quistion about cops watching me?

Okay so I'm growing illegally and I use 2-360 Watt. Hps bulbs and. 2-400 Watt hps bulbs pluse a couple cfl lights that get the spots in-between. Now to the point I just switched power provider's. And when I did I got a smart meter installed, I've only had it for about. 2.1/2 months now. I'm not vegging any plants Just flowering 12/12 , now I have a peach tree right in front of my house )yummy I love those peaches ! (¥), and one of the Branches was hanging in front of the door way blocking the numbers to the house and pretty much everything, there's like a over hang and then the tree so theres like 5 foot of space that if you came to my house you could like walk and go under or around this branch and be in a little 5 ft space that's unsee from the road. I went out there this moring and at like 4 pm and everything was the same then, I went out at like. 7Pm and the branch that hangs in the way was cut off. I asked my land lord if he did it and he said no! I was like. Wtf. Wonder if the cops did this to try getting close to my place to try smelling or see if they could see anything and if i came out they would use cutting down the branch as a excuse for snooping around. Does any one think there could be another reason, this branch was blocking Evey thing my mail box house number and a clear veiw from the road into the front door. Who the fuck did this.. my power bill is $275 a month. At 0.5900 kwh . Almost 6 cent


Well-Known Member
First of all...Why are you running 4 lights when you could run 1 of the same wattage and power, but more efficient. Your house sounds like an electrical nightmare. Cops don't wander onto people's property to cut branches of trees out of the way that are hindering their investigation. First of all, that is completely illegal. Almost as illegal as what you are doing yourself. It's trespassing and well as vandalism/damage to private property depending on where you live.

And $275 a month for a power bill? I hope you live in NY or CA, otherwise, that is absolute lunacy. I could run 20 kilowatts a day non-stop and my power bill wouldn't go that high.


Well-Known Member
Cut off or broken off? Maybe some kids playing tarzan or just trying to get some peaches and the branch broke. Was the branch hindering the line of sight for traffic? Cops aren't going to jeopardize an investigation like that. I guarantee you that. I had a 2 bedroom house with electric bills like that. It was old as fuck. No growing just heating. Good luck. And relax.


Staff member
most likely kids, bad teenagers someone stupid, cat, whatever,
cops wont do that
remember just because YOU know youre doing something illegal doesnt mean anyone else knows

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
my bill is often over 400/month. I know another grower whose bill has exceeded 700/month. We both have smart meters.

Don't sweat it bro.

do you really think the man needs to cut branches off your trees to watch you if they want?


Well-Known Member
sounds like you are just paranoid and that would be one of the last things an investigator would do.


Staff member
it was the government they set up a new distraction the case of the missing branch in order to move peoples thoughts from their illuminti and lizard like people within the government so that they could stage another roswell


Well-Known Member
it was the government they set up a new distraction the case of the missing branch in order to move peoples thoughts from their illuminti and lizard like people within the government so that they could stage another roswell
Sunni, your looking very beautiful this morning, but perhaps you should try to eat a little breakfast. hahahaha!:eyesmoke:

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Tape the branch the tree shuld be fine....just give it a bit of superthrive and dont stress to much tree's are pretty resilient!
The limb was cut off the tree. If I was doing drug deals at my door step you could not see it if u were a cop is what I'm saying, I'm not just saying cop's are cutting trees down for no reason if u think about what im saying, if the cop's were watching me thay needed to cut the branch to watch me. Kids dont make /perfect slice marks on a 4 inches around tree branch. Idk understand what the guy at the top is talking about. I have 4 -400 Watt high bay ballast lights, 2 of them are metal halide ballasters an the other two are hps ballasters, that only power 400 Watt bulbs an less. The 360 Watt bulbs are conversation hps bulbs for a metal halide , ballast I can't run any hps bulbs in a metal halide ballast . I'm running a total Just in lights is almost 2000 Watts 12 hrs in the am till 6pm , so that smart meter is showing a spike every day for 12hrs of almost. 2000 Watts.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Not trying to be offensive here but by the looks of those plants you need to spend more time with them and less time looking out your window for the boogeyman.