Raids in montana


Well-Known Member
Check out news just using the search "Raid Marijuana" Cali and Montana have had over a dozen raids. This was a large coordinated effort. I'm pissed, not only because of the harm this will do patients, but this might blow the Med MJ law in CT.


Well-Known Member
I smell interstate commerce and tax evasion. dumbasses... greedy fuckin dumbasses. if you're gonna sell illegal shit across state borders, at least pay The Man some taxes! make up a fucking business; say you sell your own art, ANYTHING!!! I'll bet dollars to donuts the ppl gettin fucked with are flossin & rollin in big money rides & shit without filing taxes; S T U P I D!!!!!


Active Member
Interesting. I keep reading more and more of about these raids. Load of crap. Happened to be an advert running on the page for the Flat Head Valley "Mixologist" contest. Oh the irony.