.buck (and budsmi) -budsmi is a strange bird. I defended 3mg around the time they had the camping BBQ last summer. someone that got banned there, started a thread to bash 3mg just before thier party. I forgot the posters name, but what a douche... guy was severely butt hurt so he tries to sabotage a party scheduled for dozens. Took it upon myself to toll-troll that troller, a hobby of mine, and then guess who shows up? Yep, budsmi. budsmi was the only one that really defended that baby online, chuckle chuckle, saboteur of the 3mg picnic.So budsmi jumps on my PM and starts blasting me with swear words, attacks etc. I immediately surrender because it was my best tactic, afterall i just wanted to derail his friend from shit talking about another site lmao. Next thing you know I'm gettin' a invite to holler and say hello the next time I'm in the D. / sSo (buck) draw your own conclusions, but don't underestimate how many varied ppl are on the web, may unaffiliated w any groups... sensitive stony types that take everything personal and have no idea what thick-skin really is so things get exacerbated. nothing personal budsmi (I have a theory about who you really are from 3MA) whom 'appears' shy or standoffish online. who are you really personality wise, what are your beliefs... B'cuz we can't tell shit w your one-liners, but you know that!? Lol, and then in PMs.. the guy (buds) is hell on wheels. not sure if you're a damage-control poser or just a lil awkward. no disrespect, -
very nice!
yes very unproductive

but I didn't think it was boring....

kinda fun I've had to pull over a dozen times to write! LOLOL

*bomB squad to the rescue ....situation diffused!
aBe >uR the best!
definately a secret squirrel or morocco mole type-

very smoov!
my forensics were pretty close tho...
that is Xactly who I thought Mibuds

was too Abe
.....he didn't like it I don't thnk
i followed that 3mg shit too...
and I went to the epic campfire smoke circle!! *

i watched the freaked out guy post the warnings about 3mg

--how they scared him by saying they would get his address...
I read the whole thing
i tell you I read every new post every day on every site....

not hard to do
my spidey senses tell me it could be wiLL2 who gt banned
--->my spidey senses also told me budsMi was involved with that incident ....

you confirmed it-
-so my forensics is calibrated here in the 10ThD-and all is good-
I too have my suspicions of his other 'shy' 3ma persona...doesn't matter-
anonymity is somthing we all enjoy here
now that my forensics are calibrated correctly and tested tho
I bet we're on the same page...doesn't matter
bcuz the "glad he's stoned"

guy pressed the button it is dead....
budsMi gets a "fuk-u" pass from Glad--
yes it does help
when you put a stamp on someone here glaD

since sUm of uS respect and enjoy ur stuff*---
u r trusted here w*

5jt rating (highest) I thnk?
i have no problem taking on some of the 3ma types...
at least in here I can speak my mind to them and they don't have the trump card
or can censor me or gang up on a red nagga like me
I *almost feel I got phamily in here
welcome to RIU boards budsMi

!sorry we had to "smokeU*

*out- RIU stylee
now that you got your balls busted tho..

...RIU stylee....welcome here
the good brother aBe has a Xanax effect when shit gets all Morton Downey --

or Jerry springer
guess u kno him...?
hes like that big bald guy 'steve' on *Jerry springer that keeps the

n has his own show now
sum of us are hoping aBe*letterman getS hiS oWn site so we can join and laF.

...lafter is the beSt meDs
we are not 3ma here tho-
sum of us here see who you support...

they allow that here
i don't care unless the rhetoric bleeds in...
--it stinks to most of us
sum of us will push back on it-
we don't want your address to come get you...
we dont play that way
we r mostly outsiders here thats why this is a pts plaCe....irie usually
we can have some funy laffs here @times

and some scrappy arguments
not everyone likes everyone here.
..that's what's kiNdA kewl
u have to maneuver thru the bS here
we are mostly pts *cgs and pharmerz here
we won't try and come and get u or u won't get banned here easily
freedom of speech is for everyone regardless of opinions
no agendas here but to have nO aGenda-
so the little pisSing match is over here ....
.nothing to see here....
move along..

..keep moving please
yes I did post u a negative rep on some bullshit support post you put bad-