
did you just use the "NOT" from 1998 Wayne Campbell? Party on Garth!!!! LOL if this was like a real room in a real place it'd be like Dave Chappelle imagined the internet just buck wild ass-kicking and weird-o's going berserker.
What does the emoticon represent to you?

more violence? the need to pound?

stick around buds, you'll learn to better express yourself. everything's gonna be ok bubby
You can rest assured that will has little enough to do with 3ma aside from being registered on the site. He is not me. I take my own heat, thankuverymuch. If I want to sling shit, which I do not, there will not be anyone else sent. You can take consolation, however, in that we will be happy to send those peeps who are in any way unwanted where they belong.

glaD u :blsmoke:claRifieD thaT--""willy""had me wondering....

it takes an 800lb gorilla to say that!:bigjoint:

i would expect ""they"" need an 800lb onLine go-rilla to keep the staus quo [biGjOb]
--nice avatar!:eyesmoke:
my guess the >iLLumanAti<fed you sum morE truth and u aRe now the 800lb guy with the secrets8-)

funy >you talk like you kno "will" the 'activist-
(running forensics-)bongsmilie

he said he is ""caught-up"" in sum inter web forum argument type violent and scary conflict....???......:eek:

and >they (u??) chased him away from 3ma [wat?? NO!!!! -not 'wilL' !!!]

...he also said he was chased from the former 3ma members >3mg site
...which I understand why-

he said he is an "activist"
....but didn't really tell us any activism except to cite MCL and call a lot of folks in here names...??

>>it sounded very 3ma-"ish" to me personally...I have seen alot of that movie b4


information propaganda minister is my name for the> 800lb go-:bigjoint:rilla

uber-meister of party info:blsmoke:

donald Rumsfeld of the mmma:sleep:

stakeholder >patient 'liason'-ombudsman;-)

information comp-Troller:wall:

new ""go-to"" ansWer guy-:lol:

joe Cain 'hater' in disguise as a nice pt activist info leader...:cuss:..but really an 800lb go-rilla
(makes sense)

prolly not able to unleash your full 800lb "weight"???
--now that you are a high profile inteRnet roCk stAr and point man foR tHe illuminAti cannaBis kRew---?

and poster boy for 3ma--that wouldn't looK gOOd for 3ma

whers dr lector?(lecture)
and the rest of the clone army-

""wE" will b haPPy to sEnd awaY....[??]

--who's ""wE"" and dO yOu --reAlly havE thaT mucH poWer?? !!! faaawk! (I nEw iT) 800lbs iS aLot-

--->>i truly think 'anyone' is welcome here :leaf:if they aren't trying to co-opt the site and bring it under an agenda-:wall:

or stir up shit w members and try to get them banned-

(we have free speech here and >fair< uncensoring mods):eyesmoke:

nobody will gang up on u here unless u like it liKe that or liKe blanket parties for agenda driven people...:peace:
fully aware that deleted posts can be seen by moderators. been around this block twice.
request granted.:leaf: ok, from you too Buck.
fully aware that deleted posts can be seen by moderators. been around this block twice.
request granted.:leaf: ok, from you too Buck.

yeah buckaroo here on planetX -:bigjoint:

seeing :shock:smoke over there in the 2nD dimension flatscreen hD interweb realm of RIU.....
--any fiyah?:joint:

reMember kiDs stiX and stOneS cAn breAk sUm boNes but violEnt iNterWeb thReaTs wiLL gEt yOu baNned--:eyesmoke: