Well let me break down theory as I understand it. 99% isopropyl has a 1% water portion to it. That 1% gets bigger towards the end of its evaporation as it draws in moisture from the environment, but is infinitely miscible w water, making the residues denatured until there isn't a moisture content remaining. When your dealing w 151-200 proof moonshine, the residues are not toxic in the denaturing sense, fit for human consumption as it were derived from grain fermentation. These last water portions that remain leave a superior top note esp when the extract keeps about <15% moisture content. This is where ethanol excels is in the taste preservation and higher selectivity, pulling out less junk and when coupled w propane or co2, nice game changing additions have made separation from people using substandard solvents.
Despite me giving you the definition, you still don't seem to understand what denatured means.